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ZetaTalk: Subconscious
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ZetaTalk: Subconscious
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
During face-to-face contact we disconnect the conscious. These memories are not recorded at all in your conscious,
which is a different part of your brain from your subconscious. These avenues are readily used in humans, who have
different parts in their brains due to the many genetic engineering projects done in the past, from many different gene
pools. Humans have the capability to disconnect their conscious and subconscious memories, and quite frequently do
so. For instance, if a memory is painful it can be forgotten. If a memory is painful it may also be altered, so that it is remembered in a different manner than the facts present. It is also possible for humans to develop conscious memories
from subconscious desires, where day dreams are dwelt upon until there are enough details to constitute a conscious
memory. However, in all these circumstances, the subconscious remembers the facts. It is the conscious which deals in
Subconscious memories of our face-to-face meetings are as effective as a full conscious memory. The distress a
schism between the conscious and subconscious causes a human occurs when the human finds they just up and do
something where they previously didn't know they had this intention. However, this type of behavior occurs in humans
who don't have any contact with us, the Zetas, so it is not unique to contactees.
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ZetaTalk: Alternate Realities
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ZetaTalk: Alternate Realities
Note: written on Sep 15, 1996
Contactees, regardless of their conscious awareness of their status, find themselves in a puzzling world. Human
society has scarcely become comfortable with the concept of telepathy, ridiculing those who claim this form of
communication exists even when proven in a controlled laboratory setting. The concept of spirits, such as ghosts or
reincarnation or possession, is considered in the realm of tales rather than the reporting of fact, especially as spirits leave no mark or footprints. What cannot be physically restrained does not exist, in the minds of many, so brain waves
or spirit forms are speculative. Where does this leave the contactee, who in many cases has begun to have Out Of
Body experiences to cloud the picture as well? Contactees who have not yet realized their status, or who have not yet
sorted out memories from the spirit from memories stored in the corporeal mind, can be highly confused.
At first, memories from the incarnated spirit, who may return from an Out-Of-Body bearing information from
another place, are considered to be day dreams, and until the contactee finds their day dream was a reality this
explanation is not questioned.
At first, the contactee's subconscious memories of visitations are treated as an overactive imagination, perhaps
influenced by the media which increasingly carries stories about visitations, but then signs such as scars that
appear overnight begin to intrude.
At first, increased telepathic abilities are a curiosity, and then accepted by the contactee, who may ascribe most
of their unusual knowledge to such a route rather than facing the prospect of visitations or Out-Of-Body
However, when the contactee adjusts to the concept of spirit forms that can move in and out of corporeal bodies, and
visitations that can occur soul-to-soul while the soul of the contactee is incarnated or out and about during an Out-Of-
Body, then they invariably develop the ability to differentiate these experiences. In general, telepathically gathered
information is limited in its scope, relaying a single concept or picture. Information gathered during an Out-Of-Body
is comprehensive, but the corporeal mind will digest what it learns from the returning spirit in stages, so that the
bottom line is learned first and the details filter in later. Subconscious memories of visitations play out during recall with full sound and color, as you say, so that the memory unfolds like a movie. Thus an experienced contactee who
has sorted out the alternate realities finds their life no more confusing than a shopper discovering clothing on the racks from different countries and in different styles. After awhile, it all seems quite normal.
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ZetaTalk: Just Occurred
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ZetaTalk: Just Occurred
Note: written on Jul 15, 1995
Most humans who have been contacted recall this not only in their subconscious but to some degree in their conscious.
This cannot help but happen, as the two parts of your brain were designed to speak to each other, and constant leakage
occurs. As our contacts are placed only in the subconscious, remembering a visitation is not like what an amnesiac recalls, when he allows a reconnection. There, the memory is already in the conscious, only disconnected, laying
quiescent as a fragmented piece.
When a contactee remembers, these conscious memories are being built for the first time, so there is an escalation
process that occurs. Whether while analyzing a dream, or day dreaming, or under hypnosis, the process is essentially
the same. A fragment pops up in the conscious, connected firmly to the subconscious, but at first not connected to any
other conscious memories. However, as the fragment will contain some clues to other parts of the conscious, building
connections to the conscious begins. Wasn't that the borrowed robe worn that night spent at Cousin Joe's on a
spontaneous overnight stay? Isn't that the childhood chum, whom one built a tree house with in the woods behind the
school? Might the sharp bite of pain and temporary soreness remembered, as a tissue sample is taken from the back of
the leg, relate to that odd scar that seemed to just appear one day?
