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ZetaTalk: Science Page 7
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Page 7
same. The variation of light you note on leaving or coming pertains to accumulation of particles, as on the approach
there is a tendency for an accumulation of certain particles, which bounce around and create a dominance. Upon
leaving, the opposite effect is noted.
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ZetaTalk: Gravity Particles
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ZetaTalk: Gravity Particles
Note: written on Jan 15, 1997.
Gravity is particles, moving, just as magnetic fields are, and there is a polarization in gravity, which we have explained as the repulsion force. Before mankind discovered that magnetism was polarized, they discovered it as an attractive
force. Metallic items stuck to the sides of magnetized rock - how curious. After centuries of digging about in this
phenomena, humans have satisfied their curiosity to the extent that they understand that magnetism is a force field, has
a flow out from one pole and in at the other pole, that the Sun and some other planets are magnetized and line up with
each other. They still don't understand the cause of this force field, or its nature. Magnetism is caused by a particle, in motion, as we have explained. What other explanation is there for a force that reaches out and affects another? Magic?
The bi-polar aspect of magnetism is only apparent when what occurs in nature can be countered in the laboratory. You
force magnetized objects to do what they do not want to do - touch north pole to north pole or vice versa. Then you can observe the bi-polar nature. In gravity, you are seeing but one aspect in the positioning of the planets, and dealing with
a phenomena that does not lend itself to easy experimentation. However, experimentation is possible, in space and
away from the surface of the planet. The repulsion force fills the gap in some of your other theories where you have no
explanation for discrepancies.
In magnetism, the simple flow of particles creates more than a force for alignment, it creates an attraction. The gap is
filled. Like water in a stream, where flotsam eventually lines up in the center, evenly spaced, just so magnetized
objects do not keep their distance when free to move. They approach each other, and attach like a string of pearls.
Likewise the phenomena of gravity, where the desire to fill the gap causes objects to approach one another. It is only
where this gap is overfilled, by the presence of two large objects coming near, that the repulsion force is expressed.
There is no room for the flow of gravity particles, so the objects stay apart!
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ZetaTalk: Gravity Flow
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ZetaTalk: Gravity Flow
Note: written on May 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The flow of gravity particles is not unlike the magnetism model, but with several significant differences. In
magnetism, particle flow is related to the shape of atoms, such as iron, which allow a flow to begin in the first place,
and is related to the types of bonds these atoms commonly lock themselves in. Magnetic particles surge out of a break
in the rhythm of subatomic particles such as electrons circling the nucleus, a surge which does not occur in other
atoms that have a more even balance in their halo of orbiting electrons. Magnetism thus produces a field, with a flow,
and this flow is discernible to the degree that one could almost imagine a river, watching magnetized particles on the
river position themselves according to the flow.
Gravity particles produce a flow but produce no discernible flow, and have no irregularities in the pattern. Does your
Earth not pull evenly from all parts of its surface? And if there is a flow, then at what point does the flow reverse,
such that surface particles are pushed away? In fact there is a reversal, but the outward streams are propelled, with a
force and at a speed so much greater than the downward drafts that this occurs over less of a surface area and without
engaging the mass of the object. A laser of gravity particles, versus a floodlight upon the return. So why would the
weight of returning particles be the only ones mankind is aware of, and why would they not feel the violent lift of the
updrafts? The updrafts blast through, tearing a hole as it were, where the returning particles do not tear what they press upon, and so have the greater effect.
Gravity particles, in their motion, do not affect what they move against or through, the effect being in essence
mechanical. The upward drafts push aside other matter, letting it return upon completion of the updraft, leaving no
trace of the temporary tear. The downward push of gravity particles returning to the large mass they are attracted to,
the core of the Earth for instance, spread out upon objects they encounter, taking some time to drift through these
object and with a constant downward press during the motion of this drift. Thus, returning particles, due to the time
they spend upon and within the surface objects, and due to their continual direction of motion, are a mechanical force
that is stronger, overall, than the updraft of particles that quickly pass through the surface objects, essentially pushing
them aside rather than engaging them.
