ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living Read online

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  ZetaTalk: What the Heart Seeks

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  ZetaTalk: Coordination

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  ZetaTalk: Coordination

  Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

  Increasingly, during the Transformation, contactees are beginning to work together. They find each other not by

  accident, not because they are browsing over the same books at the book store, not because they are members of the

  same organization, but because they have been introduced to each other behind the scenes and have plotted their meeting time and place. It is we, and our brethren in the Service-to-Other, who respond to The Call of many by

  arranging these opportunities, which are warmly received and acted upon. These meetings result in marriages, business

  arrangements, friendships, philanthropic connections, and long range planning galore.

  Survival groups are very unobtrusively arranging themselves. Neighbor to neighbor talks, people meeting in their

  normal association and identifying each other more so than any kind of organized activity where they answer an add

  placed in the paper. They are in fact migrating to live close to each other regionally, and by this they are being guided since often they are meeting each other as contactees. They are most often not unaware on a conscious level of why

  they are making the moves that they are making. They make all manner of excuses, pick up and move, change

  occupations, and find themselves in an area where they get along better with the neighbors and their particular skill set meshes nicely. This will increasingly happen as the time arrives and even after, where those survivors will migrate

  following their instincts more than anything and finding each other.

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime Raids

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime Raids

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding attacks on Service-to-Other groups by Service-to-Self groups in the Aftertime. Of course, this will be their

  first thought. Conscientious groups of Service-to-Other humans, having prepared, will have food and shelter. There

  will be laughter coming from their midst, as they find life goes on and the good things they held precious are still in their lives. The young will grow and be curious and educated. Music still comforts and scientific discoveries still

  intrigue. The Service-to-Self, having not bothered to prepare, will look to these communities as a place to raid. This

  will be a decreasing problem, as time goes on. We have stated that the Service-to-Self humans will die out on Earth,

  and this is in part because they do not nurture their young, but primarily because those prone to this orientation will not reincarnate here. This is not a matter in their control, over which they have a choice.

  But what about the interim, when various humans of mixed orientation or distinct Service-to-Self orientation look to

  the Service-to-Other communities and consider a raid. There will be assistance in these matters, from ourselves and

  others. Primarily this assistance will be in the form of blockage, where the Service-to-Self humans either cannot find

  the communities, cannot see them, or are distracted in some way. In this regard we advise these communities to be

  remote and not advertise themselves. Those who are to find you will do so, as they will be guided to your location.

  Secondarily, this assistance will come in the form of active repelling, where the Service-to-Self will find their blows or missiles do not land as expected, but turn somehow upon themselves, perhaps blowing up prior to being launched or

  the like. It is best, therefore, for these communities to focus on survival, and life after, and minimally on self defense.

  The best defense is a well chosen location.

  It is also advisable to be selective on who is allowed into the community. Where the community is truly Service-to-

  Other, there should be only periodic encounters with the Service-to-Self orientation to deal with. Remember, the

  Service-to-Self will not be in close communication with each other. Cooperation is not normal among those in this

  orientation. Where frustrated, they will turn and look elsewhere. They will attack each other more often, as they

  themselves are the type to horde. Should the Service-to-Other communities be of soft heart and allow into their midst

  great numbers of humans who have not yet chosen their orientation, they will find they have brought the problem into

  their midst. The soft hearted should share knowledge of their techniques in growing food, but send the spiritually

  immature to live in their own groups. Thus the Service-to-Other communities will not be destroyed, and the separation

  will be sped along on its course, which is inevitable in any case.

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  ZetaTalk: Prison Gangs

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  ZetaTalk: Prison Gangs

  Note: written Mar 15, 2002

  Prison populations are well know to the public, who hears the horror stories of activities both by the guards and

  prisoners, in the news and in the movies. The guards are scarcely better than the inmates, being inclined to sadism and lording it over others when in control. During the shift, prisons will spill out and prisoners escape. These will as

  expected become the primary Service-to-Self gangs in operation after the shift. However, less the public expect

  Ghengis Khan to reincarnate in essence, the opposite will occur. Such gangs require a continuous supply of food and

  goods to continue a looting and savaging campaign. After the shift, supplies will run out quickly, and dead people

  offer no satisfaction to these marauders. They will quickly, as we have stated earlier, find themselves without the

  means to keep warm until the morning, and without anything but each other to eat. Weakened, and decimated by

  infighting, they will succumb to disease and defense by Service-to-Other communities who will give in return the

  aggression they sense in their attackers.

