ZetaTalk: Worlds Page 4
itself by a loud bluster, shrieking and hopping up and down. You've heard the expression, hopping mad, and this is
where it comes from. White Man, even today, blusters and bluffs more than he engages.
African Black Man also underwent a shock to his system, but not because of climate changes. During the pole shifts the dice did not toss a pole into Africa, but the effects of winds and rain patterns brought dessert conditions. The particular hominoid stock forming Black Man emerged from a portion of the Family of Man that relied on physical
skills and social harmony, and this was the legacy Black Man carried when the dessert descended, creeping over his
hunting lands until there was less and less to share. Black Man adapted by broadening his embrace to include more of his fellows, and today you see this in the tradition of the extended family in most black communities.
Black Man's inheritance was a combination of a benevolent large ape which spent a good part of its time basking in
groups. Like the Elephant Seal, this ape had no natural enemies, so the population was held in check by surges in the food supply. Sometimes plenty, sometimes dearth. No need to fight, as there was nothing to fight over. The hominoid
contribution created the capacity to plan, and did not detract from the ape tendency to social harmony. Larger family circles translated to forced civility for longer periods. Black Man learned to employ violence when outside the family circle, so this acted as a release for repressed rage not allowed to be expressed within the circle. Early Black Man was shaped by those factors, so that those able to suppress their irritability until they could release away from home were kept in the band, and the others expelled where they did not survive to reproduce. Black on black violence occurs, but seldom inside the family circle.
China Man was developed to offset the ruthlessness of the inhabitants of the 12th Planet, who interbred with humans during their mining operations. The Oriental is slight, and given to ponder and consider the feelings of many before proceeding. It was foreseen that Earth's humanity would grow and eventually blend, as it has, so the ultimate Earthling was the target, and China Man was engineered accordingly. The hominoid stock used to build China Man was from
those least likely to be impulsive, where deliberation brought rewards and had thus been selected for survival during evolution. In addition, a different ape was chosen as the base, one with a placid nature, where the apes selected for the other races did not have this quality at the fore. These qualities can be seen today in the descendants of China Man, who consult with one another, proceed only when there is consensus, and succeed best at those endeavors that require group dedication.
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ZetaTalk: American Indian
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ZetaTalk: American Indian
Note: written Jun 15, 1996.
A controversy exists on whether the American Indian migrated from what is now China or are themselves a distinct
hominoid race. Both origins are true. It is not by accident that the many tribes had such an advanced sense of
democracy that the US Constitution was based on their social formulas. Equality between the sexes, voting rights at
council, leadership that was based on earned respect rather than inherited title, and acceptance of social realities such as divorce and out-of-wedlock babies where the parties were not punished for social mishaps often out of their control.
Isolated from much of the world, the American Indian can take credit for their social formulas, as any influences from across the seas were autocratic at best, as history retells.
The American Indian bears the marks of shared genetics with Asians that crossed the land bridge to Alaska, but the
root race was much older and unique to the Americas. Unlike the six races of man, who were formed by genetically
engineering an ape of Earth, the American Indian was a transplanted hominoid who arrived far earlier. Why have their bones not been found? The bones that have been found all bear the traces of the inbreeding that occurred when Asians arrived. What is discovered from the prior race of transplanted hominoids is not recognized for what it is. This race was slight in build, and is taken for monkey bones when found on the rare occasion that a cremation was not performed
- a death in the woods, on a hunt, with the body never found. And where the American Indian was originally a
transplant, through the considerable encounters with other races that all the races of man have experienced, the special genetics of this transplant can no longer be discerned.
It is said of the American Indian that they have old souls, and not without basis. The transplanted hominoids were
incarnated with entities in an advanced stage of 3rd Density existence with many markings of a 4th Density Service-
to-Other social structure. Thus the democratic leanings, respect for nature, and awareness of journeys of the soul.
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ZetaTalk: Australian Aboriginal
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ZetaTalk: Australian Aboriginal
Note: recorded during the May 11, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session
The massive miles-long Maree Man carved into stone within hours by the Aborigines in Australia was not done simply by these highly Service-to-Other tribes, but was assisted by aliens. The message? These beleaguered aboriginal, so
long mistreated by those in power in Australia, are larger than their prosecutors, and here's proof. It is a message to those inflated egos in charge of politics in Australia, and those in England planning to migrate there, deserting their countrymen in time of need. The message is, "Hey, you big men, with big heads, you're not so big! Look here, at the simple aboriginal, we're the real big men."
