ZetaTalk: Orientation Page 6
Zetas in the vicinity, who fill in with service as needed. We utterly trust each other. At times this trust proves
misplaced, but this is part of the lessons we are learning during this stage, or density, that we are in.
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ZetaTalk: Without a Body
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ZetaTalk: Without a Body
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
How do the spiritual orientations operate in highly evolved entities who no longer require incarnations, physical
bodies? Quite similar to the way they operate when incarnate. Some threats and punishments or rewards are removed,
of course, as one cannot threaten to torture or maim if there is no body. For those in the Service-to-Others, there
continues to be cooperation and complete communication. For those in the Service-to-Self, it is force of will and
intensity that creates domination. Among the Service-to-Self, there are still the big bosses and the go-fers, even when there are no bodies to bully with.
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ZetaTalk: Lessons of 4th Density
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ZetaTalk: Lessons of 4th Density
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The lessons of 4th Density are more numerous, and bridge to some degree to the goals of 5th Density. In 4th Density
the entity is further fine-tuning its mode of relationship to others. Where in 3rd Density the entity was surrounded by a mix of orientations, in 4th Density the mix is segregated.
The Service-to-Self entity finds others more difficult to dominate and control, as all others are so inclined. The
struggle engrosses them, almost entirely, for some time. Eventually they learn how to proceed with other lessons, while surrounded by others whom they must somehow work with. This solution almost invariably involves a firm pecking
order, and rules, lots of rules.
The Service-to-Other entity finds themselves surrounded by others they can count on, theoretically. Service-to-Others
trust each other utterly, relying on each other to assume the role they volunteered for. Early in 4th Density there is
much breach of trust. Entities coming from 3rd Density are not used to the intense dedication involved. They are used
to being forgiven when things go awry, as most responsibility is shared in 3rd Density, which is seldom foolish
enough to utterly trust that a task will be done without much checking and oversight. The Service-to-Other entity
coming from 3rd Density is used to putting in a shift, documenting the work done or giving a status check, and
knocking off work. Time now for play. In 4th Density play is a group endeavor, when the responsibilities normally
looked after are temporarily transferred to others.
Thus, the reader can see that the orientation lessons of 4th Density are as time consuming as those of 3rd Density.
However, in addition to orientation lessons, the 4th Density entity is greatly increasing their knowledge of how the
Universe works. We have mentioned the IQ jump from 3rd to 4th Density, and that this increase in intelligence cannot
be solely measured by an IQ test. It is a quantum leap. The time spent in 4th Density, studying, is not, therefore, time lost. The entity finds themselves, for the first time, truly able to contemplate the workings of the Universe.
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ZetaTalk: Love Life
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ZetaTalk: Love Life
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Ah love, one of life's greatest joys. All intelligent species throughout the Universe procreate bisexually in some form or another. For some species the urge is mild and the body relatively uninvolved. We are speaking here of species who
lay eggs, for instance. For other species, in particular the hominoids, procreation is intense - the sex drive in proportion to the investment required to carry and deliver live young. For hominoids this involves being pregnant for the greater
part of a year, being massively pregnant during the later months, and caring for utterly helpless and nude young
without a protective pouch. Consider other mammals on Earth. Where they are born in a den, such as the bear, or into
a pouch, such as a Kangaroo, they are utterly helpless and nude. But where they are out in the world, they are born
literally on their feet, and scampering about after their mothers shortly after birth. Humans have the worst of both
worlds, so place a supreme emphasis on the love bond. Competition is intense, and the requirements of the female go
beyond any physical attraction. Will the potential father stay with her, and is he a good provider? If not, she will
ignore her urges and deny him sexual contact.
How does this change in 4th Density? In the Service-to-Self camps sex becomes promiscuous, as the mothers care not
for their young. The young are collected by those assigned this task, and raised essentially in orphanages. In the
Service-to-Others camps, there is much less worry about support for the mother than during 3rd Density. She in fact
receives more support than she could ever use, an abundance. The issues revolve, instead, around the child. Who
would provide the best genes, the most sustaining parental attention, and the most stimulating environment. As for sex, this is freed from the near automatic connection to procreation that occurs in 3rd Density. Contraception is assumed, as is free love. One should not assume this means promiscuity, as there is less of this than in 3rd Density human societies today. Free love in the 4th Density Service-to-Others camps means that sex is used, truly, as an instrument of love.
Ownership and possession are not part of the equation, at least in theory.
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ZetaTalk: All Work, No Play
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ZetaTalk: All Work, No Play
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Is there happiness and joy in the 4th Density Service-to-Others camps, or is it all duty and work with no opportunity to play? In the Service-to-Other camp, being happy in one's work is an automatic outcome, as one chooses one's tasks, and thus this is without resentment. As to joy, there is always joy at doing for others, at feeling important for their welfare, and seeing what comes about because of one's efforts. Service-to-Others is not a grim dedication to tasks,
with no time out for exploration, no music or presentation of arts and theater, no fancy meals, and no luxurious baths.
Every enjoyment you have now would have an equivalent. The only stricture is self imposed, a sense of duty to fulfill
a promise made to the others. For those in the Service-to-Others, self-imposed expectations are not a burden, they are
a source of joy and happiness. We Zetas in the Service-to-Others enjoy ourselves, in all the many ways humans enjoy
themselves. Luxuriant baths, silken textured garments and soft beds, sweet tastes and smells, a sense of rhythm and
desire to dance - we have all of these.
We are portrayed as cold as steel, to a not small degree because the eyes of humans cannot see our color and see us
only as gray, steel gray. We are portrayed as emotionless, as we are disciplined and fail to react when humans attempt
to provoke us, feeling helpless in our grasp and desiring some kind of satisfaction. We are presented as without sex or digestion, and without parental ties, raising our young in tanks rather than in our arms and bellies.
In fact we have
sexual urges, although not as strong at present as those humans have, and where we no longer put food in our mouths,
our bodies react to our nutrient baths with the same sense of gratification and relief that humans have when eating
hungry. Our young are raised outside of our bodies because of our large heads, not because of lack of love. We are
assumed to be without a sense of rhythm or a desire to dance, because we have never been seen to party. Humans
should realize that when they meet with us, or are attended by us, that we are at work. Do humans dance when at work?
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ZetaTalk: Little Bit Selfish
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ZetaTalk: Little Bit Selfish
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Of course there is a degree of selfishness in the Service-to-Other. If there were not, chaos would reign. One of the
group, left alone, would fail to remove themselves from danger or take nourishment, thinking only of the others. You
see the point. Service-to-Others is defined as being at least as concerned about others as about the self. An even split.
Of course, there are degrees, where some individuals almost never consider themselves, and others often. And then,
just as with your society, the point where selfishness turns on differs among individuals. One would think nothing of
sharing a garment with another, but insists on maintaining a small horde of food, as this individual experienced
starvation in its past and has yet to recover from the memory. Another gives food away generously, having no fall
back at all though times are lean, but insists that their wardrobe not be shared as they are vain of their appearance and have taken special care to enhance this.
All intelligent species, when in a Service-to-Others group, display a self interest that maintains the individual. Without this self interest, as an integral part of the species, the species would not have survived throughout evolution.
However, when creating an intelligent species for 4th Density Service-to- Others, the genetic engineers look to reduce
any traits that interfere with the lessons of 4th Density. Thus, in creating the hybrids, we increase telepathy in such a manner as to counteract the violent tendencies of man. You may, on occasion, still wish to kill, but you will consider
with great anxiety the feeling of your potential victim. Thus, the crime does not occur.
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ZetaTalk: Telepathy
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ZetaTalk: Telepathy
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Telepathy is a curse for the Service-to-Self, and an advantage to the Service-to-Others. Being only vaguely aware of
telepathic qualities, humans wonder. Those humans with telepathic abilities relay that this is a mixed blessing for
humans. They can become distracted at unwelcome times. They can become aware of the emotional tone of another, as
well as the thoughts, even though this may not be desired. However, for the 4th Density Service-to-Other entity, who
desires to know where the others are, this is not a burden. Annoying emotion, such as rage or loss of control, is not
present. What is present is valid concerns about the needs of the group, and information on joint projects. Think of
team work, in your present human society, where everyone on the team is focused on the goal. Does close mental and
emotional synching not feel good?
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ZetaTalk: Keeping Secrets
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ZetaTalk: Keeping Secrets
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
In 4th Density Service-to-Others there are no secrets. This is primarily because of the spiritual orientation, where there is great concern for others. As this agenda does not need to be hidden, entities are open about their motives.
Secondarily, there are no secrets because telepathic ability is vastly increased. One's thoughts are read by and known to the others as quickly as they are entertained. This makes it easy to be empathetic and caring, as the pain of one
becomes the pain of all. Communication is greatly enhanced by telepathy also. No need for the phone, no need to write
notes, no silent suffering. For some entities newly arrived into 4th Density Service-to-Others this openness is
distressing. They may have been used to being secretly vain, or resentful of others, and covering this with a socially
acceptable facade. They are aghast to find that everyone is peeking at their thoughts. One can always recognize these
new 4th Density recruits, as they are so often embarrassed and trying to explain themselves. Confession and
acceptance of the self is the only solution, and allows one to get on with the lessons of 4th Density.
In the Service-to-Self orientation, matters are entirely different, as this orientation uses telepathy as little as possible and deception as often as possible. As this situation is not unknown to Earthlings, we will not bother to describe it in detail.
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ZetaTalk: Telling the Truth
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ZetaTalk: Telling the Truth
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
This is an issue that is not only inherent in humans society, it is inherent throughout the Universe wherever there is
intelligence with the capacity to deceive and the desire to do so. This issue arises in humans from the very earliest age.
The child with its hand in the cookie jar explains, when caught, just what it was up to. The explanations are anything
but the truth, most often. As adults, humans and we must confess, many aliens, become more sophisticated. Blatant
lies are replaced with subtle changes and omissions, which cleverly twist the meaning from what a plain delivery of
the facts would present. By these means most of human society is presented with what politicians wish the voter to
perceive, corporate managers wish the stockholders to believe, lovers desire their sex partners to understand, and the
tax payers hopes the IRS will buy.
With this in mind, we enter the realm of the alien presence, with the number of players multiplied from humans to all
the alien groups who have an interest. Even those who are in the Service-to-Others orientation, those who are highly
telepathic with each other and therefore virtually unable to lie to each other, find themselves packaging the facts
palatably. Then, of course, there are the professional liars, both human and alien, the Service-to-Self who have no
compunction about leading anyone astray. How can one sort out the truth? We suggest that the same methods used
effectively to disrobe liars and exaggerators in human society be applied to the alien issue. Where one finds a lie or
that the truth has been stretched, point this out with irrefutable facts, if they exist, or solid logic. At the very least, untruthful statements can be challenged with your statements that the facts seem otherwise to you. An unchallenged
statement often goes as truth to the uninformed. Where there is contention, the uninformed tend to weigh the caliber,
both the moral and professional qualification, of the contestants.
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ZetaTalk: When Under Attack
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ZetaTalk: When Under Attack
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding perpetrators, so used to giving it out but not taking it. How do they deal with a different role? How does a
former perpetrator learn how to be a victim? Do they know how to avoid this? Do they understand, having been at the
other end of the stick, what works? They have indeed, and as most human victims are placed in this situation because
they must deal with these Service-to-Self entities, we will undertake a compare and contrast analysis in order to show
the reader how to recognize the Service-to- Self entity, and how to react most effectively to their forays.
The Service-to-Self entity, or one strongly polarized in that direction, first seeks to remove itself from a bad situation.
However, most humans are neither strongly polarized toward Service-to-Self or working firmly and consistently in the
Service-to-Other orientation. In many cases the situation cannot be avoided without causing harm to others, breaking
promises or commitments, even deserting other innocents. In many cases the situation is a physical trap, too. The job
cannot be left as the human will become homeless, for instance, and forced perhaps into a life of crime which for the
victim is not an alternative that is acceptable. Therefore, this option, which the Service-to-Self take without thought of the after affects, is not, in the main an open option. Can the victim not simply stand up to the attacker? Most certainly, and in this discussion we are assuming that this avenue has already been considered. If escape is not possible, then a
straightforward defense is next tried. The victim calls the situation to the attention of the authorities. The situation under discussion here is where these tactics are not possible. The avenue for appeal is not possible, or would in fact
worsen the attack. In human society, the tendency to blame the victim is used frequently, to deal with frustration. One need only to follow closely the trail of the rape victim, from victimization to trial, to see this process in action.