ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living Read online

Page 11

  Under normal circumstances, intermarriage brings to the genetic table only those genes possessed by the parents. At

  best the parents might hope for a throwback, a child whose genetics reflect an admired great- grandparent or ancestor

  whose recessive gene was finally allowed to express. At worst, the parents might find the worst of both parental lines

  expressed. It's a toss of the dice. However, when we refer to intermarriage between hybrids and humans, there are

  several implicit assumptions in place. First, if a human is in contact with the hybrids, they are of the Service-to-Others orientation. They would wish the best for their offspring, and accept the offer of what you term in vitro fertilization to provide this. It is the genetics of the parents, plus. The marriage is an emotional bond, a helpmate situation, an

  opportunity to care for young mutually planned and hoped for. The marriages are everything humans expect from a

  marriage, and result from the same circumstances of young people being attracted to each other, for all the various


  Would not the hybrids be marrying down, due to the IQ difference? Being Service-to-Others, they have no desire to

  see any of the group suffer. As we have explained, there is no them and us in a Service-to- Other group, there is only

  we. How would it be, to cast the humans in one corner, telling them to spend time with each other, while the higher IQ

  hybrids grab center stage? This, of course, is so often played out in the human arena that it is no wonder that this

  would be the first thought of any reader. However, the Service-to-Others react in an almost opposite manner. The

  handicapped come first. The slow are given every assistance. We stand in each other's shoes, and do not do to one

  what we would not want done to ourselves. At the same time, in a high tech environment, there is plenty of

  opportunity for intellectual stimulation. How much of this can you stand, before you need to go for a walk or go out for a beer. We, the Zetas, are not all that much different, nor are the hybrids. Plus, married folks of the future will no more be bound to each other every moment of every day than the married folks of today. Where humans come together

  for different reasons, so will the citizens of the future.

  There is an additional reason for wanting to spend time with full-blood or mostly humans. The hybrids are a mix of

  genetics, and we, the Zetas, can really only surmise what it is like to be in a human body. Those entities who have

  incarnated repeatedly into humans, and we are speaking here of native terran entities born on this Earth, have a deep

  knowledge of human genetics. The hybrids will, in many cases, be incarnated Zetan entities, who are new to human

  genetics. By a marriage, the Zetan entity in a hybrid body will better know him or herself. The human partner is in this way a source of fascination, a way to know oneself better.

  Note: below added during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The hybrids today are a mix of DNA from their parents, Zetas, human ancestors in some instances, and reparative

  DNA where needed. The hybrid child certainly has many parents, in this regard. Those Special Children who have

  been born among human society with Zeta genetics as well as human genetics are carried by the human parent.

  However, the egg and sperm are mixed, in a test tube kind of setting, and then implanted back into the mother. The

  necessary party here is the mother, who can arrive on a space ship for a visitation, a visit to her gynecologist so to speak, with a ripe egg just released into her oviduct due to what humans often call a "baby-maker" love making session, as well as sperm aplenty in her vagina. The egg is removed, the sperm removed, the geneticists do their work

  and reimplant the fertilized egg. In similar manner, in the Aftertime, the parents of a pending child having given the

  Call for their offspring to have the best life possible, the mother would be treated in this fashion after sex between the human parents. At some point, when humans and hybrids are living together, intermarried, and the concept of large

  brainy hybrids as children is not foreign, incubation for the latter part of the pregnancy would not be in utero. These are all matters subject to being delayed, or expedited, depending upon the readiness of the humans involved.

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  ZetaTalk: Intermarriage

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  ZetaTalk: Team Mates

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  ZetaTalk: Team Mates

  Note: written Mar 15, 1996

  In anticipation of the roles they will assume during and following the coming cataclysms, the hybrids are increasingly

  being introduced to their human peers - those in the Service-to-Others. They answer The Call along with the troops of

  full-blood Zetas who have been hard at work in this vein for decades. Following the cataclysms many humans who

  have been working behind the scenes with hybrids will encounter them, and begin working side-by-side during the

  chaos as though there were nothing strange in a hairless, telepathic, slender race of men suddenly appearing in the

  neighborhood. In response to humans in the Service-to-Others giving The Call, hybrids, full-blood Zetas, and these

  humans confer, plan, parse out work, review progress, and all with scarcely a moment given to ponder the strangeness

  of the situation.

  Humans will join our communities after the pole shift, primarily those of hybrids though we all live together, in small numbers at first, and in isolated places. Those humans already know who they are, and are anticipating this in their

  plans. These humans must be highly Service-to-Others, meaning they are almost exclusively willing to sacrifice

  themselves for others if the situation calls for it and is deemed important enough. These humans must also have a

  strong track record of being able to deal with the unknown, the gray area, without causing others about them to be

  distracted to attend to them. These humans must be able to focus on a mission, and achieve it, to be part of the hard working team they will join. As an example, look to Nancy, as she has had such an invitation extended to her.

