ZetaTalk: Orientation Page 4
setting would more likely engage in petty crime to support their lazy lifestyle.
This is not to say that every individual not conforming to society's expectations is a sociopath, or that every addict is a sociopath. Most certainly, depression is a very real affliction affecting humans of good heart as well as those
attempting to hide behind this façade. And there are children raised in good homes and neighborhoods who have very
real reasons to be troubled, perhaps because of hidden abuse or some dynamic not apparent on the surface. Our point is
that those in the Service-to-Self who are trying to manipulate others to serve them will use such avenues to disguise their spiritual orientation when they feel they are trapped and have no other avenue. As we have consistently
mentioned, during the Tranformation period such individuals are being counseled by aliens in the Service-to-Self to
choose yet another route, not previously being advocated. In the past, these individuals could anticipate being incarnated again and again on Earth, until the time arrived for them to be delivered to one of the Service-to-Self
"prison" planets. It is only the full knowledge that this incarnation on Earth will be their last incarnation that such extreme measures as a massacre are being taken.
Will the Westroads Mall massacre in Nebraska be the last? Not hardly! Those in the Service-to-Self who have been
enjoying their current incarnation, who have been on top of their game and able to have their way, have been reluctant
to take drastic steps that would require them to shoot themselves or go to prison. But when the Earth changes are such
that it is obvious that the pole shift is upon the Earth and all will have a struggle in the Aftertime, the options being encouraged by aliens in the Service-to-Self will look increasingly attractive. Thus is it during the last weeks that such massacres might increase in frequency, or in the weeks after the pole shift when the reality of a very different life in the Aftertime cannot be denied.
Shooter Remembered By Friends, Landlord
December 5, 2007
The shooter at Westroads Mall was identified as Robert A.
Hawkins of Bellevue, and a suicide note said he was going
to be famous. Hawkins, 20, had been arrested on a couple
of misdemeanors in November and was due in court this
month. One charge included minor in possession of
alcohol. Hawkins dropped out of high school a few years
ago. He had stopped living at his parents' home after they
set some ground rules that he didn't like. Hawkins had been
on antidepressants. He seemed to be a suicidal kid. During
school, he would talk about killing. Hawkins wasn't so
much angry, but wanted to go out like a star. A staff
member at a group home where Hawkins lived for awhile said Hawkins was a target of teasing, but
a good kid.
Man Opens Fire at Omaha Mall, Killing 8
Dec 5 11:
Hawkins was kicked out by his family about a year ago and moved in with a friend's family in a
house in a middle-class neighborhood. Hawkins was fired from his job at a McDonald's this week
and had recently broken up with a girlfriend.
Mall Shooter Was State Ward For 4 Years
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ZetaTalk: Nebraska Mall
December 6, 2007
Todd Landry, the director of Child and Family Services for the Department of Health and Human
Services, said the state spent $265,000 on services provided to Hawkins over the four years he was a
state ward. Landry said Hawkins was made a state ward with no parental fault, but because he
needed services, which included stays at residential centers and in-patient at a hospital. Landry said
Hawkins stayed at a facility in Missouri called Piney Ridge, plus Omaha's Cooper Village, Lutheran
Family Services and Addiction and Behavioral Health Services Inc. Landry said those homes
provide addiction counseling, mental-health counseling and behavioral counseling, among other
services, but he could not say exactly what Hawkins was treated for under federal and state privacy
laws. Landry did say that one of the treatment periods came after Hawkins threatened to kill his
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ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today
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ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today
written May 21, 2005
I could not help but note the remarkable correlation between the development of the Empire in the new
Star Wars III and what is happening in the US re terrorism and the War in Iraq and the Patriot Act. There
is endless discussion about how 911 was anticipated and assisted by a lot more than Bin Ladin, how our
civil liberties are being eroded to support the War on Terrorism, and questions about why our military
needs to be beefed up just to invade oil rich countries. The evil Emperor was both the terrorist and the
President, inciting the very wars he claimed to be fighting. How could this story, written so many decades
ago, be timed so perfectly to emerge at this time!
We have mentioned that an increasing polarization of those aligning themselves spiritually
with caring for others, those in the Service-to-Other, and those aligning themselves with self-
interest, those in the Service-to-Self, would emerge as the pole shift approached. This was
predictable, and has been heavily emphasized in some prophecies such as those in the Bible, as
an indication that the End Times had arrived. Why would this be? In the battle for converts,
those in the Service-to-Self lose out, the vast majority of emerging souls, some 95% on
average, choosing the path of empathy. When a world such as the Earth, that has served as a
schoolhouse for emerging souls, is about to transform into a world for those who have chosen
empathy, a last-ditch effort by those seeking converts for the self-serving occurs. Why hold
back, to posture for future decades, when time is running out. Go for the prize. Turn the screw
of fear and hopelessness. Make the rewards for marauding and lying extreme, the better to encourage converts. Caution
is thrown to the wind, during such times, and the raw hand of greed emerges from the glove of political correctness.
