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ZetaTalk: Density Page 9

  tidal pools would die and the cleansing action of washing tides would cease.

  After the switch, humans will find all the plants and animals now on the 3rd Density Earth, their beautiful world,

  has also moved. The humans of the future, the hybrids we are developing, will not live in a lifeless 4th Density

  world - spare, bleak, without vegetation, song birds, or fish. Where we will leave some agents of disease behind,

  the human body will still be subject to stress and degenerative diseases, as well as aging, as all this is inherent in

  the genetic structure of the human body. Lions and tigers and wolves will also come along, as without predators

  your wild herds would soon create a population problem. The starvation of many versus the occasional quick

  kill. Nature will continue as before.

  After the switch humans will find that all humans, whether they have graduated to a 4th Density spiritual plane

  or not, have moved. For some entities, they will recall living through the cataclysms and then later through a

  time when humans seemed more mentally connected and in touch with one another. Then, upon death, they will

  be moved to another 3rd Density world, with others who will share these memories. Back to 3rd Density, to

  continue their orientation lesson.

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  ZetaTalk: Left Behind

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  ZetaTalk: Left Behind

  Note: written Sep 15, 1996

  If the Sun moves into 4th Density, will it then leave 3rd Density? Yes. Those portions of the Sun which are inert, used

  up so to speak, will remain as a gravitational center for the 3rd Density planets orbiting the Sun, including the 12th

  Planet which is not scheduled to become a 4th Density planet in step with the Earth. With less of a gravitational pull,

  the 3rd Density planets in your Solar System will move outward, assuming a larger orbit. Life remaining on the

  surface of the 3rd Density Earth will freeze to death as the surface of the Earth cools under the diminishing rays from

  a dimming 3rd Density Sun. We will leave some undesirables behind - mosquitoes, for instance, which serve no

  biological purpose except to feed themselves and support the transport of parasites and disease, and tapeworms, who

  likewise are not a necessary link in any symbiotic cycle. The agents of many diseases such as a virus, bacteria, fungus,

  or invading parasite will not be moved during the shift. All these will freeze to death.

  Ultimately, even the core of the Earth will cool, the lava hardened, but life underground will continue for some

  Millennia before the heat at the center of your old home begins to fade. The Men In Black and others coexisting with

  you now, in underground homes, are not scheduled to move to 4th Density in step with humans living on the surface.

  The Men In Black and other underground inhabitants will live, for some Millennia, with the impression that your Sun

  died. Suns do die quickly, and not all have that last glorious burst of life, the Super Nova. Most do not. During the

  transition to 4th Density there will be enough fuel left in the 3rd Density Sun to give an orderly death. Those on the

  12th Planet, looking through their telescopes, will see a fading Sun, not one that winked out suddenly. They will

  assume that the Earth's Moon was torn away during their passage through the solar system, not unexpected as in truth

  this is how the Moon was placed as a satellite of the Earth in the first place.

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  ZetaTalk: Next Stop

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  ZetaTalk: Next Stop

  Note: written Jul 15, 1997

  Those humans who are not ready to leave 3rd Density when they die will not reincarnate on Earth. As the Earth is

  scheduled to become a home for 4th Density entities in the Service-to-Other, these 3rd Density entities will go to a

  new world elsewhere in the Universe. We are speaking here of spiritual readiness to leave 3rd Density, that the spirits

  incarnating in these humans have not made their determination whether to be Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other. As

  we have explained, this is not an intellectual choice but rather an emotional choice, and one followed by actions

  demonstrating that the choice is solid and unwavering. What will this new world be like?

  It is a water world, with scarcely a rock or two jutting above the surface of the endless waves. The species on this

  planet have all evolved from life forms that spend their entire life in the water. Thus, no mammals exist on this planet,

  since a stint on land, such as occurred in the past for your whales and dolphins, was not possible during their

  evolutionary past. This world has been a home to incarnating entities for a long time, through several transformations

  where those ready for 4th Density existence were harvested, leaving those undecided behind. This world has received

  transplants from other worlds frequently, so there is a broad spectrum of past experiences in the memory of those

  incarnating there. Humans reincarnating there will find they quickly adjust to living on a water world, having tentacles

  instead of hands, and tending the occasional batch of eggs.

