ZetaTalk: Visitations Page 8
Koran, a battleground between the original Service-to-Others authors and later Service-to-Self additions. Less well
known are the influences in China, where the geneticists creating China Man influenced the culture left behind. Quiet
moments in the garden, respect for wisdom and each other, and appreciation of the little things in life such as the song
of the bird, are such marks. Also little known is the American Indian culture, assumed to be self developed by the
Indians as they lived, isolated from the greater world. The Indians are not so aware of what they call shape shifting
without reason. Their myths of spirit forms met in the woods and their own flights are based on true encounters, where
they went Out-Of-Body and afterwards could not forget.
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ZetaTalk: Visitor Traces
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ZetaTalk: Visitor Traces
Note: written on Aug 15, 1996
The Earth has been visited for eons, long before mankind walked the Earth. Your Earth is fertile and full of life, an
endless source of interest to the curious. Just as travelers on long sea voyages, or trekking long distances over
continents, were lost to their human families, just so these visitors on occasion lost their moorings. They died, and
their companions were not able to locate their remains. Dead tissue is dead tissue, and it does not speak but rather
blends into the surrounding forest or swamp, lost to those anxiously looking for a companion. Humans are aware that
their technology is not perfect, and this lack of perfection is always present. The phone may be but a fingertip away
and the ambulance can come at a moment's notice, but if one's portable phone is broken when one is dying away from
home, then one may never be found!
Most often the Bones of Visitors are not recognized for what they are, as they are thought to be remains of an animal of some sort. Remains are also usually disturbed by scavengers, eaten and dragged or thrown about so that an intact
section cannot be pieced together. Any remains that would tend to look hominoid, but not human, would frighten a
human coming upon them, and these types of situations tend to result in active denial. The remains are left where they
are found, and even if documented and pressed upon colleagues, denial prevents them from being taken seriously. If
for no other reason, denial occurs because the researchers have difficulty realizing they are not alone, not the first or most intelligent conscious species in the Universe, not the masters of all they survey. One looks the other way, walks
away, and then forgets to mention the find in their report.
Skulls of hominoid visitors, as well as intact skeletons of non-hominoid visitors, have been recovered by human
researchers and documented. These discoveries never make the press, as the media find them too disturbing. There are
solemn moments, hushed silences when no word is spoken. Then someone mentions that the public might be disturbed,
might faint or attack the media with claims of fraud. The decision is make to wait a bit, for some time in the future
when folks seem better prepared for such matters. If the bones of visitors were simply odd skeletal structures, they
could be displayed as an example of an extinct animal, and at times this is just what they are taken to be. The bones that don't get displayed are hominoid skulls that obviously have more brains than mankind, big heads that humans today don't possess, much less the heads of early man. Who wants to break this news when they would have to be
faced with all those egos out there being taken down a notch! Better to keep mum, at least for the time being.
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ZetaTalk: Just a Dream
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ZetaTalk: Just a Dream
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Dreams are one of the avenues whereby the depth of the brain and the heart, in resonance, speak to the conscious. We,
and other aliens, are under stricture not to present ourselves to humans in such as way as to be inviolate. Yes and no,
we are surely there. In this way those humans uncomfortable with our presence can assure themselves this is not the
case. Yet those who are eager for our presence can reassure themselves that they are not, as you might say, dreaming.
Yet as eager as those wanting full contact are, they are unaware of how very jolting this will be, even for the initiated.
Some humans, forced to adjust too rapidly, would go mad.
Many contactees recall their visitations as a dream, as the recall starts during a semi-sleep state, during that time when one is just dropping off to sleep or waking up. However, there are characteristics that mark the recall as other than a
dream. The dream seems vivid, so real, and includes elements not normally in dreams such as sounds and smells.
These dreams are usually so vivid as to wake the drowsy contactee. If the contactee is comfortable with the concept of
the alien presence, they will dig further into their subconscious and unfold the story, but many simply leave the recall
in the dream status as in this way the recall is less threatening. How could it be real? It was only a dream!
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ZetaTalk: False Memory
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ZetaTalk: False Memory
Note: written on Jan 15, 1996
When visitations are recorded only in the subconscious, as all are now, there are various means by which contactees
develop recall - during meditation, while drifting in and out of sleep, under hypnosis, or due to flash connection to
some current event. Many contactees use a number of these avenues, quite naturally, and without even knowing the
proper term for the practice.
