ZetaTalk: Visitations Page 10
following the moving arrow. Lights, and in particular colored lights, are a communication vehicle in human society.
But should humans travel to another world, a red stop light would not carry the same meaning, and with the advanced
technology used by visitors, signaling each other with colored lights is not necessary. All ships, from all groups, are
aware of each other due to computer coordination of visitors from the Council of Worlds. We are aware of each other,
sight unseen. Then why different landing lights on our ships or different colored beams of light or different colors in
examining rooms? It's commonly known that lights in different spectrums illuminate different aspects of an object by
causing a reaction in the bathed object, and that some color spectrums cannot be seen by certain life forms. Horses and
dogs, for instance, are color blind. Thus, our ships use many more lights than humans are aware of, assuming as they do that we zip about in the darkness when in fact they simply can't see the lights we are using. And when different
colored lights are seen, this is not a deliberate use of color but a deliberate functional use of different wave lengths.
The color is incidental and irrelevant.
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ZetaTalk: Black Box
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ZetaTalk: Black Box
Note: written on Apr 15, 1996
Many contactees recall being presented with a black box or similar object, and being told they will know what to do
with it when the time comes. They feel they know what this means, down deep, but try as they may are unable to
connect the meaning to their conscious thoughts. This is because they have agreed, in conference with the Service-to-
Other aliens they are in contact with, that dealing consciously with this knowledge would be upsetting, and there is no
necessity to remember until the moment to act has arrived. What will this activity be?
During the coming Earth cataclysms, all life, everywhere on the globe, will be operating in crisis mode. From the
lowliest crab on the ocean floor finding the floor turning hot and the waters cloudy with particles in turmoil, to the
birds in flight finding themselves unable to direct their flight in torquing winds that literally tear their open wings off, to rodents finding their hovels collapsing on them but a battering rain of tiny hail stones when they go out in the open -
all life will be in crisis mode. At this moment, prepared or unprepared, humans will also be in crisis mode. They may have prepared, and in truth come through unscathed because of this, but during the hour or so when the pole shift is
occurring they will surely be in a state of panic. For those humans who have not prepared, the expression of their panic can range from catatonic paralysis to perpetual ineffective motion.
Many contactees, operating in the Service-to-Other mode and wishing to stay by the side of their loved ones, have
chosen a role for themselves which cannot be implemented until the time comes. They are prepared, but have wisely
chosen not to dwell on it in the short time left, as it would serve no purpose.
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ZetaTalk: Missing Pilots
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ZetaTalk: Missing Pilots
Note: written on May 15, 1996
Encounters with UFO's have on rare occasions resulted in the disappearance of an airplane and its pilot, never to be
seen again. What happened to these pilots? Were they captured or killed? When space ships disappear, winking out in
the sky in an instant, they are essentially moving into another density. We have explained that density switching has its dangers, and if the ship is programmed to switch with its surrounding airspace, the switch takes the pilot and plane
with it. Thus the pilot finds himself suddenly in a 4th Density existence, without atmosphere to breathe. This is a quick and painless death for the startled pilots, who have little chance to sort it out before they lose consciousness.
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ZetaTalk: Abduction Term
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ZetaTalk: Abduction Term
Note: written on Oct 15, 1995
The term abduction was assigned to our visitations with our contactees early in the present day heated discussions
about the alien presence. Prior to the latter half of this century, visits from aliens were termed a glimpsed fairy, an
invoked demon, a guardian angel, or perhaps one of God's chariots in the sky. Humans tended to ascribe, correctly,
their role in calling for the contact. They were brooding alone in the woods, were openly wishing to sell their soul for
assistance in ridding themselves of a rival, were feeling frightened or confused and wondering if they truly had a
guardian, or were anticipating a sighting in the sky and looking up in anticipation. The term abduction implies no such participation, and was chosen deliberately for this reason by humans wishing to put the brakes on the Transformation
by giving a subliminal message to the populace. One could refer to a job as one's chosen career, one's occupation,
one's current employment, bringing home the bacon, putting in one's dues, or going to the salt mines. The term used
influences the attitude.
