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ZetaTalk: Density Page 5

  desire for independence and self importance. Thus the idea that a relative youngster could have wisdom beyond their

  elders is incomprehensible to humans. How often, from the mouths of babes, come great insight? How often do the

  mutterings of mature humans in their prime show that their thinking is cluttered with dependency longings, irrational

  resentments, self-promotion, and an inability to be creative or resourceful? Age means nothing!

  A soul is unaware of its status, but tends to recognize other strong souls during an incarnation. The human form is a

  great mask, in the main, except to the educated. Old souls almost instantly recognize each other. This is not a body

  language issue, as the human can be unaware of the age of their soul, other than that they find they are focusing on

  issues differently than others around them. An old soul often finds they are strongly at issue to Service-to-Self

  agendas, or take action suddenly to situations where others about them are debating and unsure. An old soul often has

  a skill set that surprises the parents, expressing early in the life of the young human whose knowledge and skill are

  coming from a source other than the education being given by the parents. Thus, there are clues, but the old soul in a

  young body feels, most often, strange and apart until meeting others of his kind.

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  ZetaTalk: Why Incarnations

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  ZetaTalk: Why Incarnations

  Note: written Jan 15, 2002

  At what point do incarnations cease to be a learning tool? Humans entranced with Out-of-Body experiences imagine

  this to be a goal, as they see so many advantages. They could spy on their neighbors, gain information useful in power plays, and just travel without expense or distress. However, Service-to-Other entities intent on their lessons do not

  consider such skipping out of school an advantage.

  Incarnations trap the developing soul in a body with limitations, lesson 1.

  Incarnations create the need to be creative, and resourceful, lesson 2.

  Incarnations put the developing soul in pain and distress, frustration, longing, so that the soul has empathy later

  for others in this situation, lesson 3.

  Thus, incarnation are seen as a tool, and until the soul has grown beyond this point, and has learned all the lesson that could be learned from incarnation, there is no press to avoid them. Humans experience Out-of-Body during suffering,

  as many Near Death Experiencers will tell you that they viewed their moment of death from outside their body.

  Torture, or intense pain, will likewise cause the soul to jump out of the body, and the body and soul then remember

  this and attempt to repeat it. This is discouraged by the Spirit Guides, who consider this skipping out of school, and

  the soul is forced back into the body by various means. As you mature, and move forward into higher densities, this

  desire to skip out of school will cease.

  Many life forms in 3rd Density are incapable of manipulating their environment. They can have empathy with each

  other, the key ingredient for development past 3rd Density, as the Service-to-Other vs. Service-to-Self decision can be made. But for water creatures, for instance, who have no appendages and cannot manipulate their environment,

  technology is not possible. We have mentioned that Crop Circles are done by water creatures who could not travel to

  this planet unless assisted. They function in 4th and even 5th Density, in this life form, but do not construct or operate

  space ships. This is done for them. They are able, through physical means, primarily what you would consider mental

  powers, to create the crop circles. Thus, technology, which is whiz-bang to humans, is merely viewed as a toy, and the

  lack of technology not a reason to avoid incarnations.

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  ZetaTalk: When We Die

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  ZetaTalk: When We Die

  Note: written Apr 15, 1996

  Humans are aware of a reception line awaiting them when they die, from the reports of Near Death Experiences - a

  long tunnel with a bright white light at the end, and those now deceased who were close to them waiting or beckoning.

  If the moment of death is confusing to doctors, it is no less clear in the spiritual realm. An injured body, such as one

  sustaining massive brain injury, may cease to be a home for the incarnating entity months before those attending the

  death watch finally pull the sheets up over the lingering beloved. It is possible, in such a circumstance, that the entity

  has already been placed in another, thriving, human body - a newborn babe. On the other hand, some entities hang

  around long after the body has been cremated or burned, as haunting ghosts. Beyond the issue of when the spirit leaves

  the body is the spiritual issue of how the entity puts the past life to rest, judges progress made on various lessons that

  were at the fore going into the incarnation, and determines any future course of action they personally might desire as

  a result - critique time.

  If the death was sudden and unexpected, the entity may have many outstanding issues they remain concerned with after

  the physical body dies. This invariably is the first stop after death, though it varies depending on the general orientation

  of the entity and their life circumstances. Someone elderly, who had long settled their affairs in preparation for the

  inevitable, might not do more than cast a backward glance on their way to the future, noting that their death was being

  handled as they had anticipated. Someone in their prime, with dependent children or oldsters and many outstanding

  promises, might linger at this stage, visiting those they are concerned about as a ghost, essentially an Out-Of-Body, for

  days or months until they can see the outcome. This stage differs between orientations, the Service-to-Others lingering

  longer due to their concern for others and the Service-to-Self wishing only to move on to future opportunities.

