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as well as try to re-grow, and it seems a long way off before one can sit on the porch in the evening, enjoying the evening. Those with children despair that they will be educated, will live to adulthood without health problems
besetting them, rotting teeth, painful disease, only to find they are bearing offspring into a world that is a nightmare.
Those in poor health envision that they will become a burden on others, fear this will occur in slow steps so they will be unaware of it, perhaps senile or comatose due to starvation, and unable to control their life at all.
Thus, there are huge worries to anyone taking the message semi-seriously, and the first though is that this is a nightmare to be avoided. So, given this perspective, what IS there to live for?
Those strongly in the Service-to-Others have no problem with this scenario, as they quickly sort out what life
for others will be, and make their decisions accordingly. This is no different than what they experience during everyday today. They may be told they have cancer, but consider who is dependent upon them and plot their life
accordingly. They may be told someone in the family or a neighbor is going to fall on hard times, and adjust
their own lifestyle downward to take them in and share what they have. They may be told someone nearby has
defaulted on their responsibilities, and step in without hesitation to fill the gap, being a father to fatherless
children or whatever. Thus, those strongly Service-to-Others would not be likely to utter a phrase such as "why
live?" as they know why troubled times in particular require one to be there for others.
Those strongly Service-to-Self sort this out in a similar manner, but in the other direction. As with their
everyday decisions, they look over the situation to see how it might be taken advantage of for their own pleasure
or power position. Since victims can be presented at any time, they assume many victims and looting and
plundering and savaging potential galore in a post pole shift situation. Thus, those highly Service-to-Self will
also not be likely to say "why live?" as they are licking their chops and rubbing their hands together.
The undecided are the ones likely to make the statement, "why live?" as they do not polarize in either direction, but rather think of their own life, and how they interact on a daily basis with other, or what they have come to expect as their daily fare. The focus is the self, but as a child focuses on the self. How will this affect me, what will I do when presented with this or that without the resources I've come to expect will be available to me. The immature spirit pushes the post pole shift scenario out only so far, to the edges of the cocoon they see their life
as, and see this cocoon not there. The job will be gone, friends and family may die or wander off, the store
shelves empty, the government offices simply not staffed, and whom do they go to with their complaints? Thus,
it is the immature, the undecided, who will present leaders in the Aftertime with motivation problems.
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
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ZetaTalk: Aftertime
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ZetaTalk: Aftertime
Note: written Apr 15, 2002
The undecided have motive in life according to immediate pleasures, in the main. When they see suffering, before them, they feel compassion and may be motivated to give of their own good, or assist, giving of their time, but this
motivation vaporizes as soon as the painful situation is out of sight. They quickly react to a threat of having their
lifestyle diminished, or expectations of them increased such that life becomes more work and less play. Thus, to motivate a spiritually undecided individual is, in the main, to present them with suffering, without a buffer, or to
present them with a better life should they do this or that.
In a survival group, where undecideds are mixed in with strongly Service-to-Others individuals, the undecided
should not be allowed to avoid the sick room or pathetic crying of hungry infants. Force them into this presence, as choices will be made. They will either rise to the occasion and give of their time, being the better for it
overall, or get hostile. If the individual gets hostile, they are making an orientation decision, that their comfort is more important than assisting the suffering of others. In this, the group can decide if they wish to have this
member as a continuing drain, given the obvious orientation and mindset. If they grow toward empthy and
assisting others in pain and need, then they may in fact make a rapid transit to Service-to-Others orientation, a
In focusing on the future, making a clear distinction on how the life of the individual, as well as the group, will be better should this or that task be done, works well with the undecided. This is not unlike a parent motivating
an immature child. They get desert if they do the dishes, get to watch TV if they finish their homework, or get to
go to the park if they clean their room. In the case of a post pole shift survival group, the carrot can be more
variety in the diet, less hunger, warmer or dryer quarters, or a chance to sight see a bit and travel.
