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ZetaTalk: Orientation Page 2

  In fact, the just deserts of the Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self are not Heaven and Hell, but to live with their

  own kind, which is in a manner of speaking, to our way of thinking in any case, a type of Heaven and Hell.

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  ZetaTalk: Switching Sides

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  ZetaTalk: Switching Sides

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  After the 3rd Density decision as to orientation, there is seldom an occasion where the entity switches to the other side, and then this usually occurs only for a brief time. Under what circumstances would such a switch occur? This almost

  invariably occurs during an incarnation, and then under circumstances where the entity is striving toward a certain

  goal, which cannot be attained within the confines of the existing orientation. We will give examples.

  Say for instance the entity is in the Service-to-Self, and desires to build a place of shelter for himself. He is not

  receiving cooperation from the others in the group, as each is operating as much as possible for themselves.

  Discouraged, he recalls times past when cooperation on such activities was common, and gives The Call in a strong

  enough manner that his guides are called to a conference. The entity is deemed motivated enough to be transferred to a

  Service-to-Others group, of a like incarnation, i.e. of a similar physical body type. The entity is introduced in a manner acceptable to the social structure, and satisfies his desire for a shelter. Shortly afterwards, when the critical need is past, he resorts to his old ways and becomes, again, Service-to-Self. At this point another conference is called, and the guides return the entity to his prior situation.

  Similarly, a Service-to-Other entity may find himself stressed as a particular physical need is not being met, say, for instance, a sexual need. The entity cannot put this physical need into perspective, and constantly considers doing away with competitors and enslaving the sexual object. Due to the intensity of this desire, and we must mention that the

  entity's past must have made them particularly vulnerable for this to be occurring, the entity becomes totally obsessed and falls into the category of Service-to-Self, or 95% devoted to the self. The guides, so called to the situation, place the entity in a Service-to-Self environment where the sexual obsession is not out of place. After satisfying these

  desires, the entity finds matters falling into perspective. The guides realize the entity has returned to a Service-to-

  Others orientation, the true orientation, and return the entity to the original group.

  There are no known instances where entities in 4th Density have switched orientations permanently, but in higher

  densities, switching from Service-to-Self to Service-to-Others occurs regularly. However, the temporary movement of

  entities between orientations during 4th Density is done to assist the general progress of the entity, and to resolve

  questions quickly. In essence, a matter is put to the test, and thus resolved.

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  ZetaTalk: Merging Later

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  ZetaTalk: Merging Later

  Note: written Jan 15, 1996

  Entities are separated according to their orientation during 4th and 5th Density, and this separation continues on into the 6th Density also. In fact, they are permanently separated. There is much confusion over statements that have been made regarding Service-to-Self entities joining Service- to-Other entities in order to progress with their lessons after a certain point. The Service-to-Self do not cross over simply because it will benefit them, or because they desire this, or even because they start to prate the right talk and have learned how to behave themselves. They join Service-to-Other

  groups because they have at last grown up, spiritually speaking. When they have reached a point where they consider

  others at least as often as they consider themselves, they are Service-to-Other.

  Some switching back and forth occurs, in any case, between orientations, but for the Service-to-Self they eventually

  reach a point where they are forced to consider their ways. They are stalemated, stopped, treading water, and living

  with the knowledge that their cribmates have an open field before them. They begin to stew in their own juices, debate

  the issues, and most eventually begin to see the light. You have a movie called Groundhog Day which exemplifies this situation, with a human forced to repeat a single day until he learns to truly care for others. He can't escape, even

  suicide attempts find him, the next morning, doing it all again. Thus it is, with entities in the Service-to-Self, who must at last, out of boredom or frustration, face what they have long feared - they are not the center of the Universe. Some entities never learn this, and spend eternity among the Service-to-Self, stymied. However, the higher densities find the Service-to-Self entities brooding and serious, introspective and trying new ways on for size. Seasoned Service-toOther entities are usually kind and supportive of the fumbling attempts of newcomers to their group, who are

  invariably set back within the densities in order to polish their spiritual skills.

  Overall, they lose ground for having veered to the Service-to-Self orientation.

