ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living Read online

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  reception cannot come through clearly. Interference, a sign that the common man should get into short wave radio, and

  practice with their friends and family! What are you waiting for, a boulder to fall on your head before you wake up to the communication situation besetting you?

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  ZetaTalk: Imploding Cities

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  ZetaTalk: Imploding Cities

  Note: added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Cities have several stories under them, where electrical wires and plumbing run, so as to keep this from the streets

  above. It is not just those cables and pipes buried in roadways, but the deep basements of skyscrapers that we are addressing. The Earth, in areas where it is being stretched, like the entire eastern portion of North America and western portion of Europe, will find the ground adjusting. What does it take to break a supporting structure, causing the mass to come down? And if the mass drops, the buildings where this plumbing went up into are finding a tug down where they were least designed to expect this. This weakens the infrastructure of the building, and it then starts to implode and plummet. As in earthquakes, building affect their neighbors, and fire starts and spreads. When would this start, and where? We are not allowed to pinpoint the city or estimated date, just as we are not allowed to do so with earthquakes.

  However, we can say this, that anyone living in stretch zones should expect this to happen at any moment, as the trail derailments have shown that earth movements of this kind, a separating of support, has started. Many cities are rooted in rock, but this also can shift, one side down, the other tilted up, and this alone would cause adjustments in the cities above. In cities in compression zones, or slip-slide, the results are similar, but accompany quakes. This, city disasters along with quakes, is called earthquake damage. Our imploding buildings Prediction will not be called as correct until such matters happen outside of quake accompaniment.

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  ZetaTalk: Exploding Factories

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  ZetaTalk: Exploding Factories

  Note: added during the Feb 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Imploding buildings, which we Predicted some months ago to occur in countries and lands affected by the North Atlantic stretch, are already occurring. The first evidence of a disruptive stretch were the derailing trains, which got in the news in a big way when they first occurred, but recently have been suppressed though the incidence in increasing.

  A track is examined, and within hours a train derails with a track that has zigged and zagged, and the reason is given

  as a warm day affecting the tracks. These derailments happened in the US eastern states, Maryland and Florida, and in

  the UK.

  Following this exploding factories came into the news, but the public can expect that as the incidence increases the news will be suppressed. The first dramatic incidence was in NC, the Kingston factory, which massive explosion was

  attributed to rubber dust, though the factory was functioning as it had for years, with no such incidences. Were there

  not smokers among the factory personnel? Was there no dust at all, prior to this explosion, which lifted the roof much

  of a mile in the air? Lately there has been an exploding factory in Kentucky, and an unexplained refinery explosion in

  Staten Island, NY. Texas has had a number of odd occurrences, exploding streets, homes, collapsing buildings under

  construction, also over the recent months.

  How does an earth stretch affect a factory, gas lines under a street, such that explosions occur? Fittings are intended to be tight, with gaskets used to seal the fitting. All is put under enough pressure to ensure no leakage occurs! When pulled apart, unless there is a noticeable lack of pressure in the pipes, this is not noticed! Thus, leaking can occur, of chemicals, gasses, whatever, and an explosive mix can accumulate, waiting for a spark. The dramatic explosions occur

  most often where explosive material is in the area, the initial leaking and explosion sparking a larger explosion. These factory or street explosions are but a forerunner of what we referred to as imploding buildings, however. These are

  explosions, caused by the stretch, but not an implosion caused by structural failure under a buildings. When you hear that an otherwise solid and long standing building collapsed, for unexplained reasons, then you have an implosion.

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  ZetaTalk: Months Before

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  ZetaTalk: Months Before

  Note: added during the Feb 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  As can be sensed from the Earth changes that are already surprising scientists and weathermen, the Earth does not

  simply wait until the passage, until the moment of the shift, to begin expressing what it will do during the shift.

  Stretching of the Atlantic has already been expressed with train derailments along the East Cost of North

  America and parts of Europe subject to the stretch, such as the UK and Spain. Buildings collapse in Texas, a

  bridge dislodges in Kansas, and a factory suddenly is engulfed in explosions not experienced or expected in its

  lifetime, unexplained. The North Carolina factory explosion was not caused by rubber dust, as this would have

  been a constant factor during the life of the factory. This is no more the reason for the explosion than a hot day

  causing trail derailments in Maryland. These types of building implosions, structural movements that cause

  anything likely to collapse to do so, or likely to explode to do so, will continue apace.