The nature of this gravity flow is what determines the repulsion force we speak of. It is a complement of gravity only
when large bodies are close to each other. The updrafts, when encountering a large body also exuding updrafts of
gravity particles, hold the bodies apart. This occurs at what humans would call a distance from each other, as small
objects such as satellites do not exude updrafts and if far enough from the surface of a gravitational giant such as a
planet, find a down-draft and updraft of gravity particles in balance, what humans might term in their ignorance a zero
gravity field, weightlessness. At this point the updrafts are still tearing through, but at a slower rate, so that a
mechanical push upward is involved, and the down-drafts are more thinly dispersed over the surface as they work their
way through the density of these objects in space. Large bodies, exuding their own updrafts of gravity particles, create
a situation where their updrafts and the updrafts from another sun or planet bump against each other, creating a buffer
and preventing the gravity masses from touching or even approaching each other except at great distances.
Within black holes, the down-draft still exceeds the updraft, and thus the same rules apply.
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ZetaTalk: Galaxies
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ZetaTalk: Galaxies
Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates.
The Repulsion Force is what keeps suns apart, at the distance they are, or at least is a factor in this. The reach of the
force of gravity is immense, as with the distance that light particles travel, but like light particles gravity particles on
the move can be deflected. Light particles reaching man from across the galaxies has moved in essentially a straight
path, unless being deflected or absorbed by something in its path. What is the drama that occurs when more than two
gravity giants are in a vicinity, and why is it that binary suns are so common?
Gravity particles with a single gravitational giant in the vicinity float into the giant and spurt out, without
conflict. At
the end of a spurt, their desire to clump with their kind causes them to return to the nearest clump.
This could be equated to light escaping from a Black Hole, where it is on the move but not leaving, rather
returning. The fact that other gravity particles in the vicinity are returning is no small part in this, as those in the
flow are attracted to one another also, so the particles at the end of a spurt find they also are moving toward the
gravitational giant as a result of trying to move to gravity particles nearby.
When there are two gravitational giants of equal size, as in binary suns, the drama is joined by a dither point
between the two. Gravity particles at the end of a spurt, or slowing in their exit due to reduced pressure as
dissipation occurs, find a mixture of streams going back to both giants at this dither point. Repulsion outbursts
are intermittent, so at one time the dither leans more toward one giant where a return flow is ongoing, but at
another time the return stream to the other giant is stronger, and a particular gravity particle switches to flow into
and out of the other sun. Where the suns are matched in size, they stay apart where the Repulsion Force keeps
them, to the extent that their dance is dominated by gravity.
Gravity particles streaming in an outburst from a giant but not encountering another outburst from a nearby giant
can move outward to a great distance. This is dependent upon the force with which they are expelled from the
giant, giving them great momentum. At the same time, the single drama of each gravity giant continues, and any
binary dance that has developed between balanced suns continues, so the particles escaping the area are those not
caught in other dramas. Gravity attraction is a small factor in slowing the escape of matter ejected during a Big
Bang, and bringing this together again during a collapse, ultimately into another immense Black Hole. Other
subatomic particles are more significant in the dance between galaxies, however. Gravity dances tend to be a
local affair.
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ZetaTalk: Particle Flow
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ZetaTalk: Particle Flow
Note: written on Feb 15, 1997.
Magnetic particles flow from the nucleus and back into the nucleus on the other side of the atom. Where the iron atom
is among others in a fluid state, such as liquid metal when heated, the flow moves from one atom’s outlet point to the
intake point of another atom nearby, thus magnetized iron. Humans have learned to magnify and set the direction in
this liquid iron by setting a strong magnet alongside, creating yet another magnet in the process. Some humans are
confused by our magnetism cycle description of 3 groups of 3 in a cycle of 10, or 4 groups of 3 in a cycle of 12. A
cycle is a completed electron or other subatomic particle pattern around the nucleus of an atom. Equate the subatomic
magnetic particles and their pattern, for simplicities sake, to sub-way trains leaving the central station to go out into
the suburbs and then returning. Normally the train schedules are regular, continuous, but in some cities they become
infrequent during the middle of the day or middle of the night, when there are expected to be few travelers. There may
even be breaks in the pattern so that shift turnover can occur, or maintenance. Now, equate the flow of magnetic
particles from the nucleus to the steady press of passengers, and assume a steady flow arriving at the central station.
Assume that these passengers, like subatomic particles, do not care which direction they go in. If the trains are kept
running at an even pace, there would at no time be an accumulation of passengers during one portion of the 24 hour
day than another. The train loads would be equalized, or close to that.