  In the US, Texas was to become a prison state so that Bush Sr. could have his hordes in the Aftertime. Bush Sr. was

  aware of the Zeta predictions, but being highly Service-to-Self listened to these aliens voices instead. They are interested in agony, great despair, and raising hopes and then dashing them achieves this end. Likewise, the Texas

  trend to house prisoners and mistreat them, has a Service-to-Self base. Rather than cost cutting, Bush Sr. intended to

  have them released, escape, and be his savaging horde overtaking survivors in the US. Do you think it an accident that

  so many prison escapes occur, in Texas? This is by plan, occurring earlier than expected. This was setup during the time when Houston also was established as the best stop for a carryon government, in underground bunkers. Bush Sr.

  and his Service-to-Self advisers were scarcely listening to any advice we gave, and thus discounting, omitted to be

  concerned about flooding in Texas, which will be overrun with a flood tide. Thus, prisoners locked in prisons will drown, and those escaping will likely meet this fate, except for a few like wet rats crawling onto shore, alone.

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  ZetaTalk: Hybrid Homes

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  ZetaTalk: Hybrid Homes

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Will our hybrids take up residence on Earth, after the cataclysms? But of course, i
n Service-to-Other communities.

  This will be selective and cautious, and in most cases human societies, as much as they can function after the

  cataclysms, will be unaware. Some of our hybrids will live alone, or with us, the full- blood Zetas, and in some cases

  will live also with humans. The standard of living in these communities will be much higher than you now enjoy - very

  high tech, as you say. The hybrids will expect to live as they now live, with automated food production and controlled

  temperature and light. Science is advanced, and exploration in the sciences is an occupation of almost everyone. The

  forms of energy and travel will approximate those we, the Zeta, and the hybrids enjoy today.

  The Service-to-Others hybrids and Zetas will adopt Service-to-Other humans into our midst, to some degree. Where

  there are communities of humans, only, who are living in the Service-to-Other orientation, these technologies will be

  given as a gift. Communication, or the sharing of news, is complete and without censorship. Community activities are

  determined by vote, much as we have described how the Council of Worlds now polls the opinions of people on Earth.

  Each has a voice, and there is no need to rush to the poles.

  Most human societies, even when operating under the Service-to-Other orientation after the pole shift, will remain

  strictly human. Some communities solely composed of our hybrids will spring up on Earth after the shift, in areas

  greatly devastated or on new, uninhabited, ground. As our hybrids are not entirely unknown, today, to some humans,

  there will also be mixed communities. In these it is expected that humans will share the technologies enjoyed by our

  hybrids, thus essentially being adopted. Of the whole, these communities will not be that numerous. Recall also that the humans adopted will have undergone a great devastation, and be essentially homeless. Where humans have prepared

  for the cataclysms, and are operational afterwards, direct adoption by our hybrid communities is not likely.

  Humans desiring to form Service-to-Others communities in preparation for the cataclysms should not concern

  themselves about physical proximity to the Zetan hybrid communities. We will find you. We do not have our future

  locations picked out, as this will be dependent on many things. The free will of humans, who will make many changes

  between now and then, affects the result. Your focus should be on your convenience, and being able to achieve your

  goals, which will not be all that easy. Convincing humans to give up many conveniences, to live in a more primitive

  state, just in case, is not all that easy a matter. Many will resist your suggestions, and proof of the comet's existence and path will come late in the game. Focus on what you can achieve, and we will be in touch. We will come to you.

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  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Link

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  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Link

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  There should be no confusion between the coming cataclysms and our goals. They are not related. The cataclysms are

  something that happen regularly to the Earth, have in the past, and will in the future. The cataclysms are more or less traumatic, in any given cycle, depending on where the earth is positioned in relation to the comet when it comes

  through. There is nothing that changes this situation.

  Let us address first our goals, to genetically engineer a Homo Sapiens who carries enough Zeta Reticulan genetic

  structure to be more intelligent, more telepathic, more caring, less violent, and we might add, not prone to fat. Should the Earth be a planet not prone to cataclysms, this would occur anyway. The genetic infusion would be more gradual.

