ZetaTalk: Density Page 6
Guides is done essentially by a force of will, but can the young soul rebel and refuse? What happens in these
circumstances? We have stated that the Council of World relies on physical constraints to control souls in the Service-
to-Self, using a substance that only very high level entities can control. This substance blocks the stuff of souls from
moving about, if necessary, a type of jail. Immature souls leaning toward the Service-to-Self invariably challenge their
Sprit Guides, as adolescents do their parents, testing their limits. They encounter this type of restraint, being either
forced to remain in the incarnation, or assume the incarnation to begin with, and realize that protest is futile.
The lessons to be learned during a forthcoming incarnation are clear to the Sprit Guides, and have been explained
fully to the immature soul. Often, the lesson is one at the fore repeatedly, in the past, the young entity stuck and not
making much progress in this regard. We use the word lesson because the Earth, as in any 3rd Density experience, is a
schoolhouse for young souls, and work in school is referred to as lessons. But this is not akin to memorizing and
prating back what one is expected to have memorized. Nor is it akin to solving puzzles, learning the mechanisms for
solving puzzles, the sciences or the machinations of mathematics so that the soul understands the combustion engine,
for instance, and can apply these concepts to future situations. Gaining in-depth knowledge of how the Universe works
is, of course, a product of being incarnated, but the lessons of 3rd Density are primarily growth of the soul in how it
positions itself vs a vs other souls. The young soul does this by migrating toward being Service-to-Other or Service-to-
Self, by a series of decisions backed by actions taken.
That said, that the Spirit Guides can force an incarnation to occur. In that interaction with other entities is the primary
determination to be made in 3rd Density, how are the circumstances of an incarnation determined? Rich or poor,
strong and healthy or sickly and crippled, intelligent or retarded, with opportunities and freedom or in a restricted
setting, and with a supportive family or in a setting of rejection and cruelty - how and why is the particular setting
chosen for the young soul? An obvious reason is to teach the young soul empathy, or test the willingness to sacrifice
the self out of empathy. Empathy is best learned by being in a position to experience distress, so that in a future life
one recognizes the situation another is in, and can either act or decide not to act. Since the goal is to allow the young
soul to make decisions, and thus take action, this setting is best done cyclically, with a life experiencing some kind of
pain or restriction alternating with a life where opportunity to help those in such a setting exists.
Depending upon the leaning of the soul, the lessons would move to present greater opportunities for sacrifice of the
self, if leaning toward Service-to-Other, to conflicts with other opportunists if leaning toward the Service-to-Self.
Service-to-Self is more than mere self centered enjoyment, it is the realization that life with others who are of a like
mind will require a type of cooperation, establishment of a pecking order, and living with the consequences of having
squandered resources in the unmitigated focus on enjoyment. Service-to-Other is likewise leaning to trust those of a
like mind, to accept help as well as give it, and learning the consequences of unmitigated giving without consideration
of the need to sustain the self. Thus both orientations are learning what their life in 4th Density, where the spiritual
orientations are separated, will be like. Souls will be sorted out by spiritual orientation with those in the Service-to-
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ZetaTalk: Incarnation Focus
Self carted off to their prison colony worlds and those in the Service-to-Other incarnated into high tech communities
where all care for the common good and the Golden Rule prevails, and in the main these souls have been acclimated to
anticipate the setting they are heading toward.
We have stated that going into the Transformation, family or community settings for an incarnation are chosen for
exposure to the polarization to be expected during the last days. This polarization of the spiritual orientations presents
a lesson in the type of interaction to be expected in 4th Density, where those in the Service-to-Other only encounter
those in the Service-to-Self in strictly controlled settings and with delimiting parameters. Democrat and Republican
today encounter each other, with the obvious leanings of the parties toward concern for the common man, or concern
for the elite with cruel repression of the common man, exposed. But the tentacles where these philosophies clash are
many, the opportunities for encounters many. In 4th Density, the battles are more intense, but the settings are tightly
controlled and delimited. To prepare young souls for encounters they will have in highly polarized settings, and for
future encounters in 4th Density, family settings may put highly Service-to-Other and strongly Service-to-Self souls
within the same family. There is never any doubt, within the family, as to the focus of these highly polarized members.
Depending upon how activist the individual soul is, these types of encounters may occur in the community, or national,
setting, likewise with forethought by the Spirit Guides as to how the incarnations might assist in arranging these
The next incarnation is planned and plotted by the spirit guides, who give scant consideration to what the
immature entity might be clamoring for. This is not the choice of the young spirit, but of the guides.