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  ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy

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  ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy

  Note: written Nov 15, 1995

  The possibility of having both spiritual orientations, side by side on a 4th Density world, does exist. This situation

  occurs when there is a degree of indecision on the part of the incarnated entities, so that temporary switching between the orientations is anticipated. Such a situation may take place on your Earth, where for instance the Continents of Africa and South America, currently targeted by visitors in the Service-to-Self, would be dedicated to serve as a home

  for humans who have moved sufficiently toward the Service-to-Self to be considered destined for that orientation

  during 4th Density, but the rest of the Earth would migrate toward the Service-to-Other orientation which the majority

  of the Earth and her peoples have chosen. This dichotomy also exists where such worlds have matured in their

  spiritual orientations to the point where switching is no longer anticipated, but the lessons of the higher densities are continuing and the orientations are sufficiently segregated. No need to make any changes, as all is going well.

  This type of dichotomy will, of course, exist on the Earth during the Transformation period, which is now.

  Increasingly, the orientations separate of their own accord, as those in the Service-to-Other expel those who are not

  truly in the Service-to-Other and those in the Service-to-Self find compliance with the desire for a rigid pecking order only among those also in the Service-to-Self. The migration toward this dichotomy will increase in pace as the

  Transformation proceeds. At first there is a virtual homogeneous mix of the orientations, equivalent to the grade school environment where all youngsters are enrolled. Human society assumes all members to be equal, in general granting all members the same rights, and it is only by particular behavior, such as a crime, that this status changes. Criminals are then segregated with each other, but all other humans are fairly homogeneous. Thus, rules protecting the members

  from one another are in place, though not necessary among the truly Service-to-Other oriented and usually not

  sufficient among the Service-to-Self oriented.

  During the Transformation the Service-to-Others fi
nd each other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion

  of abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for

  others, the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention, but are increasingly given self help instructions and sent on their way. In fact, the spiritually undecided find the environment provided in a Service-to-Other

  community to be a drag, dull. No confrontations, everyone dedicated and preoccupied, just not lively enough. The

  Service-to-Self are generally driven from the ranks of both the Service-to-Other and the spiritually undecided as they

  are today. At times it takes awhile for them to show their colors, but this is quite inevitable.

  Thus, those in the Service-to-Self find themselves banding together by necessity, and establishing the pecking order is the first order of the day. The spiritually undecided, larger in number, protect themselves from these marauding bands

  as they do today, by keeping guard and standing firm. In the chaotic world that will exist after the cataclysms these

  groups will shoot first and ask questions later, and will be left alone by the Service-to-Self who will pick on each other by preference. Those solidly in the Service-to- Self are often the biggest cowards, just as, when given the opportunity, they can be the biggest bullies - two sides of the same coin. The Service-to-Other groups also defend themselves,

  usually by fair warning and disabling and returning to their band the Service-to-Self who has wandered into their

  midst. Do they not find themselves perpetually harassed by the Service-to-Self? In fact, as Service-to-Other

  communities are highly efficient, the perimeters prove to be impermeable, and thus by reputation they soon find they

  have earned their peace.

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  ZetaTalk: Rampant Violence

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  ZetaTalk: Rampant Violence

  written July 2, 2006

  I would like the zetas to talk about why so many people seem to be going plum crazy these days such as

  killing families and children, the rampant pedophilia, etc.

  We have mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk that increasing polarization of the orientations would occur, going into the pole shift and certainly after the shift, due to the Transformation process. Where increased polarization can explain

  countries like Sweden that increasingly lean toward caring for their citizens, vs countries like Indonesia that

  increasingly become brutal toward their citizens, it does not seem to explain increasing brutality in general. But this is another face of the polarization process. The Service-to-Self sense they are being pushed out, isolated, and react with rage. This is the reaction of a wife-beater, told his wife will be leaving him. Stalking results, mutilation and death, as how dare the victim escape! Look to the turn of events in the US, where the Bush Administration is on the ropes,

  expects to lose support in Congress, which is already standing up to their demands, and has recently found the

  Supreme Court repudiating their arguments. There are reports of temper tantrums. They arrogantly proceed with their

  plans despite the rise of opposition, as though they can prevail over all opposition and not be restrained, ever! The

  Service-to-Self operate with each other in this manner, with leveling wars that establish the pecking order, and though this is not always evident when the orientations mingle, it is the mode when the spiritual orientation involved is exclusively Service-to-Self.