  At some point, we would elicit the cooperation of the populace being genetically engineered, as at some point the

  general orientation of the populace would be Service-to- Other. These parents, in all likelihood, would want for their

  offspring a better life. On other planets, where the transition has been made from 3rd Density to 4th Density, this has been the process.

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  ZetaTalk: Time Frame

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  ZetaTalk: Time Frame

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding how our races will merge, and the time frame. The human race will eventually die out, although this may

  take some centuries and may never be completely a fact. How will this occur? After the cataclysms life will be

  difficult to sustain. As in times past, where healthy animal strains became extinct, there is a massive die-off and a

  struggle for the survivors to feed themselves. Reproduction requires a healthy mother and a lack of food or undue

  stress will cause a natural abortion. Infants are delicate after birth, and the environment they require will not, in the main, be around during their early days. Thus, the come-back will be slow.

  Add to this our endeavor. We are increasing our collection of genetic material, even given the requisite that this needs to be gathered along family lines, for the braiding effect. In addition, the environment we can provide, for our Service-to-Other communities, will be safe and healthy. These will be protected communities. The general human populace,

  here and there, will establish such communities for themselves, but not in great numbers. Where we, the full-blood

  Zetas, are living communally with humans, or where our hybrids are living communally with humans, the genetic

  engineering will continue. The races will thus merge, over time. Some humans, today, are being born with Zeta

  genetics, but not to the degree that our hybrids contain. Thus, the human race, in the Service-to-Others communities

  where the Zetas or hybrids live, will in and of itself move toward a hybrid condition.

  Will the human race not again flourish outside of these Service-to-Other communities? Recall that there will be a

  separation by orientation, increasingly. As humans who have not decided their orientation die, they will move to

  another planet to continue their deliberation. As humans who are Service-to-Others die, they will find themselves

  reincarnated into our Service-to-Others communities. Those humans who are Service-to-Self, even in the best of

  times, have difficulty continuing themselves. Nurturing is almost nonexistent. As those with this orientation die off,

  they are not reincarnated onto Earth, but will move on to a planet with their chosen orientation.

  Thus, eventually, perhaps within 100 years or what you might call a generation, the Earth will be composed of Service-

  to-Other communities. Some will be strictly human, but will begin interacting with the other communities,

  intermarrying, and will thus merge. Others will be a combination of full-blood Zetas who will not be continuing,

  hybrids who will be reproducing, and humans who will be gradually gaining Zeta genetic material.

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  ZetaTalk: Hybrid Colonies

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  ZetaTalk: Hybrid Colonies

  Note: written Apr 15, 1997

  The merging of our hybrids with humans is often viewed by humans in the same light as the merging of two human

  cultures in human society today. Using such models as Columbus discovering the Americas or the failure of divergent

  cultures to assimilate, they imagine hybrid colonies entirely separate from human society warily eyeing each other

  from a
distance. In human society Islamic and Christians do not merge, Asians and Africans do not merge,

  industrialized and primitive cultures do not merge, so how could aliens and humans merge! In the Aftertime, several

  aspects of the setting will be different:

  Following a severe pole shift such as is anticipated to occur this time, human society itself is discombobulated.

  Cultural assimilations are resisted in part because the dogma and traditions are firmly in place and habits are

  strong. There is resistance and a reluctance to change. Where dogma and traditions are the least concern,

  assimilation is not blocked.

  Assimilation is encouraged where one group or the other stands to gain a commodity or protection greatly

  desired. Trade between China and Europe was facilitated because both wanted commodities the other offered. In

  the Aftertime, desperate groups of human survivors will be eager for contact as they will be suffering from

  nutritional deficiencies, hunger pangs, and festering injuries or intractable diseases that were formerly curable in

  times so recently in their memory.

  Self centered motives that hinder assimilation will be steadily decreasing as entities who are undecided or firmly

  in the Service-to-Self orientation migrate to other worlds following the death of their human bodies. In today’s

  human society, the leader of the group likely to lose influence and power during an assimilation resists. It

  matters not that the followers may suffer. Most leaders in human society are in that position because they desire

  power and control, have ruthlessly secured it, and have no intention of being anywhere but on top of the heap.

  Service-to-Other leaders have the welfare of the group, not themselves, as their priority.

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  ZetaTalk: Intermarriage

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  ZetaTalk: Intermarriage

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995