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ZetaTalk: Density Page 7

  These species may be crablike, fishlike, squidlike, or formed like almost any of your ocean inhabitants - an almost

  infinite variety.

  Of the worlds that sustain land dwelling intelligent species, the greater share, just under 60%, are reptilian. Reptilian

  life forms appear first, and thus better their percentages. A minority are mammalian, above 10%, but whenever these

  life forms are a candidate they beat out all other candidates as mammalian existence is highly interactive and thus a

  good spiritual schoolyard for forming entities. The remaining land dwelling 3rd Density species range between birdlike

  or insect types, the latter more prevalent at about 30%. Since 3rd Density is a short stop, required only for the

  orientation lesson, 4th Density entities are much more prevalent. There are approximately 1,200 4th Density entities for

  every forming 3rd Density entity.

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  ZetaTalk: Other Worlds

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  ZetaTalk: Other Worlds

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding physics, and whether there are differences throughout the Universe. Where there are differences in how

  matter acts between the densities, there is no difference within a density. Life on other worlds is, of course, adapted to

  the chemical and mineral mix indigenous on the planet. Some are silicon based, where Homo Sapiens, for instance, is

  carbon based. The primary difference is in adaptation to radiation, the intensity of a given sun or other heat source.

  Your sun is of moderate intensity, but there are some worlds which you could not visit in your physical form. You

  would fry or quickly sicken. There are other worlds which you could not visit in physical form because of the chemical

  and mineral mix. You would become poisoned. These are some of the reasons why all intelligent life forms have not

  been presented to our contactees, during any adaptation orientation such as the one our emissary, Nancy, underwent.

  Consequently, the Zetas have not seen all that much of the Universe either. Since the issues and the spiritual work to

  be done are the same, it does not matter.

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  ZetaTalk: Habitable Worlds

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  ZetaTalk: Habitable Worlds

  Note: written Feb 15, 1997

  Due to the fact that entities from higher densities often conduct a visitation in light form, as they no longer require a

  corporal body for their spiritual growth, there is often confusion as to where these entities live. Might they not live on

  a beautiful planet such as Saturn? Entities in light form do not require a home planet, and tend to congregate where

  less mature entities are living and developing, on or near habitable worlds, as this is where their interests lie. Life only

  evolves where something akin to DNA can develop and be nurtured. Where the physical processes are essentially

  explosive, as within suns, or immobilized, as on your frozen outer planets, any DNA type structure would either be

  torn apart or fail to grow. What kind of thought process could a single atom maintain?

  Habitable worlds are:

  1. Those that are not undergoing an essentially explosive process, such as suns undergo, or are not in such close

  proximity to such a process that they share the same environment. Some heat and even light generating

  processes can occur within habitable worlds, and are even beneficial to life, but the line is drawn where the

  explosive process tears DNA type structures apart rather than nurtures them.

  2. Those that are not so far from a heat and light generating process that their atoms are essentially immobilized.

  There is more variety in these types of worlds than mankind currently surmises. As long as a DNA type structure

  can form and not be destroyed, life can exist. However, since the lessons to be learned during the early densities

  are learned best during incarnations, such slow-motion worlds are poor school houses and seldom develop any

  forming entities who fail to spark in such a boring environment.

  3. Those that contain a heavy preponderance of a liquid, such as water, to encourage mobility. Mankind assumes

  that life requires water, and they are not far from the truth. There are other substitutes, just as there are other

  substitutes for carbon in the chemical chains that form into DNA type structures, but the stage must be set, for

  any type of complex life forms to develop, for mobility.


  worlds such as your outer planets are too cold;

  worlds such as your planet Venus are too hot;

  worlds such as your planet Mars do contain enough water to support the development of life, which did develop

  but has now been frozen out;

  moons such as Europa could support life in slow motion that would scarcely develop;

  gaseous planets such as Saturn or Jupiter could support life if the chemical mix is such that DNA type structures

  can develop, the heavy atmosphere acting like a type of ocean

  However, within your Solar System, only the Earth currently supports complex life, with ample water and heat from a

  molten core and the right amount of sunlight from a moderate sized sun. Both Mars and Venus and a number of

  planets formerly in the Asteroid Belt supported life in the past. The Asteroid Belt had water planets capable of

  developing complex life forms, but were dashed to pieces by the trash and Moons that accompanies the periodic

  passages of the 12th Planet. Your gaseous planets have a chemical mix that aborts, rather than supports the building of[2/5/2012 11:51:54 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Habitable Worlds

  DNA type structures. And the 12th Planet, also a member of your Solar System, has a slow and very controlled

  explosive process that supplies it with its own heat and light, which emerges through deep rifts in the oceans and

  scatters in the atmosphere to form a diffuse light around this traveling planet.

