ZetaTalk: Worlds Read online

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  nothing is firm and all is swirling constantly.

  Triads give the venturing entities a means of quickly making decisions during their ventures. The tie is broken. Either all agree or two of the three agree or two of the three disagree with the third. The issue is instantly settled.

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  Zetatalk: Sky Computer

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  Zetatalk: Sky Computer

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, utilize a computer which communicates to ourselves and is receptive to our thoughts.

  This computer is tapped by others, besides ourselves, too, as our brethren so access it. The computer technology would not be understood by your Earth scientists, who expect computers to operate by electrical pathways, carried by metal wires or glass fibers, carried or held in various media that are inorganic. Our computers utilize organic materials. This does not make them robots, nor sentient. You also use organic materials, in your shoes, your belts, your shirts, your salad bowls, etc.

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Names

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Names

  Note: written May 15, 1996.

  Human society, which communicates with gestures, modulated grunts, and symbols, finds they must put a name to

  things in order to organize and catalog their world. The babe points his finger, says what becomes the word for mother because it is usually the first uttered by the babe, and later learns the written symbols that describe his early caretaker -

  mama, mother, madre, or whatever. Everything has a name, else things could not be discussed. Thus when dealing

  with the alien issue, assigning names is the first order. All of these names have consonants and vowels and sound

  suspiciously like something that would come our of human mouths. Human society finds names necessary because of

  the lack of telepathy. Thus aliens are assigned names based on their constellation of origin or their appearance - Zeta, Pleiadean, Nordic, or Dino.

  Most worlds evolve creatures that don't have mouths that shape consonants and vowels like human mouths. Most are

  water worlds, and they don't have speech at all. They may vibrate, just as whales hum over long distances. Of the

  worlds that are other than water worlds, the majority are reptilian. Reptiles hiss, and spit, they don't pronounce vowels and consonants. Aliens, who communicate telepathically, have no need for names that can be communicated in written

  symbols. This is because a telepathic communication is rich, and conveys the group the alien is associated with, intent, age and physical makeup, and any other nuance the other party in the conversation may be interested in. A name is

  simply unnecessary.

  Aliens in Service-to-Self groups, who avoid telepathy due to the distraction from their self focus that the empathy

  associated with telepathy brings, do utilize names. However, the names Service-to-Self aliens give as their names to their human contacts have scarce resemblance to their real names. Humans are given names that can be spoken or

  written, or would have a desired effect. The Omnipotent Krlll, for instance, who chose his name because it sounded

  like a growl and the human word kill. Why would an alien have a name full of human vowels, when their mode of

  communication is not guttural or ever vocal? All part of the Service-to-Self contactee game - make up a name. Most alien names bantered about in human society are invented by humans, however, and that is a human game.

  Service-to-Other aliens channeling to humans will assume a name to get past the issue of a name. We are perpetually

  asked our individual names, and Nancy is perpetually asked if she knows or is aware of this or that entity supposedly being validly channeled. Humans, being unable to sort out who is saying what without names, cannot conceive of an environment where names are not necessary. Thus, well planned and executed channelings, such as the Book of Ra,

  insert a name that would be accepted as prestigious, known, and non-threatening.

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  ZetaTalk: Ancient Venus

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  ZetaTalk: Ancient Venus

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Regarding Venus, we, the Zetas have never lived there, nor have any species for some time. Venus was habitable prior to the Earth even having an atmosphere, to give you a time sense. We, the Zetas, were not visiting your Solar system at that time, nor were we in fact even in existence at that time.

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  ZetaTalk: Star Language

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  ZetaTalk: Star Language

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Regarding the origin of the various human languages spoken here on Earth, the hundreds of languages lost over time,

  and the dozens now spoken, and whether any of these languages came from the stars. None of the languages now

  spoken is from the stars. There are some which grew, over time, from the hominoids visiting from the 12th Planet, but these would not relate to the ancient Sumerian or Vedic languages often assumed to have a relationship to the language of the visitors. The language spoken by these large, human like, aliens is very guttural, and would sound like a series of grunts to mankind, were you to hear this. Where the Pleiadeans and Nordics, among others, can communicate

  vocally in a manner that humans can hear, their languages do not have a corollary on Earth.

