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ZetaTalk: Visitations Page 4

  not afraid, maybe that's what he's thinking, that I already know. I'm just trying to search and find if I know. But I just keep thinking they're really curious little creatures.

  There's something at the side that looks like a little tray at the dentist's office where they have this little mirror on a stick and things like that. It's off to the right hand side and it makes me just a tiny bit nervous to think about that. I think maybe they're going to do something with my right forearm, like when someone takes blood or something like

  that, poke around in your forearm a little bit. But I don't think anything's happening exactly. Maybe up by my elbow

  somewhere they do something, toward the back of the elbow, but it's nothing too significant. I'm more interested in the

  dark eyes and how he seems to be trying to communicate something. He keeps saying, "Do you know why we're here?

  " and I'm not sure why. It's got something to do with the greenness of the woods and the way I love nature. I'm always wandering off and spending time alone in nature. I actually just watch nature, kind of get into it, empathize, just lost in it, observing it. I'm very comfortable with it, very open.

  He's telling me that my grandmother's like that, she loves nature, is very curious. He's telling me I'm going to have a

  role because of this. He says, "Do you know why we're here?" It's got something to do with the vastness of the woods and how beautiful that is, how it should be that way, it should stay that way. I'm trying to think what else. Let's see,

  he's telling me about my grandmother and how they talked to my grandmother about me too.

  It seems like I laid back down on a table but it wasn't really flat, something more like a chaise lounge. They want to

  look at my feet. I would go barefoot a lot. How my feet bend at the ankles, and checking out my wrists, how they

  bend, and I think they're going to do something with my forehead. They don't take my clothes off, they just bend my

  head forward a little bit and kind of shield my eyes or tell me to close my eyes now. They do something to my

  forehead. I'm not really aware of any discomfort. I think, basically, I trust these guys. They have their hands at the side of my head, pulling my head face up, trying to check it out. They've got my head at an angle and do something to my

  forehead. They position my head. They were checking out the top of my head earlier. It's a little bit sore, but it's a very dull ache. Now I don't feel like thinking so much about what he was saying, "Do you know why we're here." I'm a little more distracted. I don't think they ever closed the door. It's a small ship. It's probably no larger than this living room. I tell them I want to go back to my frogs and he says, "We'll be back". I'm thinking about those green frogs, how they'd jump and what they would look like when they'd leap. They were always so wet, so hard to grab, really

  beautiful bodies. And the mist around the bushes, even the swamp water fascinated me, so full of life, ripples and

  bubbles and things like that.

  There was a long pathway down from the barn into the woods. Nobody ever went down there, just me. I was the only

  one who liked to go into those woods. Wore this little blue outfit and the little red T-shirt. Two little metal buckles on my coveralls, on either side, and they had pockets, no waist to speak of. My hair was probably in 2 pigtails. It was

  fairly loose, wasn't tightly bound. I was thinking that my hair was somewhat fluffy on the top of my head when they

  were looking at the top of my head, when they were checking out my head. I don't have a sense of my hair hanging on

  my shoulders at all. It just feels kind of loose at the scalp, like it's frizzy up around my head but not long. I know I

  don't have short hair. I know I had pigtails until about 12 or so. Then I think I just go and walk along the railroad

  tracks like I set out to do that morning. And then I just put it to the back of my mind, what just happened, that little

  guy coming out from behind that tree like in the comics where somebody would pop out from behind a tree, just lean

  out, and the other two coming up behind me. I was standing. I had a fallen tree in front of me. Tall, big trees down[2/5/2012 11:31:50 AM]

  ZetaTalk: First Meeting

  there. It was a primordial forest. He said, "We'll be back."

  End Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

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  ZetaTalk: Remembering

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  ZetaTalk: Remembering

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Where a visitation is recorded only in the subconscious of the contactee, so that the Awakening can be paced to occur

  no faster than the populace in total can tolerate, remembering is on an individual basis. Some contactees remember

  immediately, and think they have been aware all along. In fact, this is not what occurs, but rather immediately after the visitation the contactee connects the memory in their subconscious to the conscious. This process is similar to the

  physiological process humans use to restore their past after amnesia periods. Essentially, for the conscious, this is like a first time experience, with new memory links established. It feels like daydreaming, and most often occurs in just

  that way. The contactee finds himself musing at some point, about aliens or space ships, and then begins to wonder.