  Many humans are highly attuned to a role in the Aftertime. They can encounter other humans without alarming them.

  They may be known personalities, in fact, welcomed. The human form, the human personality, is ideally suited for

  work assisting with other humans in the Afterime. A gift of one of our batteries, which never wear out, for instance, would be explained by an human, where an alien might have to just leave it on the steps, knock on the door, and run.

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  ZetaTalk: Walk Openly

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  ZetaTalk: Walk Openly

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding when and how alien life forms will walk among Homo Sapiens openly. This will never occur as expected,

  as the inhabitants of Earth have been led to believe by watching the movies. You are not alone now, nor have you

  been for many centuries. Your people's physical form will change gradually, such that you will be unaware of the

  change. Intelligence will increase, as will the use of telepathy. In some areas life forms not of the Earth will

  intermingle with the Earth's inhabitants, but these will be areas remote or involving few people. Word of these places

  will spread, just as word of the far continents of the world spread during the past millennium. Gossip serves a purpose in this respect. It allows for gradual acclimatization. In those places wher
e many life forms intermingle, the people will be aware that they are among friends.

  Introductions will be made during times of tribulation. The heart is most open when all seems lost. The mind is open to change when the world known before has been turned upside down. It is then that progress toward an open lifestyle

  will be most rapid.

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  ZetaTalk: Quake Swarms

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  ZetaTalk: Quake Swarms

  Note: added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We predicted at the start of ZetaTalk that quakes would continue to Uptick, both in frequency and Richter, going into the shift, on a somewhat linear basis. We also predicted that this would be underplayed by the establishment, quakes in remote areas simply Not Reported or quakes under reported. This Occurred during the past two years, when it was noticed that the Richter reported by the USGS was less by almost a Richter. Then this year, 2002, it was noted that

  quakes were being dropped from the database altogether. At the same time, should one take the overall pulse of quakes

  from the USGS database, it looked within normal bounds. Thus, while the increase was in the range of small Richter quakes, and not affecting large cities, the USGS et al could get away with this. But there is a threshold, where the

  quakes are large enough to be noticed, and it is at this point that the public woke up. Were the swarm of quakes in San

  Francisco to be tiny, no one would even be aware there had been a swarm. Were the Richter of quakes not on the uptick to be low, the uptick could still be under reported. But the combination of larger Richter quakes, along with the increase in number, will not be overlooked by the public. Thus, this is not new, nor outside of what we have predicted, just noticeable now.

  The significance relates to the pattern Nancy noted and laid out in her analysis a month or so ago - the quakes not only are now domino, or ricochet, but are in a pattern that shows the plate push during the shift! Nancy noted this in doing an analysis on large quakes, that not only were neighboring plates bumped, but the bump showed shift previews. A quake along Japan and Indonesia, which is compression of the Pacific related, did not only bump neighboring plates

  nearby, New Zealand, for instance. They reached across the Pacific, within the same day, and caused a compression quake there, in Alaska, for instance. The Pacific is already being compressed, although lightly compared to the shift

  results, but the weakness and route clearly showing. What is happening along the West Coast is that the Pacific plate is not moving under in heated subduction, causing mountain building, but is pushing up under Alaska, in the slip-slide motion known to be predominant on the West Coast of North America. Thus, those areas slipping and sliding now,

  along San Francisco and Oregon, are doing so, and will increase in this activity. Likewise, the Atlantic, as the UK and East Coast are aware, is stretching already, showing signs that this will be the route taken by this Rift during the shift.

  The African Rift is increasing in its lava oozing and quakes, and land bordering the Atlantic is finding their rail lines suddenly zigged or zagged. Read again our explanation of the Scripted Drama, along with the graphic Nancy prepared, and compare this to the quakes now noticeable. Is there not a relationship?

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  ZetaTalk: Pre-Shift Quakes

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  ZetaTalk: Pre-Shift Quakes

  Note: added during the Apr 5, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Can the Zetas comment on the Pacific Northwest Earthquake called slow or silent. It goes from Oregon to Vancouver BC. It is in process and has been for some time. started Feb 26 and continues. Overall measues 6.7 but energy release is slow but continuous with very little shaking and experts stumped.

  #zetatalk IRC channel

  We have stated in the past that quake patterns going into the shift would take peculiar paths, all indicative of what is coming.

  The first change was the incidence of deep quakes, where the Earth core shrank so that plates locked down into

  each other. This occurred in the quake statistics from 1985 to the early 1990's.