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ZetaTalk: Family of Man
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ZetaTalk: Family of Man
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The larger family of man is not what humans are used to thinking, where they generously include all the races in the world. The larger family of man extends quite a way out into the Universe. There has been much channeled
information on this subject, of much interest to readers worldwide. In what way is this larger family related, and what are the differences? There are, of course, more similarities than differences. The same could be said of the human
races on Earth, and even the different sexes. Line up all the characteristics, and the differences are less than a single percentage point. But differences are what is noticed, so we will discuss differences.
Humans have been adapted for the Earth, which has characteristics different from other planets. The Earth has large
carnivorous animals, and without the ability to go into a blind rage in a final act of defense, troupes of early men simply did not survive. In essence, a single early man, usually a dominant male, would take a stand against the
attacking animal while the rest ran for safety. In most cases the dominant male became a meal. In human societies
there often, for mating purposes, seem to be an excess of males, especially as some males seem to get all the women they want. Historically, there was not an excess of males, as they got eliminated regularly. When the females in the troupe crowded around the strongest, meanest, most touchy-tempered male in the troupe, it was with great foresight.
This was the guy that was going to take the hit for them, when push came to shove.
Other worlds have been more benign, and the hominoid developed there more placid. Pleiadeans and Lyrans have this
placid temperament, and some humans carry these
traits as a result of their genetic contributions.
Yet other worlds have presented environments even more hostile than the Earth, and the hominoids placed there
adapted accordingly. The Sirians are such a race of hominoids, as well as the hominoids from the 12th Planet. What
was the hostility they faced? On Sirian worlds, and there are a number of home planets for this race, there is a scarcity of food in proportion to the number of Sirians. Unlike the Earth, which has large carnivores, on Sirian worlds, there was not steady elimination of their number, and their population exploded. As a result, the surviving Sirians were war like, acquisitive, and dominant. The others starved to death. On the 12th Planet, there was a similar situation, as this planet has a long journey away from the Sun, and though it expends its own energy such that it has a faint glow as it travels through the darkness of space, the vegetation does not grow abundantly. One of their plants is a stimulant for them, like a growth hormone, and those who acquired this plant were stronger and more vital. War, to the point of
eliminating the opponent, is the rule on the 12th Planet.
Intellectual development has likewise followed a path compliant with the environment hominoids were perforce living
in. The Nordics are intellectual to the exclusion of other activities, and for good reason. Their planet presented a world without large carnivores to defend against, but where the production of food required cooperation and careful planning.
Thus the traits of mental acuity and cooperation rather than independence led to survival. They as a consequence work closely together, and discuss issues to the point that other hominoids find ridiculously worrisome. The Pleiadeans and Lyrans required the least mental activity to survive, and are not known as mental giants accordingly. We, the Zetas, also developed our impressive mental capacities due to our environment, where on our worlds there was dim light and
scarce resources as food, but fighting among ourselves for the resources was not enough. We had to devise ways to
enhance the food source, and collaborate on this as well.
In other matters, such as sex life and longevity, there is not as much difference between the hominoid races as one
would think. There are slight variations. Where a race moves into 4th Density, longevity increases naturally, as the spirit carries more weight, literally, in proportion to the body and thus has greater influence. The sex drive in humans tends to have more variability than in the other hominoid races, with some humans not thinking about sex at all, and others obsessed. Our sexuality was strong also, but homogeneously so, as is the sex drive of the inhabitants of the 12th http://www.zetatalk2.com/worlds/w24.htm[2/5/2012 11:34:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Family of Man
Planet. The placid Pleiadeans and Lyrans find sex hot only when no one is objecting, as in the happy marriage where
all the in-laws are enthusiastic and all friends approve. Where there is objection, they abstain, and without great pain.
They can put sex on the shelf.
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ZetaTalk: Moon Cities
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ZetaTalk: Moon Cities
Note: written Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Despite NASA denials, all the Structures on the Moon are not natural, nor are they man-made. The Moon, so close to Earth yet clear of the Earth's congested surface and atmosphere, has been used by many alien groups, and for many
reasons. Currently it is a home for those in the Service-to-Self, who reside there in 3rd Density. However, their home is not what has humans talking, as they are placed on what is called the dark side of the Moon, never visible from
Earth. During the era when the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet were running mining operations on the Earth,
primarily for gold, they used the Moon as a communication outpost, as it was free of cloud cover and allowed for a
more precise aim through space. The Moon was thus a booster, magnifying signals sent from Earth and sending a clear
strong signal into space. These communications went to their mining operations on Mars, but primarily to their home
planet when it drew near, as the opportunity for contact with home was not to be missed.