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  ZetaTalk: Men in Black

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  ZetaTalk: Men in Black

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  The Men in Black have received a lot of press as their visits are in the consciousness of humans. These entities are allowed to make these visits, as they are in the same density as humans and are not in quarantine. Where do they come from? They are not extraterrestrial at all, but live underground, in tunnels and caverns. Their townships exist in isolation, as they very seldom travel from one township to another, being at risk of exposure to humans in so doing.

  They fear the Awakening, as humans will then be informed of their presence. Where the eventual outcome of the

  Transformation, a Service-to- Others world, is not feared by them, they fear the transition. When the Transformation has taken place, this race will continue in 3rd Density, underground. They will then be in quarantine, and will not mix with the eventual inhabitants of the surface world. As they have a steady source of food and reliable shelter that will in the main survive the cataclysms, they fear being inundated after the cataclysms. These fears are not grounded, but

  nevertheless they have tried to slow the Awakening, in their own way, for these reasons.

  The Men in Black have constructed cities underground, structures with multiple stories and tram systems run by

  electricity, but these are in natural caverns and are not connected to one another unless natural passageways exist. The Men in Black do not generate their electricity from any means that humans are familiar with - rushing water,

  windmills, steam turbines run by heat generated from controlled nuclear activity or by burning any number of fossil

  fuels. The electrical energy the Men in Black use is chemically generated, a method learned on their home planet prior to their transplantation to Earth. Their home planet did not have the
wealth of fossil fuels that the Earth provides, nor land masses with changes in altitude that allow water to tumble, nor even very much water. Frustration is the mother of invention, as you say, and they worked with what they had. Their electrical energy is not abundant, and would

  hardly support the average United States homeowner with her many electrical appliances.

  If the Men in Black live in natural underground caverns, then how have they escaped the eyes of eager explorers, who pass up no opportunity to discover new underground passageways and caverns? Spelunkers have thoroughly mapped

  every known crevasse under the surface of the Earth, delighting in every minute of it, as spelunking is an exploration.

  There are no new lands to discover and explore, as the continents are known and teeming with humanity. Outer space

  seems out of reach in these days of budget cuts. But spelunking still offers the chance to discover something the eyes of man have never seen. Do spelunkers assume that they have discovered all the caverns and passageways that abound under the crust of the Earth? There are a thousand times more caverns and passageways than they have yet come upon,

  or even suspect, many far deeper than man has even probed. The Men in Black, being unable to live on the surface,

  established themselves underground when they first arrived on Earth, in a technologically advanced state. Long, long before humans became proficient at spelunking, the Men in Black were erecting their defenses.

  Why have the Men in Black not been found? Look to what clues spelunkers that new passageways exist - air currents,

  air quality, and sounds such as rushing water. When things are dead still, the assumption is that only solid rock is about. The Men in Black have architect and engineer types who devise ways to test the isolation of their caverns and passageways. Prior to building there, they run a test which essentially pulls the air upward to a vent at the roof. If there are air leaks, connections to other underground passageways, there is air current inward, and this is detectable. Oops, not a good home.

  The Men in Black have not been found because of the vulnerability and fearfulness of these hominoids, who do not

  have the bomb, do not have tanks and bazookas, and in fact do not even have jails and prisons. Why? There is no

  need. They are not violent, as humans are by nature, but they're scared silly of being discovered by humans. Being no less intelligent than humans, they have spent no small amount of time devising ways to keep from being discovered,

  like a rat in a hole with no back door. The issue to focus on is not whether the Men in Black have threatened humans, but whether they have acted. When you speak to your dog, whom you wish to impress, what do you do? You act like a

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  ZetaTalk: Men in Black

  top dog! Dogs respond to domination that they cannot overcome by groveling and avoidance. Dogs respond to

  weakness that they can overcome by either tearing the throat out of a rival that resists or snarling a warning to a rival that turns belly up. The Men in Black have analyzed their co-habitants, and correctly understand what impresses them.

  Power without the ability to decimate and destroy is ignored. Therefore, threaten.

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  ZetaTalk: Elves

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  ZetaTalk: Elves

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  There are many mythological characters that have lately been ascribed to extraterrestrials. Suddenly everyone sees they have been surrounded by extraterrestrials all along, that the creatures of fairy tales and myths are simply the guys from outer space, in disguise as little people. Nonsense. If they looked like little people, they were little people. One must realize that only recently have little people such as dwarfs been socially acceptable. In the past they were killed, more often than not, as representing the wrath of the gods or being an evil omen. Do you suppose their mothers simply

  handed them over for the knife? They hid them, and nurtured them in secret, taking them clothes and food. On

  occasion these little people, who would find each other by one means or another, would be seen by others. Surprise!