The truth is revealed, and those creating problems behind the scenes in the past exposed for what they are.
This Star Wars episode, the point where democracy crumbles before the supposed necessity of defending against
endless attacks, is the darkest hour, a hero turning to the Dark Side, the hand of evil at the helm of the congress
applauded as more and more military action is announced. Yet this hand of evil is revealed as the very cause of the disturbances, from the start. How similar to the Bush Administration, which is accused of being cognizant of 911
before it occurred, and which has taken full advantage of the powers granted to it to invade oil-producing countries
long in their sights. Do such things happen on other 3rd Density worlds, where the battle between good and evil is the
central issue? Even on worlds where the intelligent life form is a fish, such polarization occurs, as all life forms have alternative actions that can be taken, to help those around them, or to further themselves, solely. On a water world, the issue may be blocking access to lush feeding areas, unless cooperation with such militant blocking action is allowed,
bsp; the strong victimizing the weak. Where the Earth has OIL as its predictable energy source, this allowed predictability
in the wars in the Middle East, where vast and readily accessible oil resources reside. Thus, the emphasis in prophecy
that the Middle East would be at the center of End Times wars.
The timing of this release, where the Star Wars trilogies were presented with the middle trilogy
first, then the first trilogy, and finally the last potentially being released, is hardly by accident.
Where the entire Star Wars series was written decades ago, the movie releases were timed by
Lucas, who is not ignorant of the times or their meaning. He chose the sequence and the timing,
and chose well. Consider the masses, quite used to greed and political power mongering, going
into the Transformation period mostly unaware of the significance of the times. American,
holding the strongest military power in the world, is viciously and quite obvious attacked on 911,
with a predictable reaction. The public would presume, at first, a just cause, but given the late
arrival of the End Times maneuvers, may not have time to understand the outcome. Thus, many decades ago, the first
releases on film of the Star Wars trilogies were those where the good guys won, though far outnumbered, requiring http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta221.htm[2/5/2012 11:21:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today
only courage and conviction to win. With this settled firmly into the public mind, the first trilogy was then released, showing how democracy crumbled, a point which might have been lost if released decades ago. That these films were
released only recently is not by accident, as they were timed to coincide with preparation for the End Times maneuvers over the oil fields, so much apparent at the moment. Thus the viewer is assured of the ultimate result, the good guys
winning, while dealing, in reality, with those darkest moments on Earth.
As we have mentioned, many authors and producers are aware of the alien presence, the approaching pole shift, and
the expected polarization in spiritual orientations that occurs going into a Transformation. That Lucas should be among them should not be a surprise.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta221.htm[2/5/2012 11:21:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering
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ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering
written Oct 15, 2005
My friend in Russia, who is a biologist, made a series of experiments with rats. She gave them genetically
modified food. Next generation of rats had a 65% death rate and others were weak. She knows that the
main manufacturer of genetically modified food is Monsanto, located in Saint Louis. She asked about these
people - are they really human? Because they lead mankind to destruction.
Mankind has arrived only recently to tinkering with genetics -their own, to cure genetic diseases, and in their crops to improve yield. They have only very recently mapped the entire human genome, making this available to scientists. Are
we to presume that they are expert at tinkering, being virtual babes at this endeavor? We have detailed, in prior ZetaTalk, that intelligent species often get into genetic engineering, that we engineered ourselves, that mankind was
engineered in the past from many hominoid sources, and explained in great detail how we go about genetically engineering the new hybrid race that is mankind's next leap forward. Genetic engineering by intelligent species upon themselves, or other, as allowed under the close supervision by the Council of Worlds, is not done by amateurs. By the time they are able to be done in a serious manner, the engineers are almost invariably spiritually advanced and very experienced in engineering in general. They are experienced because they've tinkered, on lesser life forms.