The abduction term is perpetuated in part because the number of recent contactees, who are on the rise, are lately given
only subconscious memories of the affair where in the past were allowed to remember consciously. Key indicators are
thus missed, and the contactee remembers only their quiet day and then the sudden appearance of a scar or a vague
feeling that something momentous has occurred. If hypnotized, the contactee will express emotions such as anxiety
over the strange circumstances or longing for a hybrid offspring, and this is viewed out of context with their normal
life. Are they not anxious when encountering strange circumstances outside of visitations? Would they not feel longing if seeing only briefly a child they were going to give up for adoption? Humans in a hypnotized state express their
emotions openly, where normally controlled, and thus the emotions are registered by those in attendance as extreme.
For contrast, hypnotize a contactee and take them to their wedding night, the birth of a child, or their first day on an
important job.
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ZetaTalk: Abduction Right
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ZetaTalk: Abduction Right
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Some humans raise heated objections to the genetic engineering program we are conducting. We have been granted the
right to proceed from the Council of Worlds. Some call this the Association of Worlds. The name is not important, as
all members understand, intuitively, what it is of we speak. Seeding planets, the genetic evolution whereby the genetic
fiber of the intelligent species on a planet keeps pace with its spiritual development or spiritual level, is governed by the Council. Homo Sapiens is to leap (albeit over generations) to a higher level of intelligence and telepathic ability.
Accordingly, we have been given a charter to proceed, albeit humanely, in this work. Our time frame is clear to us.
This work is not, as you say, a snap. It is stretching our abilities, which are considerably higher than yours, at the
current time. The checking and test
ing we do is most necessary. Since you would not be capable of understanding, we
won't explain the details.
The comparisons between this important work and experiments humans do on animals or other humans cannot be
made. Would you compare the hunting of a wolf pack to the dedication of a research team intent on finding the cure to
a disease? Both are a pack or team. Both are dedicated. Both teams feel their work is of vital importance to them.
However, their missions cannot be compared. Our purpose has been twisted. However, we do not allow anger to rule
us. This we learned to control some time ago. Like most who dedicate themselves to a good purpose, we focus on the
future, on the mission being a success, and on the happiness that will ensue from this. We focus on the long term, not
the short term.
Given the above analogy, how would you, as humans, given the mission to genetically engineer a wolf pack into a
higher intelligence, proceed? Since the wolf can bite, can kill you, and would surely do so if threatened, you would
tranquilize it. You consider this humane. You do this today when tagging wildlife. You mean this wildlife no harm,
and seek to reduce injury and reassure the creatures you tranquilize. You may attempt to communicate your purpose to
the wolf, but few will understand. If the wolf will in the future live a fuller life, and evolve spiritually, you would
probably commiserate with each other over the rage of the threatened wolf and try not to take this personally. As the
Zeta are, as you say, egg heads, we try to communicate intellectually. We have learned to use humans who
communicate with other humans to explain our position. This is altogether a more effective way of communicating.
However, these humans come in for a lot of abuse.
What we do to contactees is done on a daily basis by doctors, dentists, parents, teachers, policemen, custodians, and
husbands to their wives. Humans most definitely do not apply the same rules of behavior to aliens that they do to
themselves! We would point to the Geneva Summit Conference, the rules governing war. In these guidelines are
explicit statements about imprisonment, health care, and execution of prisoners of war. In addition there are rules
governing the involvement of civilians, who may be forcibly removed from areas of conflict for their own protection.
Martial law is another example where special and quite explicit rules govern conduct under special circumstances. The
rules in one situation are not the same as the rules used in another situation.
The rules governing the genetic engineering of a species in order to increase its capacity for intelligent thought or
telepathic communication are not known to humans. The reason is obvious - humans are not advanced to the level at
which they would conduct such activity. Children do not understand the ethical conduct rules that their doctor feels bound by. Civilians do not need to know the martial laws that a general feels bound by. Nor is the general or doctor
obliged to explain the rules to those people who would not have the capacity to understand or would in any case object
endlessly. As professional genetic engineers working under the auspices of the Council or Worlds, we are being
ethical. We are measured against the other intelligent beings who conduct such genetic engineering activities, of which
there are millions. We have peer review, and this scrutiny is a thousand times more intense than any human society
could muster.