  This planet is carbon based and thus has life forms that have compatible DNA to

  life forms that have evolved on Earth. Thus, those entities incarnating on Earth in

  the future will be able to visit this world during their travels as 4th Density entities, acting as alien visitors to this

  world. Due to their common history, this setup is in fact ideal, as instant empathy would be in place when The Call is

  given. Humans today receive visitations from 4th Density or higher entities incarnated as water life forms - an octopus,

  fish, or jelly fish. Visitors adapt to the planet being visited, and thus these visitors from water worlds remain in water

  tanks during the visit. In the future, visits from Earth to this new water home will require the hominoid visitors to

  likewise make the accommodations, by wearing protective suits and bubble helmets for breathing.

  Below written on Jul 29, 2005 for the bbsradio Radio show, 'Waterworld'.

  Humans, being land based animals with hands and digits that can manipulate their environment cannot imagine being

  an intelligent creature in a water world. Fins? Tentacles? How does one work a keyboard or accumulate a 401K or

  conduct the equivalent of dentistry as a water creature? Modern civilization has as one of its driving engines

  electricity, which surely would not work in a water world unless mass suicide were desired. Does knowledge about

  their history get passed down to the young by the fishy equivalent of world of mouth, as legends? If they have the

  equivalent of the written word, what is the tablet, and more importantly, what holds the pen? Certainly, the ink could

  not be water soluble. Issues of warfare do not seem so unimaginable, as mankind has scarcely stepped away from the

  fist fight as automatic response, and all animals have some sort of defense mechanism, be it fight or flight.

  Spiritual growth or spiritual interaction does not require the trappings of modern civilization - electricity, long distance

  communication, and dentures. Spiritual growth was ongoing during the days of the cave man, and proceeds today in

  Third World countries where life is scarcely better. In trying to project what life might be like in a waterworld, man

  should not assume that light is a necessity! Or even eyes. I
t has been documented that some blind men can read printed

  words though their skin, sensing some difference in the light emitted. Telepathy, a 6th sense, is used in the animal[2/5/2012 11:52:02 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Next Stop

  kingdom extensively, a method by which mothers communicate to their young, the herd or flock communicates with

  its members, and mating pairs find each other. For spiritual growth, what is needed is for the incarnated creature to be

  able to interact with each other, to enable anothers life, improve it, out of caring, or conversely to punish, intimidate, or starve another out of concern only for the self. Guns and knives and the oppression of debt are not needed to enable

  or express a Service-to-Self orientation. In a waterworld, snatching food from those weaker, blocking the way so that

  escape from a threatening situation is delayed, are all tools by which the selfish can demonstrate, by their actions, their

  chosen orientation. Likewise, opportunities to care for one another are available to every species.

  High tech? Is electricity the only medium by which a creature becomes high tech? We have stated that crop circles are

  laid by water creatures, their only opportunity to participate. Crop circles are made by a ray which incites a growth

  hormone in the crop, combined with wind action caused by changes in the air over the spot to be swirled. Particle

  movement is not incited simply by the press of electrons. In man's world, heat, light, and electrons seem to go together, but those seeing crop circles laid down have not reported that either heat or light are a necessary component. Perhaps,

  in their waterworld, they have identified particles to be manipulated that mankind has not yet dreamed exist. Even

  sound waves, which utilize anything physical around them to be transmitted, can travel long distances, through oceans,

  being one of the means by which whale pods communicate with each other. If man needs phones or carrier pigeons,

  whales do not. Status within a society, rules and laws, can certainly be enacted in a waterworld. The dolphin has been

  noted to swarm to protect their young, or even hapless human swimmers, from danger or attack. What message goes

  out to the group that their help is required? Is this not a societal expectation known to all? These rules are not written

  on paper, for the dolphin, they are written in the creature, passed down by interaction, old to young, and are kept

  simple, devoid of pedantic qualifiers, for that reason. Is this not a better system than the contorted system that man has


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  ZetaTalk: Homesick

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  ZetaTalk: Homesick

  Note: written Jul 15, 1997

  Transplanted entities frequently have vague longings for the world left behind. This is particularly true when the

  circumstances require the entity to live in a radically different life form than the former life form, or where the world

  presents an environment that is strange. Former humans incarnating in the future on a water world might find

  themselves with strange longing while they drift around peaks and valleys on the ocean floor, a feeling of deja vu.

