ZetaTalk: Density Page 8
interaction have many means of communication. Even birds and insects communicate with each other. It is not so
much the complexity of the message as the meaning behind it, not often misunderstood. A dog can exhibit affection by
licking or disgorging food to its young, and exhibit hostility and rejection by a snarl. Whether this is clothed in lots of
words of not, the message is clear. Choices for Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self thus are many, regardless of the
ability to record complex communications.
This reptilian race was susceptible to the same factors that created a great dieoff among the dinosaurs, and floundered
in poor health. It became apparent that the continuance of this species was not sustainable, as the susceptibility was
inherent in their DNA and would be hard to counter. Thus, their engineers turned to considering other species, which
eventually became man. Mammals had resistance that the reptiles did not. Therefore, mankind is not the first intelligent species to evolve or be assisted in evolution on Earth. As we have stated, worlds are often used repeatedly for 3rd
Density existence. Indeed, just as humans today have souls that were at one time incarnated in the giant hominoids
formerly visiting Earth, and just as Star Children are incarnated on Earth, so souls that had to move on to new bodies
during this time, the reptilian dieoff, moved into Early Man. There is a strong desire of young souls to remain in place,
familiar places, but primary because they have unfinished agendas. Just as young souls may linger between
incarnations and haunt, as ghosts, in a similar manner, they will want to reincarnation in the area. This tendency lasts
often through much of 4th Density, a long plateau, so does not die quickly.
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ZetaTalk: God Concept
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ZetaTalk: God Concept
Note: written Jul 15, 1996
Humans quite naturally tend to think of their relationship to a god in child-to-parent terms, an outgrowth not only from
their impressionable early years but also from their general sense of hopelessness in being able to control their
environment. They remain, to a certain extent, a child always, the child within masked by the face of adulthood but
inwardly looking to a parent to rescue them or guide them. The concept of a god as something larger and more
powerful than the self, who makes things happen, begins in the helpless babe who finds himself cared for whether he
asks for it or not, but mostly when he fusses. The concept of prayer is born - I ask and most of the time I receive.
Molding the infant's behavior to meet the expectations of the family or social group begins early, with a sharp verbal
or physical reprimand when the babe exhibits the wrong behavior. The concept of a punishing god is born.
A careful analysis of the organized religions in human society reveals the child's view toward a parent in almost every
aspect. Parents expect the child to contribute to the upkeep around the home by doing chores or handing over their
earnings to the parents, and organized religions expect no less from their members. Unquestioning obedience is another
parental expectation, most often necessary as during a crisis there is no time to explain to the child why they must
follow orders without hesitation. A child putting himself or others in danger must first follow orders and can only ask
for an explanation later, if at all. Organized religions take great advantage of this early training, parsing out rules and
commandments supposedly coming from a god who cannot be questioned. Rewards for good behavior in most human
societies are simply the absence of punishment or privation - do well and you can continue to sleep under the parental
roof and sit at the dinner table. Likewise, organized religions phrase the eventual rewards as a right to belong as well as avoidance of various punishments.
Conscious, intelligent life throughout the Universe develops the god concept in very similar ways. Any force outside of
the control of the self, able to give life by providing sustenance or inclusion in the group or take away life through
privation or expulsion or punishment is seen as a god. In human societies attempts to bribe or placate the god naturally
follow along the lines of what worked with the parents. If parental rage dissipates when gifts are offered then the god
is likewise offered gifts. If the parents are looking to punish a wrong-doer and the children assign one of their number
to take this punishment as a scapegoat then likewise the god may be offered sacrificial scapegoats. Kings, wealthy
patrons, and visitors from outer space all can fit into the god mold by virtue of their power to affect the lives of the
humans in awe of them. For a god concept to emerge, there must also be a sense of helplessness on the part of the
supplicant, a sense that they are powerless to affect the outcome except by offering bribes or scapegoats. In this regard,
the giant hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet worked their way into many god myths, as they were exacting in their
demands for obedience from their slaves, and as hominoids they were easily seen as extensions of a parent.