  During the Transformation the Service-to-Others find each

  Service-to-Self groups, when

  other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion of establishing their pecking

  abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of

  order, frequently brutalize and

  course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for others, decimate each other, just as

  the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention,

  establishing the pecking order

  but are increasingly given self help instructions and sent on

  within a Service-to-Self group

  their way. In fact, the spiritually undecided find the

  results in brutality and

  environment provided in a Service-to-Other community to be maiming if not death. The

  a drag, dull. No confrontations, everyone dedicated and

  pecking order is thus

  preoccupied, just not lively enough. The Service-to-Self are

  established, and maintained

  generally driven from the ranks of both the Service-to-Other

  with the same heavy handed

  and the spiritually undecided as they are today. At times it

  methods so that a visitor to a

  takes awhile for them to show their colors, but this is quite

  Service-to-Self camp would

  inevitable. Thus, those in the Service-to-Self find themselves

  think it remarkably peaceful,

  banding together by necessity, and establishing the pecking

  not seeing what came before.

  order is the first order of the day.

  ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars,

  ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy , written Nov 15, 1995

  written May 15, 1996[2/5/2012 11:21:48 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Polarization Period

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  ZetaTalk: Polarization Period

  Note: written during the Jul 20, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Polarization is a matter occurring mostly under the surface, to the average new soul on Earth. They see in the news this or that occurring, and have a hard time sorting out just why this is occurring. Those old souls viewing this drama know why, and by who, and react accordingly. Thus, to the new soul on Earth, it is a confusing time, not unlike times past, and they see no polarization occurring. As many movies and books relay, good and evil are not evident on first glance, the evil often being charming and the good often being irritable and overworked. By the end of the story or movie, all

  is revealed! But in real life, often this revelation takes more than the lifetime of the viewer. Thus, to discern, is not always an easy guideline, and all we can suggest is to look to the overall or ultimate motive of the movement, or presence, or push.

  For instance, if the Bush Administration suggests that polluting by corporate entities is OK, in spite of all the results evident such as Global Warming which is claimed to be the cause of weather irregularities, then one should question.

  Why is it OK for corporations to make money, when such suffering occurs? If the Bush Administration suggests that Israel alone should be exempt from racial motives questions, when they abuse the Palestinians, when all the rest of the world is held to question, then why should this be so? One should look to territorial issues, control of regions, and ask why this should be wedded to policy on racial issues, and rights. Thus, the new soul wondering about polarization

  issues can look to reasons given, and question motives, as a guide.

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  ZetaTalk: Littleton Massacre

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  ZetaTalk: Littleton Massacre

  Note: written Jun 15, 1999

  The Littleton Massacre is of course not unique. There have been several such massacres lately, and there will be

  several more, nor will it be limited to schools. Spates of violence or sadism, causing people to scratch their heads and wonder what causing this to occur. An analysis is done. Were the parent's neglectful? Was it rock and roll, the food

  they ate, copyca
t behavior? It's none of that. As hard as it may be for some to believe, there is a polarization whereby certain children are incarnated with spirits that are in their final trial. They are destined to pack off and live off with their own kind, and are on the verge of deciding but still have a lot of indecisiveness as to which way they should go.

  Should they be empathic and care for others as much as they care for themselves, or should they be self centered and

  just go for what they can get for themselves.

  They need that final push. In some cases they chose for the better. They're put in a circumstance and they turn toward

  other people and continue on their deliberations and grow on a different path. But in many cases, this is a final

  decision. At this point in time, things are moving in two directions. One path is to reincarnate on this earth as a

  Service-to-Other oriented individual wherein the individual truly cares as much for others as they do for themselves,

  The other path is to leave this earth and go off with others who care for themselves 95% of the time and rarely, if ever, think about others. In between there is the vast majority who will go off to another world, being too young in their

  spiritual existence to have made a determination, so they will continue their deliberations on another world.

  So what's going on, with some of the very violent young people in the news lately, or with the extreme sadism in

  certain pockets of the earth. Although we've seen this in the past, it seems to be more clear cut and definitive. At the same time we have more democracies, more ecological caring for the world, and the crime rates goes down. So these

  other extremes are in violent contrast. There are very mature Service-to-Self souls who are often attempting to practice sadism and control of others and harden themselves to creating death and destruction, terrifying and intimidating

  others, skills that they will need for their next incarnation. If they make that determination, they are hoping to gain entry into that world as something other than a low level individual, as somebody who can be perhaps viewed as a