  Transplanted entities experiencing strong homesickness are sometimes transplanted back to their original home when

  graduating into 4th Density, if possible. For former humans transplanted to a water world during the Earth's

  Transformation to 4th Density Service-to-Others, going back home is a real possibility. If they have chosen the

  Service-to-Others orientation, it would be a simple request quickly honored.

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  ZetaTalk: Volcano Visits

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  ZetaTalk: Volcano Visits

  Note: written Nov 15, 1995

  The Earth increasingly shows signs of responding to her brother, the 12th Planet. In addition to unpredictable and

  extreme weather and increasing earthquake activity, emissions from active volcanoes change in subtle but detectable

  ways. These emissions give an accurate measure to those who know how to read them. As alien groups in the Service-

  to-Other are in residence in 3rd Density on the face of your planet, they have an obvious interest in violent geological

  changes that will tear up their temporary homes. These groups monitor volcanic emissions, both in lava composition

  and particles in the air, to better predict in the short-term when earthquakes or volcanic eruptions will occur. The

  rumors that UFO sightings occur frequently near active volcanoes is, therefore, true.

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  ZetaTalk: Density Lessons

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  ZetaTalk: Density Lessons

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding other densities. We are not allowed to give great detail. The lessons to be learned in each density are

  different. Just as a child would not stay at the table and eat his vegetables if there were a fire engine screaming by on

  the street in front of the house, so entities in 3rd Density would not focus on their current lessons if intrigued by the

  capabilities of higher densities.

  In 4th Density the lesson to be learned is how to live communally with others. This differs depending on

  orientation. Those in Service-to-Others learn utter trust. We learn to support and communicate with each other

  to a high degree, so that utter trust is well placed. Those in the Service-to- Self orientation also learn how to

  depend upon each other, but trust due to the caring and concern of others is not the route. As you might imagine,

  the rules are extensive and strictly enforced.

  In 5th Density the lessons to be learned are exploration of the universe. The wonders of how the universe is

  constructed. During 5th Density travel is extensive, and communication with other groups is frequent, where this

  is not so much the case during 4th Density. Some 5th Density entities incarnate and mingle with 3rd and 4th

  Density societies, but use these incarnations as a learning tool.

  In 6th Density the lesson to be learned is high knowledge of God's plan for the universe. Here the interaction is

  less exploratory than stepping in to assume an active role in promulgating God's plan. Information on densities

  above 6th Density are not allowed at this time. Even we, the 4th Density Zetas, are scarcely informed.

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  ZetaTalk: Levitation

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  ZetaTalk: Levitation

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Levitation is a capacity available to entities in the 4th Density. Basically, this is an ability tied to the mental powers of

  those in 4th Density. As earlier stated, 4th Density intelligence is much higher than 3rd Density, and not only as

  measured by IQ. The 4th Density entity can focus gravitational bearings, such that objects, including the self, can be

  floated. This is simply a convenience used, much as you, in the 3rd Density, take for granted the ability to control the

  temperature of your living rooms.

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  ZetaTalk: Disincarnate

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  ZetaTalk: Disincarnate

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding when the advantages of incarnations end. This is a variable time, determined by many factors. Incarnations

  gain the entity an acute sense of mission. Think of your current density, the 3rd, and your current mission, which is to

  determine your orientation, Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. How would a spirit form so decide? What sacrifice is

  required for Service-to-Others? As you say, easier said than done. The proof is in the pudding. Put your money where

  your mouth is. In other words, when push comes to shove, the orientation decision of the entity is proved out by life

  circumstances. In some cases an entity continues to learn through incarnation, even when in a higher density.

  Incarnations are a learning tool.

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  ZetaTalk: Photon Belt

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  ZetaTalk: Photon Belt

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding the issue of avoiding the cataclysms. This is often brought up in channeled work. Change your ways, repent,

  and the future will be different. Catastrophe will be avoided. It's up to you. Is this incorrect? Yes and no. Let us


  The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to- Self

  orientation, and 68% undecided. These percentages move about a bit. For the Earth to move into 4th Density, the

  greater part of the populace must be Service-to-Other. We are not talking 51% here, but closer to 89%. During a

  gradual transformation, this is accomplished by replacement during natural death and birth. The entities incarnating are

  Service-to-Other, and at a certain point, the planet is ready. Because the Earth undergoes cataclysms, pole shifts, this

  is taken into consideration by the administrators of your section of the Universe. The Transformation will occur more