Gravity acts in a mechanical fashion, failing to interact with all but a handful of sub-atomic particles, so being an
independent particle on the move both the downward drift and upblasts push aside atomic structures in their path. The
particle flow of gravity particles is rapid, and the interaction with other particles essentially mechanical, so the bulk of
interactions is out from a gravity giant and back into that giant. The reason the updraft is faster is not only due to the pressure that occurs when a press finds an outlet, but due to the pathway that is arranged. Like water spouting from a
breach in a dam, this moves faster not only because of the pressure, but because the flow itself provides a type of
vacuum behind it, sucking in what would fill that vacuum. The force of the flow keeps the atomic structures which
have been pushed aside to the side, and this likewise allows the intensity of the updraft to continue until abated. Thus,
the exit has a greater speed, while the entry spreads its mechanical press downward over a larger area, and for a longer
Relative to the slow drift of gravity particles downward, the outward bursts are 4.87235 time faster. Compared to the
speed of light, gravity particles move more slowly. If gravity moves at a rate of 1, light is a rate of 9.87104, a ratio
putting gravity at approximately 1/10 of the speed of light. We use the imagery of two fire hoses pointed at one
another to explain when the Repulsion Force kicks in. The water flow from such a hose is high pressure, as the stream
is to reach to the top of buildings, optimally, and carries a lot of water so as to put out the fire. If the firemen holding
these two hoses stand close together, they had better have their shoes nailed to the floor, as the push back is strong.
Moved further apart, they find a couple things changing, so holding the hoses is still difficult, but the push back has
reduced. First, the water pressure in the stream has reduced due to spray to the side as well as straight ahead, relieving
the pressure. Second, the water stream has spread to the sides, and increasingly as water is lost in spray, the amount of
water is reduced.
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ZetaTalk: Energy Waves
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ZetaTalk: Energy Waves
Note: written on Feb 15, 1997.
In the last few centuries, mankind has moved:
1. from a concept the world around him being composed of solids, liquids, air, and a spirit form,
2. to thinking of the Universe around him being composed of matter, energy, and a spirit form,
3. to thinking of matter and energy being composed of the same substances - subatomic particles.
In fact, everything perceived, including spirit forms, can be assumed to be particular in nature, although we, the Zetas,
cannot speak to the issue of the composition of spirits, what we call the stuff of souls, as we ourselves do not have this
information to share with mankind. Of this we are ignorant. Mankind has lately begun subdividing the atom into
assumed subatomic particles, and increasingly speaking of energy as particles moving rapidly in a wave pattern with
varying wave pattern height, width, and speed or what humans call frequency. The fact that energy may be a subatomic
particle found in matter, on the move, is increasingly accepted. However, just why it is on the move, and why it moves
in waves, is still a bit of a mystery.
In discussions of subatomic particle movement, an analogy to the behavior of liquids might help humans relate.
Humans are aware that water can appear to be a solid, when ice, or on the move, whe
n a liquid. They are also aware
that water can take up less space when cold and more when warm, having what is called heat energy stuffed into the
same space. This same concept can be applied to what humans call matter and energy, energy simply being particles of
matter on the move, and on the move because other particles have been stuffed into the same space. The space
becomes crowded, and just as circulation in water is caused in part by temperature differences, just so subatomic
particles go on the move to equalize the crowding at the atomic level.
Coming out of what is called a big bang, particles are sent in all directions. All are on the move. As explosions are
never of equal strength throughout the explosion, some particles are moving faster than others, and when parts of the
explosion collide with other parts, toward the center of the explosion or on the periphery, circular movement begins to
equalize the pressure. After a time, what results is what you see in your Universe. All this moving about never settles
down, nor does it diminish or increase, overall. Mankind has noted this tendency and termed it conservation of energy.
Even within forming black holes movement is still occurring, and in accordance with the patterns outside of black
Within atoms, subatomic particles are bound to the nucleus just as planets are bound to a sun, due to the presence of a
subatomic particle which behaves in a similar manner to gravity particles in a solar system. Forever on the move as
rushing to the center of the nucleus creates crowding that is relieved by an outward flow, these particles soon find
themselves on the periphery in an uncrowded state and cycle back into the nucleus due to their inherent attraction of
each other. What all matter seeks is a static state where all parts of it are equal and none moving, like a jell, but as
equality in matter can never exist due to inherent differences in particle size and nature, motion never ceases. Always
trying, but never succeeding.
Subatomic particles move in a wave pattern due to this attraction and desire to equalize crowding. Vacillation,