  At times, those who have been wronged and wish for vindication or revenge may also linger at this stage, haunting in

  an effort to influence humans affairs. If the spirit is lingering, it is often allowed to do so, else it avoids the current

  incarnation and is distracted. As we have stated, the spirit, once sparked, does not die, and pain must be dealt with as a

  resolution on future lives. Spirits are aware of their past lives, though the human incarnated is clueless, often. Thus, for the spirit, there is no change in this matter after death. The spirit between incarnations is like an Out-Of-Body

  experience, in that it can communicate more readily, and thus the Guides have no problem getting them to gather. They

  are talking up a storm, especially if coming from a recent disaster or shared experience. Once reincarnated, the young

  spirits are intent on learning experiences, pressing agendas forward, and the like. Incarnations are more than discussion groups, they are action oriented!

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  ZetaTalk: Between Lives

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  ZetaTalk: Between Lives

  Note: written Jan 15, 1996

  Forming entities on a 3rd Density world incarnate almost continuously early in their 3rd Density existence, unless there

  is a lack of opportunity. Just after an intelligent species has been genetically engineered
, however, forming entities

  usually find the opposite situation - more than enough bodies awaiting an incarnation, a choice. This is due to many

  forming entities aborting upon death, so that a stable or growing population has an increasing number of bodies but

  few reincarnating entities. During these early years the majority of intelligent, conscious, creatures are in fact virgin

  territory for a new forming entity, with the minority being occupied by a reincarnating spirit. The birthing envoys, at

  this stage, allow the process to occur automatically. In due time they step in to start guiding incarnations, but do this

  without having to resort to the imposition of any physical restraints.

  We have mentioned that spirit guides force an Out-Of-Body entity back into its body, and that birthing envoys gather

  up entities leaving a dead or dying body. How is this done without physical restraints? If spirits can pass through walls

  and travel freely, would they not simply flit away from the entities watching over them? Order is maintained in these

  situations by what we would best describe as a force of will. Entities acting as school yard monitors on a 3rd Density

  world are operating in 4th Density, and many have arrived from even higher densities to do service. Spiritually, they

  have more bulk, more mass, and certainly have more wisdom and skill to coax and manipulate lesser entities.

  An immature entity leaning toward Service-to-Self is led to an environment, among more mature entities, where it can

  be the center of attention, and thus it has no urge to wander. Immature entities leaning toward Service-to-Other are

  placed together with a peer that needs healing, and participate with higher density entities in this process. They

  likewise, given their sense of purpose, have no immediate urge to wander. Where recently incarnated entities have

  unsettled business and wish to visit the living or to visit certain settings, a field trip is essentially arranged. Some of

  these field trips go on for years and even hundreds of years, producing what you term hauntings. During this time the

  distraught entity is in the company of its guides, who normally keep watch over a number of other immature entities at

  the same time. Nevertheless, the guides can be called upon to attend to the haunting entity, when need be.

  Over time a 3rd Density world evolves to the point where most of its intelligent creatures are occupied by

  reincarnating entities, and unless there is a drastic reduction in the population, waiting periods only occur when the

  birthing envoys determine that the next incarnation requires special circumstances. During times of a rapid increase in

  population, such as the Earth has experienced during the past half century, no reincarnation occurs in many intelligent creatures, but a forming entity may begin. As is usual in these circumstances, most will abort. Thus, when the harvest

  time comes, during the pending pole shift, there will not be close to five billion souls to be escorted to new homes, but only a little more than a billion. Where a life is lived passively, with little challenge and exhibiting no initiative, a

  forming entity is unlikely to do anything but dissipate upon death. There is nothing for the birthing envoys to gather.[2/5/2012 11:51:49 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Between Lives

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  ZetaTalk: Next Incarnation

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  ZetaTalk: Next Incarnation

  Note: written Feb 15, 2002

  Critique of the incarnation, judging the success or failure of the incarnation, is not always what the entity might desire.

  The entity might feel they, themselves, have made progress where the spirit guides have another opinion entirely.

  Progress on lessons to be learned can be confused by cross currents, where the life circumstances offered opportunities

  such that unplanned lessons were addressed, and those planned got neglected. The immature entity may view the

  incarnation a failure, in this regard, and be surprised to find the record being looked at from unexpected angles. Most

  often the entity has made scarce progress, and will find themselves repeating the setting in future lives until progress is

  made. The stage where future action is determined marks the point where the past life is settled and the future is

  beginning. This point is not reached as long as issues from the first two stages are outstanding. It is at this stage that

  the lessons at the fore of the next incarnation are clear. The immature entity may not be in agreement, and thus this

  stage can be drawn out, as the incarnation would be wasted if the focus were not clear.

  Where humans are unaware of their past lives, and per the Rule of Forgetfulness are supposed to start the incarnation with a clean slate, in fact the immature entity needs to be clear on how their progress is viewed by others. They may

  not agree, but they must understand. At this point the next incarnation is planned and plotted by the spirit guides, who

  give scant consideration to what the immature entity might be clamoring for. The spirit is often mulling the past life

  over prior to the moment of death, and planning the next incarnation. Thus, there is a normal progression to discussion

  with the Spirit Guides, who are in teamship with the Birthing Guides, and the next incarnation is often arranged

  quickly. As we have mentioned this is not the choice of the young spirit, but of the guides. Thus, it's a bit like getting

  of a train at the station, and walking over to our next train! Just like that, on your way again!

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  ZetaTalk: Crowded Incarnations

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  ZetaTalk: Crowded Incarnations

  Note: written Apr 15, 1997

  On worlds where incarnations are beginning to repeat, where entities have sparked due to incarnating into intelligent

  species and are re-incarnating again and again, crowded incarnations seldom happen as there is a plenitude of bodies

  for the entities to incarnate into. However, in a situation such as the Earth is due to experience, where the majority of

  bodies will die suddenly leaving the formerly incarnated entities without opportunities, chaos can and does ensue.

  Crowded incarnations are very temporary. For instance during the forthcoming pole shift this potential may exist for

  several months. The normal procedure where immature entities are gathered upon death of their body and amused or

  otherwise occupied until the next incarnation can be arranged is difficult due to the numbers, so at times these entities

  roam about and try to arrange their own incarnations. One of four possible outcomes ensue:

  The incarnation can become crowded, where more than one entity is incarnating. When this occurs, the human

  body often becomes quite crowded, with several entities in and out in varying degrees, as the entity originally

  incarnating is weak and does not fight for its territory. It can occur that multiple entities are incarnating in a

  body at once, and in these situations all are weak or they would not tolerate cohabitation either.

  A fight for the body ensues, where the stronger entity pushes out all others. Normally the birthing guides prevent

  such takeovers but during chaotic conditions, this can pass notice temporarily. If the originally incarnating entity

  does not want to be removed and lingers about in resentment, the birthing guides soon arrive to set things right

  again. However, if the entity dis
placed in fact was looking for a way out and is relieved, this may be treated as a

  voluntary walk-in and allowed to continue.

  The takeover entities are rebuffed from the beginning and no crowded incarnation ensues. This is most often the

  case, as the originally incarnating entity most definitely has the advantage, being familiar with the territory for

  instance. The incarnating entity and its human body sense what they might term ghosts or spirits about, and even

  be aware of spiritual discussions or invitations, but are otherwise not disturbed by the drama which in truth does

  not begin.

  All leave in disgust over the haranguing, leaving the human body without an incarnating entity and vulnerable to

  yet another entity that might come along and be interested. This might occur when the human’s situation is

  unappealing and the originally incarnating entity has been Out-Of-Body and understands how to arrange this for

  itself. Where the original entity has not yet learned this capacity, this outcome would not occur.

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  ZetaTalk: Incarnation Focus

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  ZetaTalk: Incarnation Focus

  written Oct 14, 2006

  Since there are so many dysfunctional families in the world where parents and children do not bond well,

  it seems rather we are all being reincarnated together at the Birthing Envoys' choice and not by our own

  choice. After all, who the hell would choose to be born to an emotionally bankrupt, remote, abusive

  parent? No one. The Birthing Envoys must be arranging these family incarnations in order to teach

  simultaneous lessens to each of us and / or to test us. This existence is a test anyway, right?

  We have stated that for immature souls the Spirit Guides dictate the circumstances of an incarnation, and the immature

  soul has scant input. We have stated that Out-of-Body experiences are discouraged, considered flitting out of school,

  with the young souls returned to their incarnation. We have stated that this type of monitoring or coercion by the Spirit