By these means the building begins, and continues apace depending on the willingness to remember. If the contactee is
frightened, or generally using the route of denial to deal with these issues, the recall is blocked. Remembering remains
as disconnected fragments in the conscious, perhaps never to be accessed again. If, however, the contactee desires to
remember, their curiosity greater than their fear and anxiety, building conscious memories picks up steam. Musing on
matters, the contactee makes more and more connections, and his life as a contactee begins to take form. Sometimes
reading about the experiences of others is a trigger, and where this is used by debunkers to claim that contactees are
merely suggestible hysterics, this is in fact the method used thousands of times daily by teachers, therapists, self
improvement gurus, politicians, trial lawyers, preachers, and children appealing to their parents. Don't you remember
when ... imagine a situation where ... remember the last time you ...
Aware contactees, who have done their digging about in the subconscious and have built a solid base in their
ous almost always try to figure out ways to recall right after a visit. They notice certain correlations. The odd
and untimely desire to take a solitary walk in the woods, the sense that something is different at this moment than just
the moment before, or sometimes they realize they have just returned if their body jerks, or reacts in a startle response, for no reason. Contactees most often know well ahead of time about a pending visit, and their desire to be alone, in the
woods or wherever, is due to their plan to sort this all out afterwards. They arrange a peaceful time for themselves.
Going into a visit, the contactee is aware, telepathically, of the agenda. For instance, if all are going to discuss a
project the contactee is working on, a problem there which the contactee has requested assistance on, the contactee
might suddenly find himself musing about a solution he had not thought of before, and feeling less worried. This is a
solid clue that a visit has occurred.
As we frequently use the paralyzed state to transport contactees, there is often a reaction to having this state lifted. The body reacts, sometimes by being too relaxed for, for instance, a standing position and thus suddenly adjusting the body
musculature to support the stance, and sometimes reacting to the sudden stimulation with a startle reflex. This too is a
solid clue that a visit has just occurred.
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ZetaTalk: Hypnosis
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ZetaTalk: Hypnosis
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995
Contactees desiring to recall their visits use various methods, including meditation, induced trance states, and
hypnosis. All these methods are essentially the same, in that they utilize a feature of the human physiology normally in
force during dream states. As the human brain is less than holistic, due to the many genetic engineering passes made
from a combination of reptilian and hominoid sources, it does not speak to itself well. The subconscious is aware of
everything, but where the conscious is only partially aware it is allowed, ostensibly, to be in charge.
During dream states the human conscious is bombarded with information, as the gates are not locked, the guard against
the subconscious let down, and the gap between what the conscious thinks reality is and what the subconscious knows reality to be is filled with a rush of information. To the conscious, which has been blocking unpleasant thoughts, and
picking and choosing what it wishes to weave into its version of reality, this information rush has nowhere to go. Thus
dreams. Humans wake from a dream state and muse about what it might mean - dream analysis, symbolism, perhaps
the id breaking through. Where the flood from the subconscious finds established paths to follow, the dream makes
more sense. Perhaps a family member or friend appears, familiar objects or events. These may in fact have no more to
do with the flood of information than proximity or similarity. As the rush of information pours down pathways, nearby
areas are excited, for instance perhaps the dreamer is processing a flood from the subconscious about an encounter
with a dog, but having no conscious memories about dogs, considered upsetting by the conscious, instead finds long
forgotten childhood memories about a kitten excited. All very confusing.
However, during hypnosis or other deliberately induced trance states the flood of information is controlled. The gates
are let down gradually, and when the information begins to flow from the subconscious as much time as needed is
taken to find where to place it, making connections. This is why recall on a history of visitations seems to proceed
slowly at first, but eventually reaches the point where a slight self induced trance state is enough to bring the memory
of a recent visitation over from the subconscious to the conscious. Visitations are placed only in the subconscious, so a base needs to be established in the conscious upon which to build the conscious memories. For those inexperienced
with hypnosis or other trance state inducement, the key is relaxation and clearing the mind of all activity, all thoughts.
Blank mind, utterly relaxed body, and bing - a thought pops into your conscious. Hypnosis does not create the
thoughts, it allows the flood of information to begin prior to an actual sleep state. Some contactees find they begin
remembering as they are dropping off or waking up from sleep.
Hypnosis is most successful where there is a press of information waiting to flood over from the subconscious, which
has been actively involved in sorting out a recent visitation or in reconciling visitations with the persons overall life.
Successful hypnosis also requires a conscious willingness to recall. If the contactee is unwilling to recall, blocks this, then no amount of hypnosis will work. Contactees blocking conscious awareness will even wake themselves from
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ZetaTalk: Hypnosis
dream states where progress is being made, fearful of the outcome. Others, desiring their life to be built of a single
fabric, spend as much time as possible, sleeping or waking, weaving things together.
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ZetaTalk: First Meeting
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ZetaTalk: First Meeting
Note: written on Sep 15, 1995
Nancy had a typical first meeting with ourselves, the Service-to-Other Zetas, and will tell you the story.
Begin Nancy's Hypnotic Recall
I went down into the swamps a lot. So many frogs, and at night the frogs would be a chorus. It would be like the
lapping of water on the beach, it would be so thunderous in a soft way. I'd chase frogs during the day and catch their
green bodies and let them go. There were so many frogs in the swamp. Big swamp. When you looked off across the
swamp the mist would rise. It was a flooded pasture and the trees were a backdrop along the river there. Nobody ever
went there, but I would walk in the woods, in those tall trees, and when you were in those woods, you didn't know that
anything else was around you, nobody could see you. Nobody could see you from the railroad tracks, nobody could see
you from the woods, and there was no traffic at all on the road. You were just alone. So I'd go down in the woods a lot
and look out across the swamp at the woods, and when I'd go down there I'd be all by myself, walking in those woods.
I'd be gone for hours. Nobody would know where I was because the trees were big. The fallen trees had big trunks
covered with mushrooms. Big fern fronds, some poison nettles that you had to worry about touching, but mostly just
the big trees. Nobody ever went there.
I was a little girl. I had coveralls, blue coveralls and maybe a red T-shirt underneath. I'd go down in those woods there and I would be very observant. I would expect to find almost anything. I was very curious about animals and I would
be very quiet and watch for them. This time I think I'm standing still. But it's actually somebody watching for me down in those woods. I'm standing still and have that feeling going up my spine that you do when you know somebody's
around but you don't know where they are or who they are. So I have that feeling up my spine. I'm by a fallen tree. I
can't see what it is that I feel nervous about, but out of the corner of my eye I see a movement, from the left, coming
out from behind a tree. I think there's something to the right too, but I'm not sure. Somebody just steps out fr
behind a tree. It's one of these skinny guys, very gray, light gray actually. They almost look smaller than me. I don't
know what to make of it. Nothing's said and I'm just staring. Then I feel like there's more people to the right and to the left. I guess I'm not alarmed by this, because I'm so used to wild creatures like the rabbits that we had for pets. So
many wild creatures are very quiet, like deer, they only show themselves when they feel safe. So I'm not alarmed by
this. I think a couple of them come up, from the right and the left of me, from behind, and take my elbows. I'm still
not alarmed because I'm just not getting any vibes from them that are hostile. I think we move, backwards rather than
forwards, and away from that fallen tree.
I'm seeing some sort of a disk shape, small. There's really only three or four of these guys. It's a small disk shape,
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ZetaTalk: First Meeting
maybe 12 foot across, not that large. I'm pretty curious. I guess my initial reaction was curiosity more than fear. I'm
trying to figure out what this is. I don't feel anything hostile. It seems like we just walk toward that ship, and there's a ramp that's let down from it. I feel a little nervous at one point, when we're going up into the ship and I'm thinking it's a tight enclosed space and I don't know why we're doing this. The trees are dark, just very dense woods, and the weeds
along the river made it very enclosed. I don't think I'm doing any resisting. They seem to be interested in my head and
my hands and my wrists. They seem to be examining my hands and my wrists, the way my wrists bend. They seem to
be putting their hands on either side of my head, almost like they're sizing it. Looking at the very top of my head for some reason. Curious little creatures, very gray, light gray, even slightly smaller than I am, although I couldn't have
been more than eight years old or so.
One of them looks at me, puts his face close to mine, eye contact I guess, and seems to be trying to communicate
something. Maybe he's saying, "Do you know why we're here? Do you know what we want?" Maybe it's because I'm