ZetaTalk: Visitations Read online

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ZetaTalk: Contact with Children

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  ZetaTalk: Contact with Children

  Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

  Those who are alarmed by the trends the Transformation is taking are particularly alarmed about what they term the

  abduction of children. Beyond the apprehension that something wretched might be happening to a vulnerable and

  impressionable child is a very different alarm - that we are getting them young and there is no way they can stop it.

  Cases where youngsters have been harmed by contact with aliens in the Service-to-Others orientation are nonexistent,

  nosebleeds and interrupted sleep notwithstanding. Those in the Service-to-Self are not allowed to affect the physical environment of a child, as given their nature they would surely attempt to maximize terror in those too young to have

  perspective. They are only allowed to answer The Call from a youngster on an intellectual basis - a conference.

  From our perspective, as Service-to-Other visitors, contact with children is no different from contact with adults. We are essentially speaking to the entity, the spirit within. From our perspective, dealing with humans is to some degree

  like dealing with children anyway. Where the young human has not gained wisdom on how the world works, a frame

  of reference, they are vastly more open to see a situation for what it is. They don't wear blinders. They don't have

  preconceptions. They don't have a vested interest in the status quo.

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  ZetaTalk: Recall Dangers

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  ZetaTalk: Recall Dangers

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Beyond the rules we are required to follow, we are dealing almost exclusively with our contactees only in the

  subconscious because of your societies resistance to our presence, to the alien presence. Conscious recall puts

  contactees at odds with society, which is stressful. Until lately, it could also be extremely dangerous, as your

  government punished those who spoke of their experiences.

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  ZetaTalk: Budd Hopkins

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  ZetaTalk: Budd Hopkins

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  Abduction therapists run in two veins - pro-alien and contra-alien. Budd Hopkins is an example of a contra-alien

  therapist. He feels visitations are always abusive and there can be no ameliorating circumstances. Aliens should leave humans alone, period. The concept of humans controlling and requesting visitations is not even considered, much less

  contemplated. Should an abductee express delight or affection or longing then the abuse has been brain washing. If

  they fail to exhibit resentment or fear then they are in denial, and evidence of the buried resentment or fear is found in the abductees general demeanor. Since confidentiality is maintained, this slant can never be validated by outsiders,

  who have to take the therapist's word for it. However, given this slant, the treatment is appropriate for those who gave The Call to the Service-to-Self and are suffering because of it.

  Most humans leaning toward the Service-to-Self orientation are used to dealing with humans of mixed orientation, and

  having their way with them. Following a call to Service-to-Self aliens, wherein the human is making a self centered

  request and expects to manipulate the aliens called, they may be in shock. There are few situations on Earth, outside of

  prison populations, where all humans in the vicinity may be in the Service-to-Self orientation. Even within prison this is hardly ever the case, so there is almost always someone of mixed orientation to be taken advantage of. In a meeting

  with Service-to- Self aliens, the human finds himself out numbered and out gunned, and often goes looking for

  sympathy afterwards.

  Budd Hopkins is just the thing.

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  ZetaTalk: Dr. John Mack

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  ZetaTalk: Dr. John Mack

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  Dr. John Mack came under attack by the Harvard establishment not because he dealt with the alien presence as a

  reality but because he dealt with it in a pro-alien manner. They are the good guys. They're here to help. Let's embrace

  them. Harvard, and its graduates, is tightly bound to the establishment, which hires them at prestigious salaries and

  contributes to the alma mater. The establishment, in sympathy with the New World Order crowd, wants the aliens to

  go away, or at a minimum for Earthlings to have nothing to do with them. They sought to punish Mack, by taking

  away his stripes and hitting him in the pocket book if possible, and almost succeeded. Publicity on their secret hearings forced the proceedings to stop, as the alternative was to dress their mean motives in angelic clothing, and this proved

  to be an impossible task.

  Was Dr. John Mack accurate in his conclusions, and were any of the accusations thrown his way valid? He chose to

  give the benefit of the doubt to benevolent alien intentions, rather than malevolent intentions, where other therapists

  went to the other extreme or remained neutral. As there are two orientations visiting Earth, all good or all bad

  interpretations are of course incorrect. However, therapists who give the benefit of the doubt to malevolent alien

  intentions don't come under attack by the establishment as Dr. John Mack did.

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  ZetaTalk: Betty Hill

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  ZetaTalk: Betty Hill

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1995

  An early and significant visitation was one familiar to the populace, known as the Betty and Barney Hill incident. This

  made the headlines before the alien presence became an increasing threat to the establishment, and thus was reported

  as relayed by the contactee, and not as wished by the spin doctors. Thus, what was reported stands as true facts and not

  a distortion.

  This couple was chosen specifically for this contact, which we in the Service-to-Others orientation anticipated would

  get reported and reported faithfully. Such was the nature of Betty Hill, that she would be able to put aside her emotions and shock, and register details. She did not disappoint those who were counting on her. Secondarily, the couple was

  chosen because they had a racially mixed marriage, and we wished to make the statement that all humans are viewed equally in our eyes. Betty and Barney Hill had given The Call, in no uncertain terms, due to their concerns about

  world trends, racial harmony, and their desire to see the future be without the discrimination that plunged like a knife

  into their lives, unremittingly. This was, in truth, more Betty's agenda than Barney's, but in his heart he was in full

  compliance, and the rest of him followed Betty's lead. The accurate depiction of the constellations allowed a curious

  mankind to correctly identify our star system of origin. Thus, the name Zeta was ascribed to us, to which we willingly


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  ZetaTalk: Betty Andreasson

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  ZetaTalk: Betty Andreasson

  Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

  Among the true sto
ries of visitations is the tale Betty Andreasson has told, of her life-long contact and harassment. She wrote from the perspective of one who welcomed the Awakening, and thus ran amuck of the New World Order crowd

  who wished her silenced. As with Whitley Strieber, her contacts have included aliens from both orientations, but those

  in the Service-to-Self lost the battle in their attempts to color her publications with fear and distrust. Both these

  authors have been able to sort matters out, and are the stronger for the personal gauntlet they were forced to run.

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  ZetaTalk: Triangle Sign

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  ZetaTalk: Triangle Sign

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding if the sign of the Zeta is a triangle. It is not. Where Whitely Strieber is telling a true story, and relaying

  faithfully the occurrence, the entities visiting him and the orientation of the entities are not clarified by the author. Like many in today's time, Whitely was confused as to what the entities were after, and whereof they spoke. And like many

  contactees today, Whitely was visited by entities from both orientations. He failed to differentiate. All frightened him, and the insignia from one was assigned as the insignia of all. We, the Service-to-Others Zetas, have no such insignia.

  In fact, we have no insignia at all, as much as this will be disbelieved by many. As we are Service-to-Other Zetas, we

  are highly telepathic, and are known to each other without the need of insignia.

  The triangle belongs to another alien group, of the Service-to-Self orientation. Insignias are required in these groups

  because they are not given to telepathic conversations, being distracted from the primary goal, the self, with such

  matters, and require insignias in order to identify their various groups.

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  ZetaTalk: Saucer Shapes

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  ZetaTalk: Saucer Shapes

  Note: written on May 15, 1996

  The flying saucer is the shape most associated with the alien presence, and is a term known all over the world.

  Sometimes the shape appears bell like, with the dome humped up in the center. Humans who recall being ferried about

  in these space ships report a cramped interior, especially if the ship is normally used by aliens of a smaller build than the average human. The rim of the space ship also seems to be unused space. What is the purpose of the saucer shape,

  or is this simply an aesthetic choice?

  During travel throughout the Universe, there are issues more important than appearances or esthetics. Space ships

  emerge from a higher density, which allows them rapid travel at a speed exponentially higher than that which a lower

  density would allow. Coming out of a higher density, the space ship and its inhabitants must expect to encounter all

  manner of possibilities. Even when setting the coordinates closely, the element of the unknown is always present. The

  primary gravity center may be anywhere in relationship to the ship - above, below, or even to the side. Therefore,

  space flight or even local hops incorporate production of an internal gravity center so that the passengers are not tossed about. The saucer shape, or its variant, the bell shape, support the technology for production of a gravity center. It is no accident that the planets in your solar system line up in essentially the same plane. The saucer shape simulates this,

  with the edges of the saucer acting as the outer planets in a solar system's planetary plane.

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  ZetaTalk: Triangular UFO

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  ZetaTalk: Triangular UFO

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  An oft reported UFO shape is the triangle, a ship that looks a bit like a fat boomerang. This is not only an aerodynamic

  shape, amenable to travel within an airspace, the shape also supports gliding. What the shape does not support is anti-gravity, the ability of a ship to evade the Earth's gravity by creating its own gravitational field. Triangular UFO's are therefore not alien, but are simply a type of airship produced by the US government, in secret. Why the secrecy, and why are these ships so often mistaken for UFOs? This is the point, as though they were constructed to be another

  stealth plane, their ability to hover, pointing their jets downward, allows them to be mistaken for space ships that have anti-gravity capabilities.

  Triangular UFO are being seen worldwide at this time, to build a debunking case against all the mass sightings also

  occurring worldwide, in case this debunking should be deemed necessary to stop a panic over the alien presence.

  Should such a panic occur, the US military would hold a press conference and unveil the new stealth plane, whereupon

  the media would announce with great fanfare that UFO's have been explained away! To prepare for such a debunking,

  these stealth planes are sent forth to coincide either with a sighting or slightly after. Media coverage of any mass sighting invariably includes either speculation that the UFO was this familiar triangle shape or statements to this effect.

  In matters of this cover-up, they've got themselves covered!

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  ZetaTalk: Ball UFO

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  ZetaTalk: Ball UFO

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Space craft of any of our brethren, or of our counterparts, the Service-to-Self, are not round, as in a ball. This is not aerodynamic, nor does this in any other way adhere to the physics required for travel. In addition, this does not make

  best use of the interior space, as any resident of a circular home will tell you - there is automatic wasted space in the ceiling and floor areas, at a minimum. UFOlogists will report that the crafts reported upon invariably have a flattened

  or nearly flattened bottom. Circular objects cannot have a stabilized gravity centralization akin to what a flat bottomed craft can. Think about it! A circular object, with a gravity bottom point of one tiny part of the globe, would wobble

  about! A flat, or relatively flat, bottom gives many points of reference.

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  ZetaTalk: Plasma Ships

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  ZetaTalk: Plasma Ships

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

  Among the false reports of UFO sightings are those that report glowing ships, termed plasma ships. The implication is

  that these ships are alive, throbbing, and the occupants flowing about within as though swimming in light. The concept

  of a plasma ship is illogical, as beings in light form do not need ships. And why would an object in light form need to assume the shape of a ship? These reported sightings are false, designed only to increase interest in the local shops and hotels, and the supposed documentation supporting these sightings is one of the easiest hoaxes to arrange. Physical

  objects filmed or video taped are scrutinized as to shadow, perspective, relative size, color variances, and texture so

  that fraud is quickly revealed. Films of light forms which stand alone against a dark background are not subject to such

  scrutiny, and thus the fraud can run longer.

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  ZetaTalk: Lightning Clouds

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  ZetaTalk: Lightning Clouds

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

  Lightning clouds are a type of sighting that implies but does not show the ship. This is equivalent to jet trails across the sky or the wake left behind a boat. A stationary cloud bristling with lightning is making the statement - a ship was


  The lightning is caused by sudden air displacements when a ship leaves 3rd Density. The air surrounding on all sides

  rushes in, and depending on air currents in place at the time will either cause knocking as the air masses clap together

  or cloud formation and lightning if the air masses are sliding past each other. Where lightning clouds form the ships

  were usually large, and were moving at the point of exit, rather than stationary. Humans who could not see the ship

  due to a close blend with the surrounding backdrop are surprised to see a stationary cloud bristling with lightning

  topside, as no known weather conditions on Earth produce this phenomena. They correctly assume that something

  supernatural has occurred, and since the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind dramatized this phenomena to

  indicate an approaching ship, usually suspect that a sighting has occurred.

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  ZetaTalk: Mothership Clues

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  ZetaTalk: Mothership Clues

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

  Most sightings are of small ships used only for quick, local trips, not the type of ship used for interstellar travel.

  Motherships are the home away from home, and carry all manner of equipment, supplies, and facilities that small ships

  simply don't have room for. Motherships can be monstrously large, in human terms, far larger than their battleships or

  football stadiums. These motherships have the same anti-gravity capability that small ships have, and thus can astonish