ZetaTalk: Awakening Page 7
deals with, no rescue there, and the lack of a mass landing to colonize Earth, as evidence that neither
Hug-Humans or Hug-Aliens above are correct.
Enter the establishment, which is composed of the wealthy, powerful politicians, and church leaders, not all of whom
are logical thinkers. It was known that Reagan, while President, consulted a psychic, and the odd behavior of many
notaries would astonish the populace should the truth be known. Pressed to remain on Earth, no escape to Mars, and
fearing their underground caverns not to be safe during violent earthquakes, the establishment is looking with horror
toward the possibility of a pole shift. Might they have to experience it, like the public they have mislead and used and
had no intention of informing? Since the Earth changes have played out as we predicted, and the inbound planet is
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ZetaTalk: Discord
approaching in the manner and rate we predicted, many in the establishment are reading our words desperately for a
way to avoid what they were so happy to allow the general public to experience. In other words, how can they escape!
In that we have stated that if 89% of the populace were Service-to-Other, the Transformation to 4th Density physical
could occur even before the shift, allowing an escape from the shift, this is one route. However, how to force the some
50% of the populace to accept this philosophy, when guided by those in the establishment who can't even entertain the
proper concepts? Not feasible. Another, more likely, scenario, is to have the populace accept the alien presence,
embrace it, and thus with aliens walking about on the face of the Earth, ignoring the plight of mankind would be
embarrassing and they'd step in and effect a rescue, or so the logic goes.
Thus, you see groups Hug-Humans, and Hug-Aliens above, clashing. Clonaid gets on CNN, on Crossfire, where aliens
have never been the focus before. Expect more entertainment as the shift approaches, from an increasingly desperate
and shrill establishment. Images of space ships is not new, and NASA has endless images to access. A fight between
tight allies, such as Spain and NASA are, is staged, with the intent that both parties, Hug-Humans and Hug-Aliens,
would be happy.
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ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition
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ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Disproving the proposition can often be impossible, given the parameters. How many angels are their on the head of a
pin? How long is a day 12 light years hence? How many life times does the average human repeat? These matters
cannot be settled, in human terms, and thus cannot be proved or disproved. Such is the situation where matters on the
alien presence cross the human desire for control. This is a multifaceted confusion. There are aliens in the Service-to-
Self orientation that can wield deception better than the most practiced human. There are humans in establishment
positions who will cloud the issue endlessly, as long as they can stay in control. There are humans who desire to profit
from the alien issue, and cook up scenarios and roles for themselves as long as there is an audience. Where does the
truth lie, and how can the truth be proven?
Unfortunately, this is not a matter that can be quickly put to rest. The issues at play are many, and involve the free will
of man, the engagement rules that govern alien interaction with man, the engagement rules that govern alien
interaction between orientations, and the mutability of truth itself. Different people see truth in different ways.
In all of this rises the issue of whether a given alien message, such as ours, is truly from ourselves or Nancy's
imagination or government psychics. How can this matter be proved? It cannot. Psychics can insert themselves into
others thoughts. Imaginative humans can and do concoct intriguing stories. And the truth can be before you,
unrecognized and even rejected. It is for you to judge, listening with your heart and pondering with your mind. And
when you have determined what is true, for you, then this you should hold to. It is, at essence, a matter of faith.
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ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?
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ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?
written Mar 11, 2005
Who is Sorcha Faal? Posting on whatdoesitmean.com as did David Booth. At first quoted IndiaDaily as a
news source, but IndiaDaily is a web site in New Jersey run by a single guy, not legit, claims about aliens
and the India government not supported elsewhere, for instance. Now Sorcha is quoting legit sources while
continuing to talk about the Earth changes and things in the heavens, no longer quoting IndiaDaily. Is this
disinfo? Another Booth?
We have mentioned that the public is increasingly restless in the face of weather extremes which create monster storms and alternating droughs and deluges, geological anomalies where the poles and glaciers are melting from the bottom
up, earthquakes so on the increase that denial from the USGS is suspect, and all of this with no apparent relationship to
the standard Global Warming excuse. We have explained that the elite anticipated being able to either hunker down
into underground bunkers or escape the Earth temporarily, but have come to realize that neither route to safety will be
available for them. We have explained that a decision was made to mentor survival communities, as a way to form a
stronger worker base in the future, with frank talk about the coming cataclsysm as a possibility in the media to begin this educational process. We have repeatedly mentioned that the elite who control the world by their great wealth, have
determined to make the Bush administration the scapegoat when the truth finally ruptures out into the open. They have been posturing themselves as the world’s superpower, were in control of NASA since the discovery of Planet X in
1983, and their hand thus clearly at the helm of the cover-up.