ZetaTalk: Next Incarnation, written Feb 15, 2002
The Birthing Envoys step in to start guiding incarnations, but do this without having to resort to the
imposition of any physical restraints. Order is maintained by what we would best describe as a force of
ZetaTalk: Between Lives, written Jan 15, 1996
Once reincarnated, the young spirits are intent on learning experiences, pressing agendas forward, and
the like. Incarnations are more than discussion groups, they are action oriented!
ZetaTalk: When We Die, written Apr 15, 1996
These temporary Out-of-Body exits are self limiting, as the guides force the entity back into its physical
body after a time. No skipping out of school.
ZetaTalk: Out-Of- Body, written by Jul 15, 1995
Essentially, this is a block that prevents any physical or mental action not authorized. The Council of
Worlds relies on a very high level density substance in this regard, which cannot be altered or interfered
with by lower densities.
ZetaTalk: Keep In Line, written Jul 15, 1995
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ZetaTalk: Soul Senses
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ZetaTalk: Soul Senses
Note: written Jul 15, 1997
Humans are used to thinking of the senses as merely sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell - five senses. A sixth sense is
attributed to all other hunches, and is variously described as being supported by ESP or intuition. The human body
alone has many other senses, and the soul surpasses any given body it happens to incarnate in its reach. The
Spirit/Body or Spirit/Mind connection is a mystery to us, also. We understand that the soul can bridge all densities, so that we in 4th Density can speak to a soul i
n a 3rd Density contactee, effortlessly. We understand that the soul enjoys
incarnations, infuses the physical body entirely, and seems to have a heart and mind function as does the physical
body. But the composition of the soul, the stuff of souls, is not something we experiment with, or dissect. Thus, we
can't tell you how this occurs.
The sense of sight, which humans presume is centered only in the eyes, in fact can occur on the surface of the skin, as
experiences of the blind attest. Light rays striking any living surface can be sensed and sorted out. The sense of sound likewise can be experienced outside of the ear, as vibrations. Taste and touch share similarities, as they are immediate
reactions to chemicals affecting the living surface. Touch breaks down into many aspects, including pressure sensing.
Senses not mentioned are the sense of balance, where relationship to the gravity center is sensed, the sense of motion,
related to the sense of balance, and the sense of being ill, where the humans senses that all is not right with the body.
We have mentioned only those senses that the common man can readily relate to, not the myriad that in fact exist.
Between the soul and its surroundings, there are many touch points. Thus even though the soul does not actually have
eyes, it can see!
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ZetaTalk: Mind/Spirit Connection
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ZetaTalk: Mind/Spirit Connection
Note: written Sep 15, 1995
As spirits seem dissociated from the body, being able to leave during an Out-Of-Body, and can ignore physical
barriers, how then does the spirit communicate to the biochemical arrangement that is the mind? What is the point of
connection? The spirit does not need to switch densities, so the mind/spirit connection is not vibrational, being on the
same wave length as you say. As the spirit can function without a body the connection is not biochemical. As spirits
develop during incarnations in life forms on diverse worlds wholly incompatible with each other the connection does
not appear to have a physical requirement.
This puzzle is most easily understood if one considers how sub-atomic particles operate. However diverse the various
elements of the physical world seem, they break down into the same component parts. The base building blocks are the
same. Spirits are composed of a substance that is physical in the larger scheme, and surpasses in its reach any one
density vibration. Just as on the sub-atomic level you consider some elements to communicate electrically,
encouraging or inciting an electron flow, and other elements to be inert, just so your spirit considers your mind to be
capable of an interchange where the stone walls it passes through are inert. The spirit communicates to the mind by
biochemical means, by inciting biochemical activity. It does so by adjusting itself to the density of the incarnated body
and to the peculiar biochemistry of the life form. This feat is no more spectacular than tuning an x-ray machine to
penetrate the thickness of an object. During each incarnation the spirit quickly familiarizes itself with its new physical
body, and gets down to business.
Does the spirit have memory, as the mind does? Most certainly, and remembers the lessons learned during each
incarnation flawlessly. Humans are used to their conscious memory being capable of distortion, of remembering
incidences as they wish, not as they were. The spirit, however, is like the subconscious and does not distort memories.