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ZetaTalk: Orientation Test
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ZetaTalk: Orientation Test
Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Nancy and ourselves are often asked how one can determine if a stranger, or even a familiar friend, is Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Those who are mature entities can sense this in the other's spirit, the soul, instantly. Nancy is often criticized for being abrupt with a questioner, but she knows the reason for the questions, the approach, the offer, etc. It is not the actions of the other, nor the words, that give this clue. How does she know? She reaches out and senses the
intent of the soul, and was wise in this judgment prior to this incarnation, one of the reasons she was allowed to proceed on this Communications role she has assumed, with all our support.
Immature entities, those young, who are always in an undecided position, not fully Service-to-Other in their
orientation, are confused. They are confused because they have not yet sorted out their own motivations, goals, and agendas. They themselves are presenting a persona that is often false, to the world, and reassuring themselves that they have better motives than is true. They themselves have hidden agendas, will fail to deliver on promises, and are looking for others to support them when times get tight, though posturing otherwise. They do not know themselves, are not
being honest with themselves as this is discomfiting, so are hardly known to others by the face they present. If anyone questions this analysis, thinking themselves more mature, then the proof is simple. Go into a messy human situation,
into poverty, disease, helping the lowest of mankind as Mother Theresa did in India, living among them. One does not
have far to go for this, as misery is everywhere. If one balks, makes excuses, cannot stay for more than a moment, then you have your answer! Thus, for those who want a criteria to determine Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self, we say that first you must know yourself, as otherwise you simply cannot determine.
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ZetaTalk: Actions
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ZetaTalk: Actions
Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self orientation cannot be determined
strickly by action, by a rule of thumb, as it
depends. As we have explained, a gruff person can be self centered, or just angry because they see that harm will come
to others unaware. A demanding person might be demanding for the self, although presenting the demands as for
others, and this cannot be determined unless one looks to the result of the demand. Someone barking orders can be simply trying to be in control, or trying to organize the confused and disoriented. There is simply no way to describe
every situation, as they all vary. Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self motives are best determined by the result of the action, as a test of motive, and what the individual is willing to do. If an Service-to-Other individual is barking orders, saying that all should move to higher ground, leaving the food stocks, but insists on r emaining with the food stocks, then you have your answer. This individual intends to run off with them, most likely, else would suggest that all carry a portion to higher ground, the food stocks in many hands, not just in the hands of the individual barking orders.
If an Service-to-Other individual is caring for the dying, binding wounds and comforting the frightened, endlessly for
hours, and there is scaresly any benefit to the individual, then they are displaying true Service-to-Other behaviour. If they are insisting on being in a control room sitting on the medical supplies, and parsing out based on intellectual
decisions as to need, then this is suspect. Thus, one should look to the actions, the willingness of the individual to get down and dirty, to share decisions, to dispurse goods into many hands, to trust others, etc. This is not an easy answer for those who are not mature souls, who can recognize instantly the orientation of another.
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ZetaTalk: Sharing Supplies
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ZetaTalk: Sharing Supplies
written December 15, 2007
We have a POD outside with stored goods such as water, etc. When the time comes and people are
leaving the coasts for inland higher hills, and rampaging, pillaging, etc as they go, is it morally ethical to
protect goods with a gun with the possibility of having to shoot people because they are determined to
steal? My first impression is that killing is only allowed when one's person is in danger with that being the
only option to prevent the self from being killed. What about property like that which is outside the house
and basically essential to our survival? Of course, invasion inside the home, I would assume is okay to
protect oneself.
In anticipation of crop shortages and the consequent rising price of food, many people have been steadily stocking up.
Those who are anticipating the pole shift realize that there are many months, if not years, between the devastation of
the pole shift and that point where a community can produce food to feed the community. Rice and beans and canned
good are stashed in as large a quantity as the budget can allow, with the family eating the older supplies and
replenishing. When the matter of having one's stock discovered by looting gangs comes up in discussions, the first
thought is to defend the stock in the same manner one would defend the home. Is this not theft? Is it fair that those
who planned and sacrificed in order to be prepared must share with those who partied until the end and then expected
to be taken care of by others? Normally, this would be considered theft, but when there is no distribution of foods to
stores, no food available to be purchased or secured by barter, what is the father of a hungry family to do?