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ZetaTalk: Abduction Right
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ZetaTalk: Serious Business
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ZetaTalk: Serious Business
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
We have been working with humans for some years, centuries in fact, for some of us in the current Zeta incarnation.
We have learned not to mince words with humans. The blunt approach works best. Not only is this a time saver, it
allows the human to progress toward a mutual understanding with us in the most efficient manner. Where there is
desire, there are fewest impediments. Do not assume rage for blunt talk. We are not enraged, we are simply serious.
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ZetaTalk: Reflected Fear
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ZetaTalk: Reflected Fear
Note: written on May 15, 1996
Contactees sometimes report that their visitors seem wary or almost frightened of them. Well, of course they are wary, as few intelligent species have the innate capacity for blind rage that Homo Sapiens does, a capacity that can surprise
the human as much as the visitor. Large males are frequently paralyzed early in the visitation process, to avoid the
physical chaos that results from flying fists, swinging arms, and flung objects. As blind rage is triggered by the fear
response, those contactees dealing with intense fear will see their fear reflected in the face of their visitors, who are preparing to deal with a possible explosion.
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ZetaTalk: Ensnared Forever
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ZetaTalk: Ensnared Forever
Note: written on Jul 15, 1995
In human society initiation or inclusion rites frequently bound the onset of a special status, such as baptism, marriage, military induction, public service, or entry into a profession or trade. The human so bounded knows when this status
begins, as do others. Likewise, the termination of a status is bounded by termination or exclusion rites, such as a
funeral, divorce, discharge, termination notice, or ban. These rites cover every aspect of life, so that church, state,
school, relatives, employers, and even activities undertaken just for fun are marked by official pronouncements,
certificates, cards to slip into the wallet, assigned numbers, and sometimes little caps and pins and the like. This is all to help people relate. Are you one of them? Ah, I see you are. Am I sure you're qualified to practice medicine? Ah, I
see you are.
But contactees, and those contactees who refer to themselves as abductees, have had no initiation rite. Since they can't be sure of the beginning, can they be sure of the end? How can they tell? Since the beginning and end are under the
control of the human giving The Call, the contacts can end as quickly as they started. Just announce your change of
heart. Just state your desire to make it a wrap. Just say no. It's as simple as that. Whether the contact has been, at your request, from the Service-to-Self or from the Service-to-Others, the results are the same. You are no longer a
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Feelings
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Feelings
Note: written on Apr 15, 1996
Often reported by some contact therapists and dramatized in the media is the frightened contactee, who in all cases
must have given The Call and be a willing participant in what is unfolding, screaming, running, hiding, and in general exhibiting all the characteristics of a trapped animal in a state of panic. What's going on here? Have these contactees
changed their minds, and can they back out at the last minute? As we have stated elsewhere, a human who gives The
Call can end a visit
ation at any point. They are in control.
What is occurring is mixed feelings, a very common and almost everyday situation for most humans. Look to the
moment when a young person is about to lose their virginity, or ask for another's hand in marriage, or begin an
important job interview, or go off the high dive for the first time, or eat fish eggs or snails for the first time, or go to the dentist for the yearly checkup, or find the onset of labor with the wanted child beginning, or sign on the dotted line to purchase a car, or get on an airplane once again, or invite the in-laws over for dinner, or get their hair cut radically short - are these not moments exhibiting mixed feelings? Some would-be contactees flirt with contact, reaching out,
hoping for contact, but draw back. They wish to be in contact, but put a toe in the water and jerk it right back out. Of
course it’s upsetting. Of course they can’t anticipate what they are going to encounter. But they won’t be destroyed.
They will come back whole. The worst that can happen is that they will have some new concepts.
Contactees exhibiting fear of contact are not stating they wish for the visitation to end. If this were truly the case, it would end, promptly. They are simply stating that they are nervous about some aspect of the visitation. They are
chatting with aliens, a presence those in authority have refused to even acknowledge. They are going off with
strangers, something their mother told them never to do. They are going in alone, and for many humans, who wouldn't
even venture to the local bar without companions, this in and of itself is a big step. They are anticipating mild physical discomfort, if they are a volunteer in the hybrid program. And they may have requested frank information on the
Transformation but be anticipating, correctly, that this will not be sugar coated. All very understandable - just mixed
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