How is it then that the babe, incarnated by an old and wise spirit, does not remember its past lives? The spirit can only
speak to the mind as the mind is ready to receive. If the biochemical pathways for the concept the spirit wishes to relay
are not yet in place in the mind, the spirit can only speak to the emotions. Thus humans feel they have lived before, but do not have an explanation for the concept. Thus humans may sense that an incident is similar to another experienced
before in a past life, but unless they are willing to entertain the concept of past lives, they will not be open to having
these spiritual memories unfold.
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ZetaTalk: Spirit/Body Connection
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ZetaTalk: Spirit/Body Connection
Note: written Nov 15, 1995
One does not need to listen to the endless discussions on nature vs. nurture to understand that both influences shape the person. However, a third influence is in effect, and this stronger than either of the others - the spirit. Genetics of course
limits the person physically, determining whether they can enter the Olympics or solve complex math puzzlers, and
also determines to a large degree how the body will react to stress or the aging process. The environment, being what
shapes the child's perception of the world around him, determines at least early in life what role models the child will
choose and how guarded or enthusiastic the child will be. But the spirit is louder than both these other voices, and by
its orientation and strength determines how the person's very life will be led, the occupation chosen, the motives
driving the person, and where the person draws the line on whether to get involved or not. Because the spirit speaks to
the body as well as the mind, its influence is also over the biochemistry of the human body incarnated, and this has
more of an effect than is generally recognized. If the child is determined to be an outstanding athlete, for instance,
having judged that escape from a ghetto is not possible without such an assist, physical development beyond that
supported by genetics can result. How is this possible?
The spirit occupies its own density, a density that can interact with matter on all other densities. Just as the spirit
adjusts itself to the incarnation density, and positions itself to communicate with the human brain for the Mind/Spirit
Connection, likewise it positions itself to influence the human body. Genetics are but chemistry, and influence growth
and development through chemistry. Where this cannot be utterly or even significantly changed by the influence of the
spirit, where biochemistry can affect the outcome and the spirit can affect the biochemistry, its influence can leave a
mark. In the example of the child desiring to become an athlete, the basic bone and muscle structure, height, stamina,
and reflexes are determined by genetics. But physical feats are often determined as much by concentration and sheer
energy, factors controlled by biochemistry - hormones, such as adrenaline, brain chemicals supporting continuous
focus, and free nutrients in the blood stream available to feed the process. In this way the spirit transcends the density
differences, and takes charge of the incarnation as much as physically possible.
Doctors have often noticed that a patient will live or die depending on their will to live. Where this can be attributed to
a Mind/Body Connection, the influence of the spirit in these matters lies at the base. The soul infuses the body during
an incarnation, and communicates on many levels and can bridge densities in this matter. The stuff of souls is not
something we, the Zetas, have experimented with, nor are we allowed to! Thus, beyond describing the properties and
capacities of the stuff of souls, we cannot explain how it manages this. But it influences the body, to overcome disease and struggle forward. It influences the brain, to utiliz
e this or that portion of the brain or to develop channels and
connections in the brain matter. The will to live has been well documented, overcoming disease that physicians were
sure would end the life. Much of this is the soul, determined not to end the incarnation. Likewise, the soul can
influence a dying body to go before its time, if the incarnation is desired to end. Thus, we suggest those curious about
how the soul influences the body simply observe the many clues about them, as this is as much a tool for learning as
anything we can explain.
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ZetaTalk: Percentages
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ZetaTalk: Percentages
Note: written Dec 15, 1995
If one were to take a census on intelligent life in the part of the Universe the Earth goes around in, the results would
probably shock humans. As entities in higher densities, 5th and above, have mobility and often go where duty calls,
they may be wholly absent or present in great numbers, depending. Due to the Transformation, the Earth is positively
swarming with such attention at the present time. Therefore, to give a realistic picture, we will describe 2nd, 3rd, and
4th Density percentages only.
On a world by world basis there are about 1,000 dead worlds for every one that holds life. Humans are familiar enough
with their surroundings to understand conditions on other planets, and if anything, would be surprised at the percentage
capable of life. Not every life bearing planet sustains life that can develop to the level required for conscious and
intelligent thought. There are about 2,500 primordial worlds for every one that can support an intelligent species. Your
Earth, for instance, had many such species with this potential. Of these worlds that hold 3rd Density intelligent species,
the vast majority, perhaps 75%, are water babies, as the vast majority of habitable planets are essentially water planets.