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ZetaTalk: Hybrid Page 5
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Page 5
therefore, at creating a perfect body. They are aimed at the top priority aspects - these being intelligence toward the
300 IQ level, telepathy to allow complete understanding of the other, longevity to approximately a span of 400 years
per lifetime, and body parts to sustain the physical existence. These body parts are, for the hominoid, a digestive tract,
reproductive organs, limbs and digits, and sensory organs.
Imperfections will exist, as they are concomitant with life and genetic complexity. These imperfections are looked
upon, when they occur, not as a curse but as an opportunity not only to work at eliminating the imperfections, but as
an opportunity to love and support the entity so afflicted.
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ZetaTalk: Recessive Genes
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ZetaTalk: Recessive Genes
Note: written Oct 15, 1998
Humans have noted, in mapping human genes, that a number of DNA links that are dormant. The number casually
noted by humans in no way reflect the vast span of dormant portions in the human physiology. Think merely of the
many human brains, in where there are frontal lobes where the conscious resides and a rear brain where the
subconscious lies that in essence do not speak to each other or are reluctant to speak to each other. How would this
evolve in normal evolution? This was forced upon humankind. There are many, many portions of the human body
which are remnants or leftovers, unused. The appendix is one. Your DNA is rift with genes which if allowed to express
would horrify and surprise humans.
The hybrids that we are creating will have many dormant genes in them. A clear example is the violent nature of
humans, which evolved to allow humans to live on a planet where large predators exist. Were it not for your violent
nature, you would not have survived past a couple of generations. We suppress that violent nature in our hybrids, yet
those genes exist. Just as you would be horrified to develop tentacles, or a gaping mouth in the center of your stomach,
with smacking lips ready to take in whatever might float by, in the future the new hybrids would be horrified to find
their dormant violent nature expressing from hidden genes.
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ZetaTalk: Basic Similarities
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ZetaTalk: Basic Similarities
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Humans and Zetas are alike in that we are both humanoid, having arms, legs, digits, hearts, lungs, brains, eyes, ears,
mouths. We breath, we feel pain, we have remorse, we feel joy, we enjoy kinship, we enjoy accomplishment, we feel
frustration. In the past the Zeta had offspring in the same sex-to- birth manner of humans, but now we either clone our
offspring or create a blend of genes in the test tube. Our genetics are no longer as rich as Homo Sapiens genetics.
However, the upgrading of the human race will provide a hominoid with our intelligence and telepathic abilities as
well as the genetic adaptation that humans have to the Planet Earth.
In the past we consumed food in much the same manner as humans. However, our diet was vegetarian. During the time
period when we lost our genetic richness, we also pared away our ability to eat. Some rudimentary organs for sex and
eating remain. We refresh ourselves by submerging into a nutrient rich bath of clear gel. The nutrients are created, as
you might say, in the laboratory. They are simply chemicals, developed from chemicals found anywhere in the
Our life span is much longer than humans. However, the life span of the hybrid race we are genetically engineering
will be as long as the Zetas currently enjoy. In your Earth years, this is 400 years. We experience debility for only the
last 50 years of this span. In our culture we also do not rule against suicide. Therefore, if any Zeta finds his life
circumstances unbearable, he can end his life in a painless manner without strife.
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ZetaTalk: Physiology Differences
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ZetaTalk: Physiology Differences
Note: written Oct 15, 1995
The Zeta physiology differs from the human physiology in several respects, and this has created challenges and
It has been noted that where we have nostrils, and our breath, acrid by human standards, can be felt when in close
quarters, we don't appear to be breathing. The expansion of human lungs is visible, yet our trunks seem firm and
immobile. Do we have lungs? We do indeed, but they work asynchronously, rather than in unison, one expanding
while the other exhales, so the motion is all internal. How did this come about, that springing from the same base we
developed different breathing patterns? The answer lies in our long lean frame, which in the trunk has a fused rib
system with cartilage between the ribs for extra strength. During our genetic engineering periods those Zetas who
adapted to a longer more rigid frame by an adjusted breathing cycle survived to pass along their genetics. In fact, our
current frame only became possible because asynchronous breathing became possible. The genetic engineers went with
the flow, so to speak. Our hybrids, however, have unison breathing, but in a pinch could switch over to asynchronous
breathing - a latent capacity.