Have we, and other races, made mistakes, during genetic engineering projects? Percentage wise, there is only about
23% that did not have some kind of drawback, or an error that had to be fixed. Some frank horror stories emerge. Why should genetic engineering be any different from the other enterprises undertaken by man, or any intelligent species
setting forth on a new path. Look at the history of man and electricity, the number of electrocutions, explosions, and
false starts. Look at the history of air travel, the crashes, the lost planes, the white knuckles of air travelers as they try to remain calm while chirping stewardesses serve them drinks. These endeavors often have a long learning curve, and
man as a creature of limited intelligence, being only on the first rung of the evolutionary ladder, will not arrive where he wants to be on any of these endeavors, in his current limited stated. This is by design, as given his immature spiritual state, he would wreck havoc by being able to do more than tinker, and hope.
Where is man going awry in his tinkering? First, as a base, man should realize that genetic engineering has already been done, by nature, during evolution. Some of the things man struggles with, some of his diseases, are in fact
protections from other problems, genetically selected to be passed forward only because they were of benefit in prior ages. The ability to pack food around one's middle in the form of fat, a buffer against starvation. This was of course
balanced in the past by times of food shortage, the fat dropped. Man was not intended to be perpetually pudgy. High
cholesterol or high blood pressure is an advantage when one has to fight a tiger or bear with naught but a knife or
stone, or run like hell to escape. This was of course balanced in the past by a period of tranquility, unlike what modern man faces in his daily battles with tension in the work place, the figurative tiger never dispelled. Even diabetes,
developing later in life by the chubby and inactive, has a genetically selected advantage. The ancestors of those who
did not develop diabetes during times of plenty, when early man had naught to do but sit in the berry fields or by streams overflowing with fish, were easy prey for predators, as they gained weight endlessly, huge toads that could not waddle away. Diabetes, type II, resists an intake of sugar by the cells and forces the body to lose weight, at a horrific rate, then lifts when the human is again slim.
Nature has evolved food crops that man fosters to resist insects, and to produce seeds such as grain and tubers such as carrots and potatoes far in excess of what the plant in nature requires to propagate itself. Plants that do so are already engineered, by nature, to be productive or those parts that creatures eat, as unless the plant does so, rodents and bugs will consume them and the plant will not reproduce itself. The natural process that these plants are using should be
enhanced. But something different is afoot, among humankind, who have motives other than increased productivity.
They seek control of the entire food production and distribution process, and by this, control over mankind, who will
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ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering
thus become slaves, or so they hope. It is certainly no secret that Monsanto, in partnership with the USDA, has created and tried to enforce what is termed the terminator gene, which prevents a hybrid plant from reproducing itself. No need for Monsanto to insist on contracts with farmers that require them to return, year after year, for more seed. The
farmer cannot save seed to avoid this, as the seed would be no good, and not germinate. This plan met with such an uproar that it did not move forward, but has stalled. Nevertheless, the mindset of those doing genetic tinkering with
crops can be seen.
If they do not care about causing mankind, those too poor to buy seed, from starving, how much would they care about
the overall effect of the crops they are producing? If they get a stronger yield, they push their coercive tactics and
contracts, using the stronger yield as an excus
e. Of course, any safety measures, any results of such safety checks, are ignored and kept out of the media. This likewise has not passed unnoticed, nor without objection, around the world.
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta244.htm[2/5/2012 11:21:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Conservatives
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ZetaTalk: Conservatives
written Apr 29, 2004
How do the Zetas define the relationship between political dichotomy, ie conservative vs
liberal, and the spiritual orientations of STS and STO. What are the likely changes that will
occur in the makeup of the two major political parties in the USA and governments through
the world as the Transformation proceeds.
However the political parties around the world are described, they seem to fall into categories that define the spiritual orientations, Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other.
What are the characteristics of Service-to-Self? They want control over others, a clear pecking order so that
whatever status they have achieved cannot be challenged, and they want this status conserved. Since they aspire to be at the top of the pile, they want this pile conserved, not altered, and protecting the spoils of the rich is thus a precept of their philosophy. What is missing in this equation is the conservation of comfort and security for the
common man, who must be sharply punished if they challenge the status quo and especially if they rebel and are
thus out of control of the conservatives seeking to maintain the status quo. The status quo disempowers the
common man, who is so exhausted from trying to feed and house a family they have scarce energy to protest,
who can be threatened with being thrown out on the street with no recourse if they protest or are reluctant to be
under strict control in all aspects of their lives.
What are the characteristics of the Service-to-Other? They are concerned about the well being of the least
among the populace, welfare and health benefit programs, a fair distribution of the wealth accumulated from the
work the common man is invariably bound to on a daily basis, and open access to facts. They are liberal with the distribution of accumulated wealth, and stand for liberty or freedom of access to information and services. This pits them at odds to their counterparts, who oppose freedom while seeking to establish control over the common