So where does this leave the resentful Bush administration, who as mere Puppets of the wealthy elite had plans to
become peers, controlling the worlds oil fields and the territories of the Americas from Alaska to Argentina? Clearly,
they don’t plan to cooperate, but they are likewise not succeeding in their plans to garner support behind them in their
self appointed role as world leaders in Democracy. World opinion is against them, and other countries hold and buy
the notes that the US needs as a daily fix to stay afloat. While the battle between the Puppet Masters and their Puppets rages, information, as well as disinformation agents, will emerge. In that takeovers can occur, especially when the
agent does not have a real identity and is only an Internet presence, the same agent may start out as one, then switch.
How is the public to sort this out?
Even where the owership of a media outlet is known, the propensity known, the message or tone may suddenly switch.
Such is the power of commands coming from the very top, or the threat of torture or assassination or financial calamity
or scandal placed upon a radio or TV host. As in a possession the media outlet may seemingly change, then return to its former self, exorcised. In this rapidly changing environment, where the cover-up is doomed to rupture and expose
the hands behind it, such flip-flops will be ma
ny. The Puppets are frantically pulling the strings of the media and
threatening all involved with maintaining the coverup with extreme measures should they even consider cooperating
with a plan for open discussion. The Puppet Masters are demanding that this open discussion begin. With the Earth
changes firmly behind the Puppet Master’s plan, the outcome is certain. Stay tuned.
Radio and TV announcers, newspaper editors, and scientists at Universities or on the government payroll
would be asked questions, and needed to know what topics were to be suppressed, what pat answers were
to be given, so the number of individuals involved in the cover-up grew. As with the meeting in France of
government heads, reportedly to talk about Iraq and mend fences, where the word given to these heads of
state was that there was a presence in the solar system, expected to float away, and at all costs the mission
was to reduce panic, these new enlistees into the cover-up were told this was all for the public good.
ZetaTalk: Credibility Issues, written Jul 5, 2003
Clearly, the establishment in the know about the coming cataclysms stands to benefit from a continuing
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ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?
cover-up. Public knowledge would cause their empires to collapse, banking failures, a stock market crash,
corporations devoid of workers, security workers vacant from their posts, crowded highways, looted
stores, and an infrastructure no longer there to support the elite high in their perches above the common
ZetaTalk: Cover-up Cracks, written Jul 5, 2003
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ZetaTalk: False Channels
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ZetaTalk: False Channels
Note: written on Jun 15, 1996
There is a confusing mixture of channeled information supposedly from various alien groups, and from various human
individuals or groups who may not actually be in contact with alien groups,. and this confusion is only going to get
Claims that one is in contact with an intelligence from another world is easier to foist upon the listener than a claim
that one is listening to the spirits of dead humans. In seances, for instance, the audience can state that the message
being relayed does not sound right, that it doesn’t sound like Uncle Joe, or something an old woman would say. But if
one is relaying a message that is supposedly coming from another world, almost anything goes, and it does. Fully half,
50%, of all individuals claiming to channel or the like are making this up, and they know it. The majority of those
genuinely in contact, another 37% or so, are giving a garbled message so that there is a mixture of truth and uneasy
feelings the channel may have. Thus only 12-13% of those making claims are relaying a true message. So the listening
audience is completely confused in the main. It’s like a kaleidoscope of information and colors. They are hearing about
worlds they have not visited, nor are they likely to, so they have no basis of comparison and certainly no way to prove
out what is being said. If one is going to tell a fairy tale, one tells it far out rather than with any basis of validation,
and in that way validation is never a challenge or a worry.
Each person must sort the plethora of information out for themselves. Balance this information against what you know.