Where our current digestive system is rudimentary, having been eliminated in preference to a cleaner, quicker form of
nourishment intake via our nutrient baths, the genetics controlling digestion are a factor to be considered when
merging genetics in the hybrids. What did our digestive systems used to be, and how did these differ? The human diet
is voluminous and fibrous, reflecting the diet of the base apes that formed the human race, and in truth reflecting the
reality of vegetation on your planet and the adaptation that animals evolving on your planet were forced to deal with. If
an animal is vegetarian, and most are, they eat continuously, defecate frequently, and deal with digestive gasses. Few
animals become successful predators, an obvious fact as if all were predators there would soon be nothing to prey
upon. So humans have as their base an animal that eats masses of fibrous vegetation, daily.
We Zetas, on our world, had a different diet. Our world was not sunny and bright, and the vegetation thus not as
evolved. Mosses, bugs, algae, crustaceans, and when we ate almost nothing went to waste. If forced to eat your diet we
would digest the fiber, but would also be unable to consume enough to retrieve the necessary nutrition. In our hybrids
we have attempted to take the best of both worlds. Humans, we feel sure, would not object to less farting and burping.
We have retained the more complete digestive capabilities of the Zetas, while adjusting this to allow for the types of
foods your world offers. In the highly civilized world of the future, cultivation will focus on those foods that return the
highest nutrition. Less eating, less elimination, virtually no digestive gasses, and surprisingly constipation will not be a
concern as the shape of the bowel, being a single straight shoot, lends itself to guaranteed elimination.
The physiological work assigned to organs such as the kidney and liver is essentially the same in both Zetas andr />
humans, but how this work is accomplished varies. In humans the kidney works constantly, filtering waste, but in the
Zeta click in only when certain blood chemicals raise to a level requiring attention. Like the heart, which rests between
beats, the Zeta kidney rests between Zeta meals. The reason for this pacing is the more complete absorption of
nutrients in the Zeta digestive tract, placing a burden on the kidneys which then require a rest period in which to
recoup. Likewise, the Zeta liver is a workhorse that goes the distance after meals and requires a recuperative period.
Zetas who overeat get more than overweight, they get sick. Our thinness is not due solely to genetic tendencies, we
simply do not overeat. Do the Zetas store fat as humans do? Yes and no. We have this capacity but our physiology
does not make use of it ordinarily. Since we do not digest excess food without getting sick, our bodies keep all
nutrition at the ready, as a store to be used up before the next meal. No packing it away in fat cells, no saving it for a
later day. Our hybrids have the best of both worlds. They are slender because their physiology uses, rather than stores
nutrition, and their appetites pace accordingly. But should they for any reason decide to overeat, they do not suffer as we, the Zetas, do.
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ZetaTalk: Physiology Differences
The Zeta were selected for production of a hybrid race with humans in part because our physiologies are similar. Our
blood is also hemoglobin based, and where a chemist would find all the many Zeta blood components differing from
comparable human blood components in quantity and composition, the differences are not dramatic. Likewise with the
endocrine systems, which have comparable glands and functions. Here, however, there is one dramatic difference. The
Zeta do not sleep, though there are regular rest periods where activity essentially stops. This difference appeared in the
Zetas during our 3rd Density existence, when many of our number were warlike. The guard who did not sleep
survived, and thus the trait became dominant. There are blood chemistry differences in humans between the wakeful
and sleep states, but in the Zeta these differences do not appear. Our hybrids sleep, as we have found the physiology
more resilient when able to rest. However, the sleep requirements are much reduced, requiring perhaps 1/5, rather than
1/3 of the day, and the onset of sleep deprivation does not occur with our hybrids, who are able to bear through
without sleep if need be.
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ZetaTalk: Human Traits
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ZetaTalk: Human Traits
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding desirable human traits. Human emotions are something we are including, along with many other
characteristics. The list would be too long to include in its entirety, but we will mention a few. Your hair and soft skin,
although we haven't had much luck with hair. Your desire for touch. The physical relationship of parents and
caregivers to young, where nursing and holding and rocking are prevalent. We hope to include the ability to nurse, and
are having luck with the desire to touch and hold. The sex drive is definitely included, and where this drive varies
among our hybrids, this is in proportion to the variance among humans, we have found.
Intelligence has been increased, as has the ability to communicate telepathically. Curiosity and creativity have also
been increased, as these are factors of intelligence. Introspection has been increased, as the tie between the conscious
and subconscious has been strengthened. It will not be so easy to discount occurrences in the future, selectively
forgetting them.