  They get an interest in the subject, gather books and join groups, and talk intensely to others. All this increases the rate of remembering, as one thing leads to another.

  Recalled memories build like that, starting out slowly with only a few memory links established, but then for each new

  memory added there are multiple memory links established. Soon the memory of the visitation is well connected to the

  conscious. This process is more gradual and gives the contactee a more secure feeling, as during the recall he is usually among friends or with a therapist or in familiar surroundings. The recall can be paced, being suppressed again if the

  contactee does not feel ready. Remembering therefore is on an individual basis, and the individual contactee is fully in

  control, which is as it should be.

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  ZetaTalk: Painful Experiences

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  ZetaTalk: Painful Experiences

  Note: written on Jan 15, 2001

  Painful memories are a replay of a painful experience. In many cases the pain is remembered separately from other

  emotions such as desire or firm intention to complete a plan. The reason they are separated is that the human mind

  determines to void a painful memory by washing over it and dulling the sharp edges everytime it’s remembered.

  Psychiatrists will tell you that this is what happens. Someone has a painful experience. At first they block it. Then they remember it, perhaps in the doctor’s office, and there’s much weeping and gnashing of teeth and wailing. This is

  called a catharsis or a breakthrough. After that they remember the experience many times, but each time is seems to

  have less effect. It lessens. The edges are smoothed. How many women having experienced the extreme pain of

  childbirth, remember the birth process and remember that pain? They remember the doctor holding the baby. They

  remember the feeling of great joy.

  So the painful part is separated from the joyous part because the human mind has structured it that way so it can close

  off avenues to the pain. In fact, when this pain is remembered, these avenues are severed, like slamming doors shut, so

  that the connection points between the pain and the joy are broken and eventually only the joy is remember
ed. This is

  in fact documentable, and has been documented, that this is the way people remember experiences. In the long path,

  they remember the good parts, not the bad. Therefore, contactees who are remembering something painful have

  separated that out and are getting rid of it. Often the painful parts are remembered first, in recall, because it is

  something vivid. After the painful part is eliminated, the contactee begins remembering other aspects of the visit. Bear

  with it, let your mind heal and deal with the painful contact experience as it deals with other painful experiences, and

  see what stands behind it. You are being contacted because you asked for this, and you wished for what came to you,

  so don’t fail to dig deep enough to find out the full picture.

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  ZetaTalk: Blocking

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  ZetaTalk: Blocking

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1996

  Many contactees find that, try as they may, they cannot recall their visitations as other contactees seem to do. All

  manner of attempts, including professional hypnosis, will be tried to no avail. What's going on here? In human society,

  and in particular in many contactee's lives, there is a conflict about the alien presence and thus there can be a conflict within the contactee. Does the spouse believe that man is not alone and is being visited by beings from other worlds?

  Is the employer ultra-conservative, such that a slip of the tongue in the coffee room will place doubts in the employer's mind about the contactee's promotability? Is the family supportive, the friends accepting, or will the contactee find

  they are increasingly treated as an eccentric and left out of social plans.

  Where the contactee fears repercussions in his life he will tend to block. The mind is aware of these blockages, as it has put them there, and thus can effectively resist attempts to get around them. In effect, the block is the result of the total mind-set of the contactee, and this conclusion will not be gotten around by a part of the mind desiring recall. As with amnesia or coma or just plain forgetfulness, that which the total mind-set cannot deal with will tend to be pushed

  aside. In order to achieve recall, then, the contactee must make changes in their life so that recall is not a threat. Most find this difficult, especially if family or a job or the marital situation is the problem.

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  ZetaTalk: Signs

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  ZetaTalk: Signs

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

  Given that contactees recall their visits only in their subconscious and must build a conscious memory base, and given

  that the governments of the world and the establishments are reluctant to admit to the alien presence, it is not

  surprising that contactees deal with many doubts. The issues of maintaining an element of doubt, necessary so that the

  Awakening can proceed without raising the level of anxiety and fear in the populace, seems unnecessary to many

  contactees, who would welcome some reassurance.

  Give me a sign, many ask, so that I will know this is real and not just my imagination. Even in the face of confirmation from the books they read and friends they meet at contact groups, many contactees find their need for reassurance

  becoming a burning issue. This point is often reached when the contactee determines to make changes in their life

  because of their convictions, and cannot explain their decisions to family and friends. They know they will be

  considered eccentric at best for the steps they plan, and beyond wanting something to show others as rationale, they

  simply want something solid to cling to during the lonely times when they are subject to ridicule. Give me a sign.