However, earlier still the Moon was used as an outpost by groups conducting genetic engineering operations on Earth, as many of these groups found the Earth to be a virtual swamp of life - murky, unpredictable, crawling with bugs and germs, and subject to erratic weather extremes. Their scientists had their specimens brought to the lab for detail work, and returned the fertilized ova for implantation. To these aliens, the shuttle to Earth was insignificant, where the controlled environment of their Moon cities was a relief. Thus, the structures seen on the Moon are ancient, and are a combination of the shards of Moon cities from genetic engineering operations and the shards of communication
crystals - abandoned and idle but causing quite a stir among humans these days.
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ZetaTalk: Ultimate Agenda
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ZetaTalk: Ultimate Agenda
Note: written May 15, 1996.
Contrary to what writers of mystery novels and the standard cops and robbers scripts present, motives are as varied as the individual. Human lore portrays murder for vengeance, for sport, for power or money, but seldom if ever portrays murder for desensitization or simply to attain peace and quiet. Most murders, few of which are ever solved, are
committed by those solidly in the Service-to-Self or moving in that direction. They understand they will be living with their own kind in the future, segregated by orientation, and that the more ruthless will rule those who hesitate. Many murders are also committed simply to rid oneself of a temporary annoyance - the loud mouth at the bar, the aggressive driver weaving in and out of traffic, or the demanding shopper never pleased with what the clerk brings forth. Motives are complex.
What can be said about ultimate alien agendas is that they can be cleanly divided by orientation. Those in the Service-to-Self may promise creature comforts but their ultimate agenda closely resembles bondage. Those in the Service-to-
Other may tell their contactees hard facts about the coming Earth cataclysms but the ultimate agenda is empowerment
of the individual and safe passage. Is this not the case in human society? Are the parents who insist that their
youngsters do their homework and get a good night's sleep being cruel or caring? The ultimate alien prize is the human soul, which will incarnate in this or that orientation repeatedly.
For those in the Service-to-Self, these new recruits are expected to start at the bottom, lifting those already
established, those who will stand above them, to a loftier level. Those recruited into the Service-to-Self will be
hauled off to other worlds, in some cases while still in human form else in spirit form to incarnate into a babe in
one of the baby warehouses that all youngsters in the Service-to-Self are housed in. The ultimate agenda is not
to secure the human body, which will inevitably die, it is to secure the soul, the spirit entity that lives without
For those in the Service-to-Others the soul is the focus of their efforts, not the prize. Those in the Service-to-Others empower, not enslave, each other. If anything, Service-to-Other aliens could anticipate more work for
themselves as a result of new recruits, as junior members would require more training, more encouragement, and
would be the least reliable on any team, burdening their other teammates. Those aliens in the Service-to-Other
who are visiting Earth have lifted their eyes to the farther horizon, and like your Peace Corps, are here to help.
nbsp; Ultimately, this makes for a better neighborhood, so this effort is not entirely without self interest.
As ourselves, the Zetas, will be incarnating on Earth as the Transformation progresses, we have a particular interest in seeing the Earth and her people evolve, rather than be despoiled. You have a beautiful world, a glorious world, and are spewing poisons into it and decimating species with no thought of tomorrow. Preserving Earth for the future is most
definitely one of the Zeta agendas.
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ZetaTalk: Ancient Cultures
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ZetaTalk: Ancient Cultures
Note: written Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
We, the Zetas, are sometimes referred to as one of the oldest alien races visiting Earth, but in terms of age compared to most, we are in our youth. The Zeta form, and culture, has been around 8.5 times longer than man, here on earth,
which makes Earthlings mere toddlers. We are older than the Pleiadeans, in their present form, but the Nordics predate us.
What determines how long a race survives, essentially unchanged in form and retaining the same culture? Many
things, but of primary importance is how well the genetically engineered form is adapted to its environment. A poor
adaptation almost begs for change, and change comes, either by the sickening and extinction of the race or by
intervention in the form of supplemental genetic engineering. Of secondary importance is the complexity of the
culture. With cultures, simple is not best. Like complex genetics that allow an organism many possible responses to a situation, cultures require depth to survive. A soldier given only two alternative actions is likely to end up dead, when sent into battle, but one allowed to rely on his own resources will survive. We are speaking here of freedoms, so that the culture can adapt over time, moving in new directions. Rigid cultures do not survive.