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ZetaTalk: Zeta Emotions
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ZetaTalk: Zeta Emotions
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding whether we, the Zetas, are capable of feeling love and joy, or are we cold fish. We are not cold fish. The
issue of emotion has been misunderstood. What is meant by emotion? Humans experience a range of emotion, a wide
range that they know by name and recognize and a wider range of emotions they have not even catalogued. We will
The positive emotions are love, which can include a sense of bonding, or a sense of affectionate possession, or a sense
of desire for the loved object. Bonding love expands to comradeship, protection of those dependent and weak,
affiliation, loyalty, and pride of association. Affectionate possession, a common form of love among the spiritually
immature, is less an empathic concern for the other than a pride of ownership. It can lead to the O.J. Simpson
syndrome. Desire for the loved object can involve love of food, as passionate consumption, or love of a sex object,
which is also so common as to need no explanation. Loved objects can also be sensuous objects such as leather chairs,
fast cars, heady perfumes, or brilliant sunsets. The list is endless.
How do we Zetas compare to humans on these positive emotions? We feel a sense of bonding, without a doubt, and in
all its forms. Affectionate possession is also possible, but in the Service-to-Others orientation this does not come to the
fore and command the attention it does in more spiritually immature entities. Desire for the loved object is blunted in
the Zetas, so that we are aware of our need for food or sex, but this is a very quiet voice. Those who wonder if the
Zeta have sex should be aware that where we no longer use our sex organs for reproduction, we still have mild
sensations in this regard. Not lacking imagination, the Zetas are looking forward to a return to a full sex life, when
incarnate in the hybrids. Affection for food is not the driver and foci that it is for humans, but we Zetas are aware of
the weakness that comes from a lack of nourishment. Thus, we feel affection for our renewal baths. In genetically
engineering the hybrids, we are not including a compulsion for food stuffs, with consequent obesity.
The negative emotions are primarily control, with a desire to negate or diminish any factor that removes the entity
from primary control of the environment. As we have detailed earlier, the human as well as Zeta entity, at birth, is
vulnerable, and seeks to be the center of attention. Insecurity drives this. The entity oriented toward Service-to-Self
cannot let go of this, and this becomes an all consuming passion. But in the average human, torn between orientations,
this drive only comes to the fore on occasion. Loud interruptions of discussions, demands that contenders be removed,
threats against those moving into one's territory, and threats toward those formerly under control. All this is all too
familiar to humans. The desire for control leads to an emotion of glorying in control, that of wallowing in power. The
power mad go to many extremes, from making others go through hoops to torture and daring to do the most atrocious
How do the Zetas compare to humans on these negative emotions? A certain amount of desire for control is normal to
an independent entity. Control in this regard means that the entity has physical security, knows that they won't be
blown away imminently, and that they will be fed and housed in a temperature controlled and environmentally stable
place, and this ty
pe of issue. The Service-to-Other Zetas do not feel a strong drive toward being the center of attention,
rather focusing this toward satisfaction on being of importance to others, in their needs. We do not go on power trips,
nor do we miss this emotional trip, having given this up long ago in our determination to be Service-to-Others.
We, the Zetas, are increasing emotion into our lives in several ways.
As our hybrids, whom we care for and interact with intensively, have a full capacity for emotion, we are
experiencing this as observers. We also observe human emotions, invariably, during our contacts with humans.
All this registers intellectually in the main, but draws us into empathetic emotional response to the extent that
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ZetaTalk: Zeta Emotions
our physical bodies allow.
As each of us evolved in Zetan bodies before we blunted our emotional responsiveness, we have spiritual
memories. These are reactivated.
We can act as walk-ins on occasion, to experience this during our current incarnations, full force. We are
requested to be walk-ins when certain functions are to be performed that the incarnating entity want done, but
does not feel they have the wherewithal to do. We are welcomed in for the occasion, and get a full blast of the
human emotion spectrum, especially as situations where a temporary walk-in is welcomed are not without
emotion. They tend to be the damp palm, pounding heart kind of situation, where the stakes are high and the
anguish great. Are our emotions similar? Speaking from experience, very much so.
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ZetaTalk: Evolution Impact
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ZetaTalk: Evolution Impact
Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
It has been much discussed, in the aliens-are-evil dialog, that we, the Zetas, lack emotions. This is stated along with