  What has meaning for one person is meaningless to another, so personal signs are often given to individual contactees

  at the crossroads where normal living is about to be left behind and dedication taken up. Personal signs have great

  significance to the person, but by their nature cannot be used as proof of the alien presence.

  One person may find their shoes lined up on a different side of the closet, something they would never do. Another

  may find that bag of chips they intended to buy but forgot suddenly appearing on the counter top. Yet another might

  find their beard clipped, a routine of personal hygiene done weekly but not yet done this past week. The person is

  momentarily stunned, then combs through the recent past to see if they might have forgotten. The sign is understood

  for what it is, based on the intensity of the contactee's anguish going into the sign and their often adamant cries for a sign of some kind. The two go together. Signs are always given when the contactee least expects them, sometimes after

  they have given up hope of getting their request answered. This is to ensure that the contactee is not led astray as to

  the nature of the alien presence. As we are by the rules restrained from interfering with the conduct of human affairs,

  we do not wish to lead our contactees into believing that we can be relied upon to respond. Signs are also given in a

  manner that is meaningless to anyone but the contactee, and most clearly recognize this and do not try to impress or

  convince others.

  Nevertheless, for the individual, the sign they have been given has deep meaning.

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  ZetaTalk: Always in Touch

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  ZetaTalk: Always in Touch

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  We are cognizant of our contactees thoughts, actions, and intentions to the same degree that the contactee is cognizant

  of these things. This occurs because we are able to understand his thoughts, and indeed, monitor these thoughts. This is

  not a hardship for us, but comes naturally to us. The contactee need not worry about writing us reports or trying to

  contact us with his concerns. We are aware. In time, this concept becomes comfortable. In time, in fact, any other

  situation seems primitive. What a contactee experiences is a small preview of what they will experience in 4th Density


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  ZetaTalk: Telepathy

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  ZetaTalk: Telepathy

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Humans are not by nature telepathic. Where some situations involving strong emotion transport from one human to

  another, in general another's emotional state is sensed more from their words and body language and actions. There are

  cases where a close bond exists between humans, such as from a mother to a child, and some situations of danger or

  distress are sensed, at a distance. These cases usually receive a great deal of attention, and are remembered distinctly

  by the individual. This is because of their rarity.

  Communications to our contactees include telepathic conversations, which the contactee may or may not be aware of.

  Telepathic thought, for humans, seems much like day dreaming. Thoughts just come into the contactee's head. These

  conversations differ from day dreaming in that they have a conversational element, and the contactee may think of

  something outside of his personal knowledge. Each human we so speak to is different. Some hear our voice, mentally,

  better than others. Some cannot resi
st interjecting their own slant. Some pull the conversation in directions desired.

  The overall effectiveness of the communication is dependent on these and other issues. The effectiveness can also

  change over time, becoming more or less effective. Our telepathic message is understood by a contactee in their native

  language, if words are involved. Long before the word is formed in their mind, however, the concept is understood.

  Words may be the first external contact humans have with a concept, but they are in fact the end product of the

  conceptualization process.

  Words are formed as a result of the human mind understanding a concept and relating this to sounds humans emit

  under certain circumstances such as grunts and sighs, or sounds objects make under certain circumstances such as

  thuds or tinkling, and finally relating this to sounds or symbols other humans have made when describing these

  concepts. First comes the concept, then comes the symbol to describe it - the written or spoken word. We communicate

  the concept to the contactee and they provide the words. When they communicate back to us, telepathically, they first think of the concept, which we get, and then expand this in their own mind to the words that apply. Humans think of

  communication in terms of words, as they anticipate having to communicate to other humans. You are, as you say,

  hard wired to do this, so you don't turn this off. The words a contactee forms in their mind are not needed for

  communication to us, however. They are simply so much excess noise, and we ignore them.

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  ZetaTalk: Soul-to-Soul

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  ZetaTalk: Soul-to- Soul

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1995

  Contactees are aware of visits that involve their physical body, as during recall they float through walls, levitate

  rapidly, are in a paralyzed state, feel the cold surface of an examining table or have other such memories in the