  Weather irregularities, with sudden deluges rushing water down ravines and rivers, or developing into hurricane

  force winds with little warning off the coasts, will continue to become more extreme than the past few months

  and years have led man to expect.

  Earthquake will increase in both number and severity, such that they will start to occur in areas not expecting them, thus most devastated by their occurrence. We have pointed out recently that the quake patterns now are

  not simply domino, where one plate pushes another within a day, but almost instantaneous in this push on the

  other side of the plate affected. Likewise, that these quakes are exhibiting a pole shift pattern, with a stretching

  of the Atlantic and a compression of the Pacific along the lines of the plate adjustment we have predicted. This will continue, with Hawaii rising, Japan exploding, Indonesia erupting, and Australia tilting. The Rifts in Africa

  and the Red Sea will spread, Pakistan experience precursors of the rip to occur there, and India finding itself

  particularly vulnerable to unexpected flood tides.

  To prepare for what might happen to your locale, read the Scripted Drama page we have presented previously, and memorize this. Expect, in small part, what we have described for your locale to occur early, so you will not be surprised. If you are in an area that can be flooded, due to tides or a deluge, then mentally prepare for this. If you are in an area that has never experienced quakes, then read a book or watch a movie to get acquainted with what this is all about! If you have never had muddy water rise up in your plumbing, taking the city water supply for granted, and this

  suddenly happens because of Earth movements in your area, you have only yourself to blame for not having spare

  water at hand for such a situation! Rather than expecting someone to knock at your door and inform you when your life will not plod along as usual, take some responsibility for this!

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  ZetaTalk: Rotation Stops

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  ZetaTalk: Rotation Stops

  Note: added during the May 3, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stated that a quake will affect Southern California into the Sierras before the shift, and this has some wondering about the time frame. Where as we have stated we are not allowed to predict, with specifically, the location

  and timing of quakes, we can give some general guidelines. We have stated that during the week of rotation stoppage

  the Earth moans, the core attempting to turn and the crust locked by the grip of the approaching Planet X from the

  south. Do you not think this stress would have an effect on crust adjustments? Today, less than a month from the shift, the increased quake frequency and strength has reached the point of being noticeable to the general public. Yet the

  crust turns with the core, which is only slowed by seconds per day in its rotation. Imagine what a stopped rotation would do to stress in the crust. Today, the stretch along the Atlantic has trains derailing and sinkholes appearing in the continents along the Atlantic Rift. Today, the compression of the Pacific has more volcanoes active than in the memory of man, and slow and silent slippage of plates along the US West Coast not in the memory or man. Global quakes are

  becoming so frequent as to become the norm, now, where only months ago this was not the case.

  So what will happen when rotation stoppage occurs? All these stress points will become greatly exacerbated. The stretch will increase so bridges will drop, one of their moorings losing. Cervices will appear in roadways. In the Pacific Rim, volcanoes that were only threatening will actively ooze, or blow. Places where there are fault lines known to be somewhat active will become a nightmare for those living there, endlessly shaking and causing pets and domestic

  animals as well as wildlife to run frantic from the signals they get from the strained earth. If the West Coast of North America is today experiencing a slow and silent quake, this means that a progressive slippage is already occurring.

  Place this into the context of an increased slippage, where the northern portion of the North American continent moves to the north, while the southern portion is locked! Do you think the Peninsula that is the Baja is positioned such by

  accident? This is a sign of a rift. And a rift means plates locked on either side, unable to move as one. Thus, during the week of rotation stoppage you will see many quakes, preceding the quakes of the shift, with ripping of rifts and the consequent effects in land released from stress.

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Side Clues

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  ZetaTalk: Dark Side Clues

  Note: added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stated that when rotation stops, that humans will be so shocked, even if they do not acknowledge what is

  happening, that none of the wheels that drive commerce or business or utilities or government will operate in any degree. The bridge master, who must raise and lower a drawbridge, will leave his post, with the bridge up, so that cars cannot cross, or vice versa. Traffic lights will freeze, or fail to operate, such that the cross roads becomes a mess of beeping horns. Frightened individuals will stand in the way, arguing, red faced, over nothing, and refuse to be moved.

  Cars will run out of gas, being driven by frightened drivers to the point of sudden stop, and then be abandoned. This

  will leave the roadways clogged with endless problems, such that traffic does not move, on either the day or night side.