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  ZetaTalk: Intelligent Insects

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  ZetaTalk: Intelligent Insects

  Note: written Dec 15, 1996

  Life evolves in a similar manner regardless of the predominant atomic elements on any given world. Carbon based or

  silicon based, the process of DNA evolution is strikingly similar. Add to that the factor of seeding potential life bearing

  planets and the similarities between life that develops on one world and life that develops on another may be almost

  identical. However, the environment on a given planet may be harsh to one type of life form and ideal for another.

  The impact of the environment is most commonly seen in the prevalence of water planets, where no dry land

  exists, failing to evolve land dwelling creatures at all. Here the life form that emerges as the intelligent species is

  most often a type of octopus, as their tentacles allow manipulation of the environment and intelligence

  eventually develops due to that capacity.

  The second most common impact of the environment occurs where mammals fail to prosper because reptiles

  prospered so well. This occurs on warm planets where a rapid rotation of the planet toasts the environment

  evenly and allows cold-blooded reptiles to be constantly active. The reptiles s
imply eat the emerging mammals,

  being more highly evolved and there first, and thus the mammal life form is less likely to evolve.

  Planets where a mammal life form emerges and evolves to a degree that allows the mammal to be a candidate

  for selection as the intelligent species to be genetically engineered on the planet routinely have an environment

  that is harsh in some way to reptiles. Your Earth is such a planet, with a slow rotation that creates cold nights,

  winters, and poles such that cold-blooded reptiles are sluggish and slow.

  Where insects develop as the dominant intelligent species the planet has land but does not have a generous food

  supply in its waters or as vegetation on the land. Insects eat anything, in tiny bites, and can live on dung, rotting

  tissue, crumbs, and the slime that may cover rocks along the edge of water pools. As with the dominance of

  reptiles, the life form that gets a head start and does not experience frequent set-backs can take advantage of

  what follows.

  In the case of planets where insects emerge as predominant, some insect forms begin to eat other insects, and thus can grow larger. Humans, used to insect forms that are tiny, are seeing what occurs when all insect forms are consumed by

  others. On Earth, insects are consumed not only by other insects but also are the favorite food of birds, reptiles, and

  rodents. For any insect to evolve as a large specimen on Earth would require a protected environment where none of

  the other Earth creatures could discover it. This is simply not the case on your Earth, but is the case on those rare

  worlds where insects evolve as the predominant, and eventually the intelligent, species.

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  ZetaTalk: Intelligent Insects[2/5/2012 11:51:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Who Came First

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  ZetaTalk: Who Came First

  Note: written Jun 15, 1996

  Should a stranger drop into human culture from another world it would be hard to decipher all the protocols and

  interdependencies without a historical record. Why paper money rather than cloth woven with special threads, and why

  are some structures square rather than round when most building materials such as rocks, tree stumps, and caves are

  rounded? Such is the confusion that humans experience when first learning about genetic engineering in their past and

  seeding planets in general. The genetic engineering practices they learn about do not reflect, on their face, the history of these practices. Was life, at the very beginning, seeded by God, and when did the practice of intelligent groups

  seeding other planets begin? We, the Service-to-Other Zetas who are talking to you here, do not have all the answers,

  but we can share our understanding.

  Life first begins as a natural result of the processes that occur on all life bearing planets - the warm soup of oceans,

  filled with the simple genetic components that can and do linkup in an endless variety of combinations. Humans are

  aware that the DNA on Earth is all composed of four simple building blocks. In other parts of the Universe such

  components differ from those on Earth, nor is four the magic number. Big bangs occur periodically in this or that

  section of the Universe, and life forming after a big bang evolves slowly. In that same section of the Universe

  numerous worlds will eventually produce, during the natural course of evolution, intelligent creatures capable of

  offering a home to forming entities. Seeding planets and genetic engineering is eventually done within a section of the

  Universe for the same reasons that human couples long to have children - for more company and the pride that

  parentage brings. The process of evolution is expedited, bumped from slow motion to fast, and the number of worlds

  eventually becoming life-bearing planets is increased.