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ZetaTalk: Intelligent Carnivores
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ZetaTalk: Intelligent Carnivores
Note: written Jul 15, 1996
Evolution in the Universe takes many paths, but all the paths that corporeal life follows require consumption of other
living matter. It may be argued that plants and single cell creatures live by absorbing only chemicals and light, and
thus sustain themselves in a benign manner, but close examination proves otherwise. Bacteria or virus material
considered on the borderline of being living matter, infects and destroys that which they need for nourishment, and the
amoebae and protozoa likewise surround and consume foodstuffs they encounter, whether this food be living or not.
Plants seem to take in carbon dioxide and light and transform this into sugar. Yet the roots of the plant draw up the
nourishment the plants need only because they are embedded in soil moistened in the byproduct of other life, which
must die for the plant to grow, and some carnivorous plants don't wait for the donor to die.
At the base of life on planets seeded with DNA are simple chemical reactions that form in ever more complex
structures and replicate themselves. Those that replicate successfully become the genes of the future, and those that do
not remain as building blocks for the more successful DNA chains. Eating one another starts early. Unlike the spiritual
realm, where consumption of one spirit by another is never required and in fact cannot happen, carnivorous behavior is
intrinsic to corporeal life. Why God so structured the world in this way is not known, but considering that all forming
entities begin their life incarnated, there are certain lessons that are guaranteed. As empathy in some degree is also
intrinsic to corporeal life, a conflict between the self and the other is a given. Thus, the conscious decision to sacrifice the self is frequently made, and this is the spark that begins development toward the Service-to- Other orientation.
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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Density
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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Density
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
All humans on Earth are currently in the physical 3rd Density, regardless of how spiritually mature they are. This
means that there are humans operating at the level of 4th Density Service-to-Self or Service-to- Others, humans who
will graduate to a full 4th Density spiritual existence after the Transformation, who are being kept at the 3rd Density
physical plane. All humans, of whatever spiritual level attained, must move together to the 4th Density physical plane
when the Earth has reached approximately 89% operating in the Service-to-Others orientation - the Earth's designated
future orientation. Even those humans who are spiritually in the 3rd Density, not having completed their orientation
lesson, will move to the 4th Density physical plane at that time. This mixing of the spiritual and physical densities is a
Transformation necessity. The alternative would be for 4th Density spiritual humans to suddenly disappear one day,
having moved to another dimension, so to speak. This would not only alarm other 3rd Density humans in the vicinity,
but would not be the choice of those in 4th Density Service-to-Others, who consider their responsibilities. They would
not wish to leave behind those they feel responsible for. Thus, all move together.
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ZetaTalk: Many Incarnations
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ZetaTalk: Many Incarnations
Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Humans tend to underestimate the number of incarnations they will have before advancing to light form, the stage
where a body no longer is a learning tool. They explore their past lives, digging about with a past life regression
therapist, and remember only those that are pleasant or put their actions in a good light. The horrific times, or times when they behaved so badly they prefer not to dwell on the matter, are not brought forward. The soul, of course, does
not forget, but the human consciousness, hearing these tales, discards them and will only allow the pleasant to come
through. Incarnations run into the thousands, in the main, before a graduation to 4th Density spiritual is achieved.
Nancy is an example of someone who quickly made her orientation decision, having done so in a little more than 1,200
lifetimes, but there are others who require 50,000 or more incarnations to firmly decide. Even then, entities may
vacillate, and need to return to 3rd Density to re-establish this decision.
Thus, most reincarnating entities on Earth have been through repeated pole shifts, or horrors of natural disasters
equivalent, so this experience is not different and certainly not new. For instance, someone living on a volcanic island,
during an eruption, is living through a similar horror. Or someone facing a tidal wave, or a mud slide on steep slopes,
buried alive and smothering in liquid mud during their last minutes. Or someone caught in fire, burning alive, whether
this is a situation nature or accident causes or done at the hands of man as was the case during the Middle Ages.
Certainly, the horrors of the coming shift are no different, no more a learning tool, and all situations where the entity has choices allow movement toward determination, final determination, of the 3rd Density lesson, which is the
orientation decision.
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ZetaTalk: Graduate
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ZetaTalk: Graduate
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
What is life like in the 4th Density, and how does this differ from 3rd Density? There is not all that much difference,
with a couple of exceptions.