  If those on the Long Day side can anticipate having a clue, in that their morning clock will be out of sync with what

  they find outside, how will those on the long night side have a clue?

  The answer, in both cases, is not to wait until that day when rotation actually stops, as the slowing is not sudden, in this matter. Rotation is already slowing to the point that moon phases are being noted, as odd. Clocks are forever, now, needing to be re-calibrated, but due to the weather being so strange, most have not thought this the most important oddity to concern themselves with. The week before rotation stoppage, there will be undeniable slowing, such that minutes a day are lost, then perhaps an hour a day. Should one be concerned about taking only that clue, to move to the high lands, there will be many clues. Earthquakes are now to the point where Outright Lying by the USGS is occurring, and noted. They underreport, and omit. But soon, these quakes will not just be numbers on the database,

  they will be large enough, and happening in places not used to quakes, such that cities will be affected. There will be many signs, in particular the large red object, growing larger, seen in the daylight, not a comet, not an asteroid, which do not have light sources within themselves, and unexplained by the establishment. So, in view of this, when rotation

  is slowed in a given day by several minutes, move!.

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  ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

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  ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

  Note: written on Apr 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The stage having been set, then, the crust movement steps during the hour of the shift are as follows:

  1. As the South Pole, gripped by the passing North Pole of the 12th Planet, moves north, the crust is torn from the core and freed in this way, allowing pre-existing stress points to relax. Thus, Europe and Africa move further

  east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart during the slide northward.

  2. The immediate effect of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia and the Near East to move is felt most

  strongly in India, as the Himalayas are driven over India at this point, effectively submerging this country in a wink.

  3. The effect of the Indo-Australian plate taking a dive under the Himalayas is to relieve tension along the African

  Rift, such that this tears, promptly, but in shuddering steps with halting adjustments and pauses between

  shudders. In essence, the movement eastward of the African continent is a momentum creating this tear.

  4. During the tearing of the Atlantic Ocean floor, and the dragging north or the North American continent, an

  already existing tear in the St. Lawence Seaway tears further, essentially the weak link in this landmass held at

  so many points to the further side of the Atlantic Ocean. Canada moves north, while the rest of the Americas

  cling to the Atlantic Rift while it separates.

  5. The movement of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia, and Asia to the east also is expected to rip this plate along the Himalayas, as we have stated, creating an inland bay into the Russian lands just to what is now

  the north of the Himalayas. This follows, in jerks and tears, over the hour of the shift, along with the tearing of

  the African Rift.

  6. When the ocean off the bulge of Brazil has reached the position of the current North Pole, crust slippage stops,

  creating yet another drama. The major northern hemisphere plates stop, and whatever follows crashes into them.

  In the case of the Americas, this causes Central America and the Caribbean to crumble.

  7. In the case of Africa, already sliding eastward, the force is further movement eastward, as subduction of the http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p148.htm[2/5/2012 11:19:13 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

  Indo-Australian plate has already begun, the weaker link already established and momentum in process.

  8. The pileup is in what was the former Northern Hemisphere, and the compression of the Pacific is creating

ance as plates are subducted under the Americas, and then Japan explodes and Indonesia crumbles.

  9. This frees the plates south of the tips of South America and Africa of stress. As the Pacific adjusts, reluctantly, pressure toward Antarctica, the one place on the globe not experiencing plate pressure, allows new land to pop

  up between the tips of South America and Africa.

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  ZetaTalk: Hour After

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  ZetaTalk: Hour After

  Note: written Dec, 2002

  Throughout the world, survivors of the shift will react in different ways, depending upon their level of prior

  knowledge and their personality. Look about you to the survivors of sudden storms, tornadoes or lightning strikes.

  These individuals are devastated and basically in shock. They understand that something unexpected has occurred, and

  they have lost loved ones, lost possessions, perhaps themselves are injured so life as they remembered it can never

  return, and are grieving. If the result of an expected catastrophe, like an approaching hurricane where they boarded up windows and tied down all that might blow away, the survivors might be angry at themselves for lack of proper

  preparation, or angry at the gods for delivering the storm, or angry at the authorities for not issuing an earlier warning, or angry at the insurance companies for not replacing lost goods, but anger is the mode. Now add to this the additional devastation of no helping hands arriving, and even those simply grieving at the loss will become angry.

  If the survivors were expecting the shift, were in what they considered a safe place and all supplies and loved ones tied down and out of the wind and water surges, there will still be anger. Even had they convinced themselves that they