  Then during a slow increase in Richter increase and frequency, domino quakes emerged. This emerged in 1999,

  as noted by Troubled Times during the Turkey quake. Nancy documented this as a push from west to east,

  within a day, from the plate experiencing the quake to the edge of that plate or into the next plate. Where before, the quakes were erratic, now they were pushing each other, plate-wise.

  Then another period of increasing Richter size and incidence. Then a type of increased domino quake, where

  instantaneously a quake on one part of the plate, an edge, a fault line along the edge, resulted almost

  immediately in a quake on the other edge of the plate. This occurred during the time of the Alaska quake, that

  time frame.

  Then, as emerged in early 2003 a pattern of global quakes, where the whole globe experienced quakes almost


  Stretching along the Atlantic has been recorded during 2002, when trail derailments, exploding buildings, and sudden

  sinking of land occurred. In the Pacific, compression has resulted in increasing volcanic activity along the ring of fire, but also in movement of the continents in the direction we have predicted they would move during the shift! We have stated that new land would emerge between the tip of South America and Africa. This is caused by a plate that extents

  into the Pacific being pushed down there, so it pops up between the tips. During this, the tip of South American moves into the Pacific. This has repercussions in the Caribbean and Central America. This part of the world, the Caribbean, is obviously in a stretch zone, as roads and fences can be seen under the waves off Bermuda. Stretching in this part of

  the world will cause volcanoes to ooze, explode, as the surface will be weaker. As the Pacific pushes under the North

  American continent, simultaneously, what changes can be expected there? These Pacific plates are moving up as well as under, as the compression goes in all directions. Thus, there is continuous pressure for the slip-slide of the many fault lines along this stretch to move, which they are doing. That this is new, a type of quake not reported in the past, should not be astonishing. Where are the quake statistics to compare against, 3,600 years ago?

  What should the world expect, during these next weeks, quake wise? Examine the Scripted Drama scenario we gave many months ago. We stated that as the South Pole dragged upward toward the Equator, the stretched Atlantic would

  rip. We stated that this would simultaneously result in a ripping of the St Lawrence Seaway, and the African Rift, and

  the Red Sea. We stated that the continents of Africa and Europe, released from the tension of the Atlantic stretch,

  would rush eastward, plunging India under the Himalayans suddenly. Take this in little steps, quake-wise.

  Stretching results in quakes, as the plates underneath, in layers like flaky pie crust, release. Stretching results in land not supporting prior buildings or roads or bridges, which suddenly collapse. Stretching also results in volcanoes oozing more lava, or if the skin of the Earth thins, an explosion. This could occur in all those areas we have listed as expected to rip greatly: Red Sea, African Rift, etc. Compression where the tip of South America is pulled into the Pacific has

  repercussions on all edges of that massive South American plate. India can expect to experience sudden quakes and

  dropping sea levels. Australia can expect to find the oceans along the westerns shores to be invading the land. And

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  ZetaTalk: Pre-Shift Quakes<
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  points north along the Pacific, which will compress in all directions, can expect to find land either slip-sliding continuously, or in jerks, depending upon the known fault line behavior.

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  ZetaTalk: Meteor Showers

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  ZetaTalk: Meteor Showers

  Note: added during the Apr 5, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Reports of meteors that break up in the atmosphere, falling in pieces to the ground, are on the increase. This on the

  heels of reports over the past year or so that large stones have fallen in places like Russia and Brazil. Within the past few years, green meteors have been streaking through the skies, and fire balls as meteors burn. What will the uptick be during the weeks ahead of the passage? Unlike the quake increase, which we have described as lineal going into the

  shift, meteors increase on a faster pace. This is because the trash that it being disrupted by the approaching Planet X

  has a larger push as it comes closer.

  We equated the increasing traffic, years ago, to a swimmer moving his foot in the water. The foot itself does not move

  trash about in the water, but the water motion does. Thus, the water pushed can affect motion far from the foot. A gentle paddle by a foot, back and forth, results in a gentle motion in trash. A strong paddle by a foot will dislodge

  more trash, and move it more violently, and push it further in the water. It will get to the point that falling meteors are almost a daily affair, like the erratic weather, almost past comment by the worried citizens of Earth. The news will stop reporting falling boulders, stones, just as they have stopped reporting trail derailments or other worrisome indicators.

  You hear about this the first time it hits the news, then not, as a squash order on such types of news is issued.

  There is little the common man can do to protect themselves from the increase. This is true of lighting strikes and other sudden death occurrences, not in the control of the individual. Take comfort that it is seldom that a meteor does strike a given spot. What will result will be disruption of satellite or radio transmission. Meteor traffic will strike the satellites, a major reason for our prediction of disruption in this area. Likewise, it creates a cloud of sorts, so that radio or TV