Contactees may flip through a magazine, come upon an article about visitation, complete with sketches of aliens, ships,
and procedures, and find themselves dealing with a new memory of similar circumstances. Was the memory placed
there, suggested by the article? Contactees may also find themselves day dreaming, with remarkable clarity, or waking
from dreams with a sharp sense that the drama was not just a dream, and do their best to return to these states, to meditate and uncover more of the drama. Are these just dreams, the imagination, and is the contactee just building a
fantasy? Contactees may discover scars or marks on their bodies, or experience missing time, and determine to
uncover the story by shelling out good money to a professional hypnotist. Does the hypnotist suggest scenarios to the
contactee while in a trance, and create a false memory?
The truth of these matters rests with several factors, and can never be conclusively proven. All humans create false memories for themselves, enhancing what makes them feel good about themselves and forgetting the embarrassments.
The validity of a contactee's recall should be judged, as with any memory, on the following.
The maturity and pragmatic nature of the contactee. Does this person attend responsibly to their duties, tell the
truth, and bear a healthy degree of skepticism about matters reported in the news or gossip carried by friends, or
does this person indulge in soap operas and novels, fall in love at the drop of a pin, or adamantly argue a point.
The influence of those around the contactee during the recall process. Is the contactee allowed to dredge up their
own memories, insert their own det
ails, or are these suggested to them.
Collaborative evidence that the memories are true, such as recalled physical sensations that are appropriate for
the situation, matching scars forgotten until recall referred to them, and relatives or friends confirming times
when the contactee seemed dazed or was strangely and unexplainably missing for a period of time.
The motive of the contactee, who in most cases is dealing quietly with a personal drama and wants no publicity
or attention. Is the contactee relieved to be piecing it all together, or do they dramatize the situation to everyone
who will lend them an ear, endlessly, with a clear tendency to embellish the story with whatever might bring
them more sympathy.
Contactees who tell their story to hasten and help the Awakening are almost always characterized by their quiet
demeanor, their serious intent, and an original reluctance to draw attention to themselves.
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ZetaTalk: Drug Induced
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ZetaTalk: Drug Induced
Note: written on Feb 15, 1996
Among the myths circulating on how, when, and where visitation occurs is the myth that hallucinogens facilitate. They
do not. Many would-be leaders and their hangers-on wish to get on the bandwagon and make a living if not a profit on
the increasing curiosity about the alien presence, and are looking for a niche.
Can they compete with genuine contactees who run the gamut of emotions when hypnotized by professionals
and exhibit scars that appear overnight or positive pregnancy tests that result in the missing-baby syndrome?
They would be discovered as the frauds they are if this were attempted.
Can they compete with genuine channelers, whose work has an internal consistency no matter how voluminous,
and connects with other genuine channeled works as though several soloists were suddenly a chorus? This type
of fraud requires talent, and is in any case a lot of work, and as these frauds come under increasing pressure to
explain contradictions it is not the perfect solution.
Can they claim they saw and learned wondrous things while in a drug induced state, and offer to show the
masses how it's done, for a fee? Why not? What basis for rejecting or accepting their statements exist? Its a safe
fraud, and more than one such fraud is currently running.
Visitations are not facilitated by recreational drugs, no matter what the users might imagine. In fact, as the contactee
would be dysfunctional, it's counter-productive. Any stories claiming otherwise are false, as are stories that alien
visitors encourage the use of recreational drugs.
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ZetaTalk: Light Form
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ZetaTalk: Light Form
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Some visitations are from entities who no longer take physical form. Physical form was in the past for these entities,
but they are spiritually evolved now, and take what would be called light form. The contactee is probably not aware of
his contacts with these entities, unless in his dreams, which may or may not be consciously recalled. These entities
have an extreme mental capacity, beyond what humans can endure. These entities have a force of love, also. Returning
from a contact with these entities, the contactee feels as though he has risen from a warm bath into the cool air. He
wishes to return to the warmth. He wishes this never to end. The contactee needs to bear in mind that what he desires
is in his future. The entities in contact have also endured what the contactee is enduring, in their past. This is one of the reasons they have such an intensity of love for humans. Entities in light form appear to humans as balls of light,
the strength of the light in proportion to the mass of the entity.
Human spirits are sensed, as ghosts, as a light cooling of the temperature or perhaps a visage of the human as it
appeared during its last incarnation. This in no way relates to how the entity is shaped at present, but is an impression the formerly human spirit is giving to the human at the scene - I looked like this. Temperature changes are due to the disincarnate entity desiring to influence the scene, and being inexperienced at how to do this.
Wise and massive entities, almost invariably in the Service-to-Other orientation, appear as balls of light so their
human contacts can mentally register their presence. Humans sense these entities well before they see them in light
form, as the light form is assumed only as a type of dress to allow the human to better comprehend the situation. The
contactee strongly senses someone in the room, or nearby, even though the contactee may be quite alone by all
appearances. This sense that someone else is present is so strong that the contactee may actually glance around,
disbelieving what their eyes are telling them. It is for this reason that these entities assume a light form, so that the contactee can relate to what is happening and get down to business.
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ZetaTalk: No Calling Card
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ZetaTalk: No Calling Card
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
In meeting or dealing with a non-human entity, whether this is a spirit you only converse with on an ethereal level or
an entity with embodiment that you encounter during contacts, you must judge for yourself whether this is an
encounter with the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation. There are no measures that serve as an easy
answer. There are no rules that can quickly be applied to the situation for an easy resolution to confusion. The right
solution to the situation facing you, as a human, this minute, is something you must determine. For some, this is
painful. Some humans, faced with this perplexing dilemma and used to the rigorous answers that their religious
ideology gives to them, feel naked and alone. However, this situation is one that the entity new to the 4th Density will
face ad infinitum. Get used to it.
Confusion is natural. When you ask how you can discern good and evil, how you can they discern what may be a
figment of your imagination or something generated from your own mind from what may be a spirit speaking to you
or trying to possess you, it is natural to be confused. This is up to each individual to determine for themselves. There
are clues, so that it is possible to differentiate your individual soul from others, to understand whether another spirit cares for you or does not care for you, and this doesn't require reading body language or blinking neon signs. There are
thousands of indications, just as when rising in the morning, you understand that it is morning and not evening by
glancing at the sky. Those who complain, asking when they are going to be told to truth, when will it be revealed, or
when they will we be led to the truth, are demonstrating an essential spiritual laziness.
You are supposed to learn to discern these matters, and to become more and more sensitive. You are supposed to be
put into environments where you must exercise choice as to whether to sacrifice yourself, and to what degree, and
where to put your efforts, and when to slack back, and who to ally with and partner with, and who not to. This is part
of your spiritual learning, your school house is a self instruction school house, and
to hold back, to resist and cry that you need clarity and exacting signs and instructions, is to avoid these lessons. This only delays your spiritual growth,
and will continue to put you in these perplexing situations until you learn to begin to stretch and exercise your spiritual mind just as you are asked in school to exercise you physical mind. So step forward and embrace the path. Many
exciting experiences await you. But if you hold back in the shadows you will not understand that.
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ZetaTalk: Knocking
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ZetaTalk: Knocking
Note: written on May 15, 1996
Frequently contactees report a knocking sound preceding their visitations, and almost invariably interpret this as a
signal of some kind. Humans, of course, knock on doors, tap out Morse Code, beat on drums to send messages through
the wilderness, and tap their feet or drum their fingers to express impatience. If they hear knocking, what else could it be? Density shifting is most often silent, with only the airspace disturbed. A ship suddenly appearing high in the sky,
displacing a few molecules of thin air, creates at most a light change in the breeze. Large or sudden displacement of air can create sound, as thunder claps following a lighting flash attest. Arriving or maneuvering aliens, who do not arrive
all at once lest they collide with each other at the staging point, create sudden movement in the air space in confined or delimited settings. Clap, clap, the aliens have arrived!
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ZetaTalk: Various Groups
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ZetaTalk: Various Groups
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Visitations are occurring between literally hundreds of alien groups and human contactees. Some of these alien groups
are on Earth only briefly, for perhaps only one contact with one individual, and this either out of curiosity or due to a very specific mission. Other alien groups, like ourselves, have been around for eons, and have an intense interest in the future of Earth, our future home. The Sirians, Pleiadeans, and Nordics, among other commonly reported Service-to-Other groups, are not so intensely interested as we, but are here primarily out of a sense of service. Their missions are as numerous as they themselves, as opportunity abounds. Like ourselves, they must wait for The Call from a human,