Food fights occur because there is unequal distribution of what is available among the survivors. If there are gangs of healthy adults who are simply out to loot whatever another has, they should be treated like criminals. In that a police force is not available and the phone lines are down preventing anything like a 911 call, survival communities must use
a vigilante force in these matters. It is far better to choose a location remote from cities, in rural areas, so as to keep a low profile and to stay out of the traffic lanes. But if one is trapped near a city or in the traffic lanes, then addressing the nature of the intruders is imperative. Service-to-Self gangs can be identified and give many clues as to their nature.
They will be loaded with weapons and well fed, will not have any young or aged with them, and will probably be
dragging captives they consider slaves or a future meal in a pinch along with them. These gangs should be dispatched
without hesitation.
Those survivors who are good of heart will arrive ragged, the babes and toddlers being carried and the fact that they
had been given food before the adults have eaten obvious as they will appear in good shape. Oldsters and the lame and
wounded may be part of the group, being assisted along by the other adults. These people should not be turned away.
If there is not enough food to support the newcomers, they should be given a good meal and sent on their way to seek
another spot. If it is clear they will soon starve if sent on their way, then decisions should be made based on the whole of the survivor group, including the newcomers and those who put aside a stock of food to begin with, as to who will
live and die. Clearly, anyone overweight should not eat anything but weeds for vitamin content. Anyone with a fatal disease or condition should consider dying sooner rather than later, for the good of others. Certainly, having
unprotected sex so pregnancies result should be forbidden, and this decision should be enforced. If someone is only
thinking of their pleasure, they should be expelled from the community. In many cultures, the aged volunteer to starve
by refusing food and water so they pass quickly and painlessly.
In these matters, it is the soul that survives, and the soul must live with any decisions it makes. If you deny food to a starving toddler so that you can live, then what is the quality of your life afterwards?
Anyone who has a stock of food who does not
Many people view with alarm the thought of
find themselves at odds with the authorities
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ZetaTalk: Sharing Supplies
food shortages and struggling with other
will still be subject to theft from gangs or
people to wrest away a loaf of bread or fist
hungry neighbors. t is almost a welcome sign,
fights over a bag of flour or rice. They view
saying come take this from me. The word
with alarm such thoughts, and their first
would go out that this person or that person
thoughts are to stock up, to buy many of these has a stock of food. So, in the end, hording is
items. Hoarding cannot be disguised. The
not a solution, even for those people who think
police can come door-to-door, open the doors, they are clever and have very carefully hidden
and see a stock of food and this stock can be
their food. People who are starving and
confiscated. These stocks will be confiscated
frightened will aggressively attempt to find
as food shortages occur and hoarding is to be where the food has been buried. It is much
discouraged, so that fighting and arguments
safer to be able to produce food on a regular
and theft do not happen, and this will be
distributed to others.
ZetaTalk: Growing Food, written Nov 15,
ZetaTalk: Hoarding, written Nov 15, 1999
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taTalk: Anxieties
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ZetaTalk: Anxieties
Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Reactions to the changing times are varied, and in only a few cases represent preparations, most often representing stress reactions. Individuals expecting to reduce their live, to live more simply, will not necessarily eat less, exercise more, or have their teeth fixed. All these changes are short term, as rotting teeth will return, and someone slightly
overweight might find this well packed meal handy.
What are symptoms of true preparation? Substantial moves, such as leaving the city and moving to rural areas,
for one. Practicing gardening, or fishing with simple tools, or walking about in the country side munching on
weeds or bugs. These are serious steps, that directly relate.
What are symptoms of anxiety, or self concern, or simply trying to adjust to society to increase security by
fitting in? Getting fit, trim, learning a new language, experimenting with recipes, or getting up earlier in the day
can be interpreted as the type of activity one undertakes to be considered more fit, a better citizen, a more
desirable spouse or date.
The types of activities that are true preparation for survival after the shift are so odd as to be the last chosen by those trying to be a good citizen, or spouse, or date. Does one work with hand tools in the basement, on wood?
Hod odd, when power tools are the cool thing. Does one plant vegetables, in the yard formerly used for golf
swings? How odd, when the boss does not garden, but golfs.
Thus, those who suspect they are subconsciously preparing for the shift can line their new activities up against what is really required, or alternatively up against what society would approve of. Which fits? This will determine what you are up to!
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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions
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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions