ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living Page 6
in storage holds is found missing, looted by those who knew about it and panicked, thinking of themselves.
Those trying to meet the needs of the community and follow through on the plans laid become exhausted,
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ZetaTalk: Survival Groups
stumble about in fatigue, and finally simply sleep or get sick from the effort. Fights break out among the
demanding, who may have had a role to play, forgotten this, and reverted to their true personalities when
pleasant life in the town disappeared and distress arrived. Some new heroes emerge, but like the few trying to
carry out the plan, they too become exhausted, as the majority are not these, but the childish, the selfish, and the demanding. Service-to-Other folk are in the minority, worldwide, and this expresses when stressful times arrive.
In time, families headed by Service-to-Other individuals remove themselves from this scene, taking themselves
and their dependents elsewhere, into smaller groups. In time, those who have not died, looted and then starved,
or left, will be the immature in good health and strength, who will eventually go wandering in search of better
Thus, the best laid plans most often do not work out, and spontaneous meetings, often guided, work out best.
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ZetaTalk: Group Policy
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ZetaTalk: Group Policy
Note: added during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Service-to-Other communities, and their interactions are something we have described in an attempt to give humans an
understanding. We have described how we operate "without money" the title of the piece, for instance, replacing concern and communication for financial transactions. Humans, confused about who and what is Service-to-Other, assume many people and actions to be thus when it is not. An example might be a vain person, who spends time on their appearance and is distressed by being dirty or unkempt. Is this Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self? Depends.
Given a choice of completing an obligation, putting the self in distress to help others who need that help, the Service-to-Other vain person would show their colors. If leaning toward Service-to-Self, or undecided, this person might turn
their back on others in need to keep themselves prim, or vacillate. Thus, vanity, or laziness, or argumentativeness, or combativeness, or intellectual flights, or a tendency to hoard, or a tendency to check out when matters get tense, none of these are in and of themselves exempt from being part of an Service-to-Other entities behavior.
One must see the Service-to-Other person in a situation where they must chose, or change their behavior, to assist others, or not. We have stated that actions are more important than words, that words do not indicate orientation, but what the person does when a conflict occurs. These conflict situations must be where the person will potentially lose for themselves, lose their life, their possession, their stature, their health, whatever. It is then that you see the nature of the person, when put to this test.
Someone may be considered lazy, but this in effect a difference of opinion on what needs to be done. Must the house be all that clean, the ground trimmed, the car washed, or can life go on just as well with these tasks undone? Someone
may be considered unsociable, preferring to isolate themselves rather than interact in endless chatter, but is this a sign that they are not Service-to-Other? Should the situation be that communication and interaction is needed, in order to save the group from distress, the unsociable and uncommunicative one is suddenly a chatterbox! Thus, is it not
possible to give humans, who in the main are undecided, guidelines to determine who is Service-to-Other and who is not, nor to advise thus on social structure for a survival groups whom one hopes will be essentially Service-to-Other.
These matters will sort out quickly when the shift occurs, with the true colors of humans on display, often a shock to those who assumed otherwise. Wait and see, and be prepared to make changes if need be, at that time.
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ZetaTalk: Small Groups
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ZetaTalk: Small Groups
Note: added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
We have recommended from the start that survivor groups start with one's friends and family, known entities. Even
should you not particularly like your relatives, and they despise your friends, at least you have known entities about you. We have advised against meeting on the internet, answering adds, posting one's qualification in a database, or
similar trust-all schemes. Those with skills are unlikely to need to post them and seek entry into another group, as almost everyone who knows them will be uttering invitations! Thus, those who advertise are likely the type of person
to need support, in massive doses, both physical and emotional. We have also advised, as has Nancy within Troubled Times, to keep a low profile, not advertise your site or your presence. After the shift, those who have not lined up a relatively safe location, stocked away a few weeks food supply or a tent or cot, will adapt. Even those who have
prepared must find themselves at that level, as the unprepared, soon enough. One cannot live as an island, well
prepared and ignoring the neighbors, as the presence of a well stocked and electrified group soon becomes known.
Would you turn your guns on your neighbors starving children?
We have predicted that government snoop methods, such as tracking small purchases or the whereabouts of those
claiming to be contactees, will fail. They will be overwhelmed with tasks more immediate and pressing, going into the
shift. We have recommended that supplies be stocked away from the home of the purchase, and no one talk of the survival site location. If in spite of all these efforts, a group finds someone in their midst that is passing this
information onto an establishment arm, what to do?
1. Should such a happenstance occur, first doubt it as the establishment has far more to worry about that a small group with few supplies. If you can feed an army for a month, you may have a worry, but otherwise, they will
ignore the tip!
2. Stay small, as this in itself is an insurance against attracting attention. Gangs looking to loot go to the rich, which have immense stores, not the little guy. Being small also allows a better likelihood that all members of the
group are known, and the likelihood of a snitch in the group lessened.
3. If all else fails and you feel you are under scrutiny, start over! Ditch the supplies, which in any case should have been place in multiple places, unknown to any one individual.
4. If you truly feel you are likely to be invaded and looted, then group after the shift in a place where no supplies exist!
These types of maneuvers will better your chances, and in fact reduce the likelihood of looting or takeover to almost
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Others
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Others
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding what the future Service-to-Others Earth may appear to be, this will not be something strange. There are
many groups on Earth already who operate in the Service-to-Others orientation. They share their resources, address the
problems of each as though it were a problem for the many, sacrifice their own comfort for the better comfort of the
many, and do not impede the growth or awakening to knowled
ge of each other. In the Earth of the future, these
qualities will seem to increase in people, and groups will find less and less need for artificial controls on their behavior, and more and more allowance for trust among each other. There are no human societies, however, that exemplify the
4th Density spiritual Service-to-Others community. Human societies are, in the main, populated by the undecided. This
colors the social structure, inevitably.
Where Communism ascribed to a system where each gave according to his ability, and all were supported, this
of course did not occur. Corruption quickly gained the upper hand, black markets emerging, such that those
ascribing to the original philosophy starved and were worked half to death.
Capitalism on its face fails, as while supporting the greedy, who without hesitation step on the least of those
among them to raise themselves up, creates and enhances ignoring the suffering of the neighbor. Those who
espouse capitalism, saying that Capitalist nations are most successful, fail to count the suffering of the little man.
Success is not measured by the wealth and smugness of a few. Pollution, emotional deprivation, the dulling of
the mind and heart of the man on the street - these are the byproducts of Capitalism.
Religions likewise, even if based on the philosophy that the weakest among them should be cared for, and all
should give to the betterment of the group, fail. The Pope lives in splendor, gold and high ceilings everywhere,
while those supporting this structure starve and are given edicts of sexual suppression that the pedophile priests
hardly ascribe to.
Thus, even in the average family, the Service-to-Others 4th Density spiritual existence cannot proceed. Thus, other
than read what we have described as our existence, we cannot point to a human culture, a human philosophy, as a case in point.
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ZetaTalk: Guided
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ZetaTalk: Guided
Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Truly Service-to-Other individuals, with dependents if they do not interfer with the Service-to-Other nature of the
individual, are being guided now. This most often starts by the individual giving the Call, as they see situations around them becoming less secure, changes not explained by the establishment, and wish to continue to aid those they feel
responsible for. The Call results in visitations, and the Service-to-Other individual gets informed of the coming times, and is assisted in sorting out their personal plans. For many, they cannot make solid plans, due to being underfunded or over extended personally, in committements to others. Thus, the Service-to-Other individual often has a last-minute
plan, to escape, with loved ones who will certianly need assistance, to postion themselvses where they can help others
in the immediate Aftertime. Often, the Service-to-Other individual plans to go into the worst situations, into collapsed cities to rescue the innocent, the orphans, and take them to better places. They are being guided as to where to take these troups of orphans, chosen not solely due to their need, but to their orientation, else Lord of the Flies result. And this giving of the Call, and Visitations, and being guided will only increase during the shift, and afterwards.
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ZetaTalk: Mainstay for Others
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ZetaTalk: Mainstay for Others
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
During the cataclysms those already operating in the 4th Density Service-to-Other orientation, spiritually speaking,
have an offer from ourselves and our brethren in the Service-to-Others camps, to be lifted to safety during the
cataclysms. This is, in essence, what the Bible is referring to as the Rapture, although this is much misinterpreted to mean a saving of the faithful. This lift is very temporary, and those so assisted will not even be conscious of it.
However, in spite of the brief time involved, most, the vast majority in fact, have declined. Why is this? The Service-
to-Others almost invariable have loved ones in their lives who do not qualify - wives and husbands, children and
grandchildren, and friends, co-workers, and even acquaintances and neighbors.
The time of most need is when the tidal waves and earthquakes hit, and the firestorms and trash in the comets tail
sweep the Earth. It is then that they wish to be with those they care for, to reduce fear and anxiety, knowing that these emotions can lead one astray, into the Service-to-Self camp. Often times the Service-to-Others individual, in the
minority on Earth, is the one who acts as a mainstay for others. They are seldom the one rewarded or applauded, and
most often the one quietly plugging away, supporting others. Look around you, and you will find them, though you
must often look behind the scenes. Take these individuals away, and put the rest in a great crisis, and you will see why our offer of rescue has been declined.
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ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm
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ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Each human life lives out its term, with the entity incarnated growing with the opportunities presented, or shrinking
from them. Those humans remaining alive after the pole shift will reform into small groups, leaning toward this
orientation or another, Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self, or being composed of the same mix that human society has
today. Where the trauma of the cataclysms will have been great, those who undergo a natural cataclysm often find this
easier to accept than the steady grind of manmade hardships. For the vast majority of those killed during the
cataclysms, death will have been so quick as to be unexpected and unfelt. No anxiety and no pain. This knowledge
will assuage the grief of the survivors. After the cataclysms the hardships will not be unlike those experienced by
humanity during prior centuries, where severe weather or drought or disease created hardship for the populace. It is
only recently that human society, in the developed world, has come to expect that life should be otherwise.
Note: below added during the July 27, 2002 Live Zetatalk IRC Session.
The US government will be diminished, as will all governments, to a very small locale. Someone landing on the planet
5 years after the shift would be hard pressed to even find their enclave, and this will be true of Australia, Russia, and China. The enclaves will be locale, within walking distance only, yet will be filled with the arrogance of continuing
power, such plans. Like the Pope and his entourage, a small group convinced the world is waiting for them, ready to
follow, a myth that will be a shock to them when they spread out and find no one cares nor listens.
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ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities
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ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
What the civilization of the future will be is open, depending on the free will and motivation of those who can guide
its progress. It would be unfair to those who will be in a position to affect this to speculate. This picture is to be
painted by the artists. The time after the cataclysms, what is termed the Aftertime, w
ill be a time of great opportunity.
Where all the foundations of the past have been shattered, and all is to be rebuilt, there is almost endless opportunity.
The creative nature relishes such times. The courageous will find a bountiful return for their efforts. It will be a time when the capacities of each can be stretched to their limits, and entities can learn of strengths and talents within
themselves they had not imagined.
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
Note: written Apr 15, 2002
A common reaction among humans when first contemplating the pole shift as presented by us, is to think that the better
option is to go out with the tidal waves, go down under quake debris, or be blown against a wall by high winds and
have it all over with quickly. Most survivors of multiple pronged disasters sit stunned until death overtakes them.
Imagine the World Trade Center disaster, without rescue. No food stuffs brought in, no financial rescue, no media attention. This is in essence a depression, where less and less is done, as time passes. Illness sets in, and those stunned and unable to see a way out are at last given their way out, quietly.
We present a scenario of struggle to survive in the first place, with travel and terror and living a dual life of
uncertainty due to the establishment cover-up. Getting past that as a short term problem, the larger problem looms like a dark cloud. Life in the Aftertime is fraught with dying forests, lack of livestock or flocks or wildlife to eat, and
gardens that will not flourish. Add to this the description of a Mad Max world, where a set of laws and a governing
body will be nonexistent or turned toward self-service, marauding gangs and the need to live forever in a low-profile
mode to survive. Then the time frame of a 25 years volcanic gloom, with climate change requiring vegetation to adjust