What does the Earth itself report to you? What does geological history tell you? What do you, as scientists, know to
make sense? What does your knowledge of social science tell you about how people will react? And, last but not least,
what have we reported to you. Many times we cannot tell you that you are receiving incorrect information, because of
the Rules of Engagement. You must trust your own instincts. The majority of supposedly channeled information is
deliberately generated by humans looking to either disinform the populace or generate income.
Those looking to disinform do so for a wide variety of reasons. Some disinformation is to put forth a message they
wish the populace to believe. For instance, if some in your government wished the populace to believe that they have
cut a deal with aliens, so that immediate conquest by rampaging aliens had been held at bay by negotiating skills, they
would create a false channel to this effect. Some disinformation is to counter a message unwanted. For instance, if
some humans wanted the populace frightened enough of aliens that they would cling to the establishment for
protection, and an alien group, such as ourselves, reported that humans can repel unwanted visits from aliens just by
taking a firm stance, these humans would create a false channel reporting otherwise.
In all cases where a fraud is being perpetrated, the false channeler must create a massive amount of details, or a single
message as a standalone looks suspicious. Since none of this is provable, and the humans generating the fraud know
they won't be challenged unduly, they wax poetic. This situation is not an alien issue. It is a human issue. Look around
you at human society. The man who would maintain several wives in a society that allows him only one. What stories
does he invent to explain his absences, the wife's inability to contact him at work, his financial shortfalls? Story tellers
are in the main not punished by society, which pays good money for stories at the movies. Stories are seen as a way to
blunt the painful facts, and an adept storyteller is more often than not rewarded for his talent! What occurs when the
various wives discover each other? Most often, they all want the husband to be theirs!
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ZetaTalk: False Claims
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ZetaTalk: False Claims
Note: written on Nov 15, 1996
As the Awakening progresses, the flurry of increased sightings and communications from alien visitors will encourage
false claims, for many reasons. Even in the past, when contactees and those claiming sightings were harassed, false
claims outnumbered valid claims. Humans crave attention, in whatever form, as this is a trait that increases the
likelihood of survival. The infant that cries the loudest gets rescued from distress and fed so that the parents can get
some peace and quiet. The boy willing to step to the center of the group and present his ideas and plans is more likely
to be followed on a romp or adventure than one who remains silent and keeps his thoughts to himself, and thus is first
to the prize. The human animal demanding attention had the edge in survival, and as the survivor passed these genes
How does this human trait affect the Awakening?
Humans who see others receive praise and awards for good grades in school cheat on their exams even at risk of
discovery and punishment in order to step into the spotlight. Police files show that copycat crimes occur because
the perpetrator desires the spotlight, and those walking into the police station to confess are almost invariably not
a criminal but simply an attention getter. The desire to be the center of attention frequently overrides fear of
punishment or derision.
The desire to be the center of attention is strong, and where it cannot be satisfied otherwise can drive a human to
present false claims. Thus where UFO research groups interview contactees and occasionally publish their
stories, it
is inevitable, in human society, that false claims of being a contactee would be made. False sightings
are another such claim, as are claims of alien identity. How does one sort out the false claims from the valid?
UFO research groups have long held back key data files from their publications, by agreement, so that false
contactee stories could be identified. The public, however, doesn't have access to the transcripts, nor are they
privy to the patterns the mass of data forms. The public can be fooled. False claimants have enough information
at their disposal to put together a credible story, claiming contactee status or a sighting.
Where the false claim includes alien identity, it is easily discredited, as no alien life forms exactly equate to the
human shape and DNA composition. All such claims are false.
Those wishing to sort out false contactee or sighting claims from the valid must learn how to do this themselves, as by
initial appearance they will both look valid. The false claim, however, will not hold up under intense questioning, as
with all lies the truth become entangled in the many embellishments that elaborate lies require, and contradictions
emerge. Read the valid literature published in the past by conscientious UFO research groups. Use this extensive data
as a basis of comparison. But most of all, learn to discern the traits and profile of the attention getter. They will tend to
embellish the story as the attention they get starts to wane, demand attention rather than react to it as it comes their
way, contradict themselves increasingly as the story gets more elaborate, fly in the face of logic or known facts and
well established trends, and answer questions evasively with a flood of irrelevant details rather than address the crux
or gist of the question.
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ZetaTalk: Serpo Exchange
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ZetaTalk: Serpo Exchange