  What was that? Mythological creatures.

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  ZetaTalk: Bigfoot

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  ZetaTalk: Bigfoot

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Bigfoot has fascinated mankind for as long as the two races have been in contact with each other, as infrequent and

  fleeting as that many be. The reason for this has less to do with Bigfoot's size and man- ape like appearance, which would be understandable on this Earth, as with Bigfoot's elusiveness. Gorillas, for instance, are as large. Chimpanzees seem as intelligent. Why is Bigfoot a fascination? The answer lies in his seemingly uncanny ability to elude detection.

  The reason for this is that Bigfoot was to house a group of entities who are in quarantine. They remain elusive because they are not to intermingle with mankind. In this effort, they do not go unassisted. Just as we have described how after the cataclysms the Service-to-Self groups will simply not be able to find communities of Service-to-Others, just so

  humans are not able to find Bigfoot. Bigfoot is there, right under your nose. Why are they in quarantine? These entities have been placed into a primitive condition at their request, so that they can return to a basic understanding of how to get along with each other, with nature, and ponder the wondrous workings of nature. Their quarantine is not an exile. It is a search for peace.

  Has Bigfoot something to do with early mankind, perhaps an early model of man? The answer is, not surprisingly, yes!

  Bigfoot is indeed an interim model of one of the six races of man. How does it happen that only this race retained an intermediate model? How did the others not retain this. During the evolution of man, during periodic genetic

  engineering efforts, the entire race would be affected. All within a given race were in breeding proximity of each other, and the genetic alterations spread out accordingly. Bigfoot was separated, removed from the others, and moved into

  remote areas. Bigfoot and other entities in 3rd Density on the Earth will move with the Earth during transition to physical 4th Density along with humans, or move along to another world as transplants. At present, Bigfoot and the

  Men in Black are in Transformation along with humans. They were transplants to Earth originally, so being

  transplanted again would not be a shock to the old souls among them. However, they were transplanted, originally, because they were deemed to be on the same level as mankind, and the Transformation at this date has been planned

  for a long time.

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  ZetaTalk: Dolphins

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  ZetaTalk: Dolphins

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  The Sirians are reputed to have a connection to Dolphins, which they have supposedly genetically engineered and are

  genetically related to. This is entirely false, although Dolphins are as intelligent as dogs or horses or pigs, and as such are sentient animals deserving of consideration. In fact, as souls may incarnate temporarily into such animals, they should be considered to have this possibility. When you see a Dolphin, you may be seeing your brethren, and just so

  your faithful dog. A rare chance, but possible.

  So why did this rumor start? Various human groups, wishing to be poetic and special in some way, have invented

  romantic notions about themselves and various animal groups. By such means, human groups have claimed

  relationships to high fly
ing birds, sleek jungle cats, and athletic and playful sea creatures such as Dolphins. This is all a way to make the day go faster, and be more playful and bright. Fantasy.

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  ZetaTalk: Vampires

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  ZetaTalk: Vampires

  Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

  Vampires exist, but they are not in human form as legend has it. The Earth has evolved creatures, mammals, that bite and drink blood - the vampire bats that plague certain tropical countries and debilitate range cattle with blood loss. Are Vampire bats the basis of the Vampire legends? In a manner of speaking, as the legend is based on a similar creature that evolved on another world. Just as Dragons were brought to the Earth by aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation, to terrify humans they hoped to later recruit into their ranks, just so were large Vampire bats brought to Earth.

  They why the legend of the bat becoming human? The visitations occurred at night, as these bats evolved in a similar manner to the Earth's bats, using squeaking sounds in a type of radar, and using the safety of darkness to escape

  predatory birds which consider rodents a full course meal. The imported bats were large though slender. When flying

  they looked like bats, but after they landed their folding wings looked like outstretched arms - the vampire in his black cape. Red eyes? Yes, indeed in any light nearby the eyes, which lacked the protective pigment necessary in harsh

  daylight, showed only the blood just under the surface of the eye. And just as some hairy monkeys on Earth have

  hairless, pale faces, just so did these large Vampire bats have hairless faces. They were chosen by the Service-to-Self aliens because they resembled humans, in the dusk. The terrified victims, frozen in fear, gave birth to the Vampire myth of supernatural powers.

  Were they found and killed with stakes? They were killed with whatever was at hand, when discovered in their dark