The similarities are that both densities require a physical body to incarnate into; both densities consume food,
require rest, and can be injured; both densities have social structures and arrangements, traditions and cultures;
both densities struggle with the balance between the self and the others, seeking to be part of a group while
retaining individuality.
The differences are primarily in the tools available to the entities. You are familiar with the tools in 3rd Density.
Your technological advances in communications and medicine are supported by computers and refined raw
materials, your knowledge supported by microscopes and reference libraries, etc. In 4th Density these tools are
more fantastic, and your mental capacities large enough to utilize them. You will learn levitation, for yourself
and objects you wish to move. The data stores of knowledge available to you are extensive, and there is no
limitation on your use of them beyond the limitations of time. Perhaps the greatest broadening of your horizon is
in the area of travel. You will become galactic travelers, and see the Universe to the extent that your physical
body allows. To those worlds with which your physical body is compatible, you will travel quickly, with a speed
you cannot imagine now.
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ZetaTalk: Transformation
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ZetaTalk: Transformation
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Please understand that the Earth, its waters, its atmosphere, and its fauna and flora are all in 3rd Density today. Only
your visitors from other worlds are operating in the density of their origin. During the Transformation, when the
composition of the Earth's human population is of a sufficient degree of Service-to-Others, the Earth, along with its
water, atmosphere, and fauna and flora and intelligent species, will all move into 4th Density. This movement will be,
as they say, transparent to the Earth. Humans will become more mentally aware of others around them, but will not
know why. The Earth will not undergo any noticeable changes. The magnetic field, North and South poles, or
relationship to the Solar System will not change. Some planets in your Solar System are more 2nd and 3rd Density
than 4th, and their character, in relation to the new Earth, will change in that regard. However, this will be minimal.
The Earth will then remain at 4th Density for some time, as this is not a whistle stop, quickly passed. In fact, the
opposite is the case. 4th Density is one of the longest densities, much longer than 3rd Density, in fact, because of the
many lessons to be learned. We will explain. The single lesson of 3rd Density is positional to other entities, making
that determination, the spiritual orientation determination. The 3rd Density entity must decide which orientation they
wish to operate in, Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Where it might seem to the reader that this issue could be
quickly settled, many incarnations are required to come to a final, firm conclusion. The conclusion is not simply
intellectual, a choice which could, perhaps, be quickly made. The choice involves all aspects of the entity.
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ZetaTalk: Earth Switch
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ZetaTalk: Earth Switch
Note: written Jul 15, 1995
Just as living beings, such as ourselves and yourselves, can be in different densities, coexisting in the same spot but
being unaware of each other, so planets can and do so coexist. 4th Density planets are not as prevalent as planets in
he root density, for obvious reasons. Planets are moved to 4th Density only to support life in 4th Density, and most
planets do not have any life at all. So what does the Universe then look like, in 4th Density? Sparse. Imagine your
Solar System, its Sun always visible and the orbiting planets among the many stars in the sky. In 4th Density there will
be a Sun, but its appearance will be different - not as bright, and more pale. Will astronomers have to adjust to a new
night sky? Most certainly, as there will be fewer stars and many of the old guides will be gone. However, as this
change will take place shortly after the cataclysms, with all its travails and gloomy cloud cover, any telescopes
operational will be useless. Even today, astronomers require a clear night. When the scientific community has
regrouped, new maps of the sky will be redrawn, with only an occasional scratch of the head as to why the skies, too,
have changed.
After the switch, humans will be able to look directly at the new 4th Density Sun without distress or injury.
Sunburn will be a thing of the past. Where the Sun will be less intense, the winters will be more extreme,
creating an Earth with less land mass in a habitable zone. Rather than a steamy equator, the equator will be
essentially temperate and the poles will occupy almost half the available surface areas. Lest this seem grim, it
should be understood that ice at the poles ties up much water in the form of ice, and the sea level will thus drop
several hundred feet. All in all, a good trade off. Since this will occur some 100 years or more after the pole shift
this should not affect any humans currently worried about surviving the pole shift. All humans surviving the pole
shift will have died, and incarnated safely elsewhere, before this climate change occurs.
After the switch, humans will find their Moon has traveled with them to 4th Density, as its influence on the tides
is something life on Earth has come to rely on and has adapted to. Without the Moon, the many forms of life in