  In the section of the Universe to which the Earth is a part, the seeding of planets and migration of reptilian or

  hominoid life forms has been in place long before our time. We have been told that none of the hominoids currently

  visiting Earth were the precursor, but rather all are the result of seeding and genetic engineering. Of the many

  hominoids who contributed to mankind's hominoid structure, none were the base hominoid, which was smaller and

  more monkey-like than would be expected. In truth, the issue of who started mankind will not be resolved by

  researching the history of genetic engineering efforts, as every step back opens another history book, and on it goes.

  Does it matter? Live in the present, which has more puzzles than humans can even begin to address. Live for the

  future, which will shortly get quite lively.

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  ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering

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  ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering

  Note: written Jan 15, 2002

  Life evolves toward 3rd and 4th Density naturally, in the Universe, only more slowly than if assisted. There is no more

  difference in seeded worlds than unseeded worlds, than there is in babies conceived in test tubes vs. naturally and by

  accident. This only speeds the process, and results in more souls, sooner. The reason for interest in seeding worlds, and

  in essence parenting new souls, is no different than a human parent wanting to nurture. One is allowed great scope for

  empathy, in being not only a Birthing Guide but a Spirit Guide, as both functions help the young soul toward paths

  one would hope for them. The Birthing Guides help to steer toward an incarnation that will assist learning. The Spirit

  Guides are on hand during the incarnation to assist with questions, times of doubt and need for counseling.

  Most entities in higher densities do not assist thus with 3rd Density worlds, but some have specialized in this. Thus, it is a matter of choice, in the Service-to-Other entity, where it can be of service, and some chose this direction. Human

  parents want children for many reasons. They want company, status, someone to interact with them and look up to

  them. They want helping hands on the farm, someone to carry on the family name or business, or because they are

  expected to produce offspring else be considered lacking in some regard. Humans thus presume a number of motives

  in aliens that are genetically engineering a 3rd Density life form. They presume all the motives they are familiar with.

  However, genetic engineering is done by Service-to-Other groups, under tight control and direction by the Council of

  Worlds. Thus, they are Service-to-Other motives, exclusively.

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  ZetaTalk: Missing Link

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  ZetaTalk: Missing Link

  Note: written Feb 15, 2002

  What mankind calls the Missing Link will not be located as genetic engineering often took place in tiny labs, islands

  where those being engineered would not escape and breed with species or individuals not selected for breeding. If one

  wants to develop a line of thoroughbred horses, one does not have the mares running lose. One keeps them in fields,

  introduces the stallion of choice, and subsequently selects offspring of choice for the next round. Bluntly speaking,

  when one is trying to increase the IQ of an ape, and does not wish to spend eternity on a world doing so, one takes

steps. Thus, leaps, or missing links, are often on islands that may have been washed over by great waves during

  subsequent cataclysms, or even gone under the waves and be ocean bottom now. Just where those islands might be, is

  irrelevant to man now, as he has more challenges than he will be able to handle at this time with the forthcoming pole


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  ZetaTalk: Earth's First

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  ZetaTalk: Earth's First

  Note: written Feb 15, 2002

  On Earth, the species that evolved first to be close to this level were reptilian. They were engineered, gained

  intelligence to the level of mankind today, but did not have the dexterity that hominoids do. It is often speculated that

  these intelligent reptiles were small dinosaurs. In fact, they were amphibious, as the Earth had earlier been a water

  planet, before its crash where its wound in the Pacific occurred. Thus, they did not have the arms and fingers and toes

  that many lizards have. They did not have the means to create technology, as they could not manipulate their

  environment They had fins, long bodies, and very little else. The remnants today, live in places on Earth, within

  cavities that have water ways, and we decline to describe this further. Their selection as 3rd Density species was based

  on their native intelligence, and the socialization they had already developed, just as the ape was deemed a good

  predecessor for these same reasons. The societies they had developed were deemed appropriate for 3rd Density life.

  There are many 3rd Density worlds where the social arena is the dominant spiritual development arena. Who can

  influence who, who is friends with whom, who can punish whom, etc. This is not all that different from man’s

  experiences, except that mankind distracts himself with technology. He plays with things, if frustrated with social

  interaction. Where things cannot be a distraction, these reptiles simply went off for a swim, just as man goes off for a walk. Man is used to thinking of talking and writing, as well as body language. But most species with social