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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Living Page 9
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Page 9
adjunct to this is that taking credit, getting your name in lights, is not considered a necessary part of the action. Your contribution may be behind the scenes, to help someone else achieve, as they are more suited to being the spokes
person than you! Where in human society today this is a big issue, in Service-to-Other society it is a point of
satisfaction to help others, the credit and the stage not being the big issue.
Thus, those undecided and especially those highly Service-to-Self find this all stuffy and dull and frustrating, and leave on their own accord!
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ZetaTalk: Sorted Out
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ZetaTalk: Spontaneous Groups
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ZetaTalk: Spontaneous Groups
written Dec 6, 2003
Distraught and frustrated at trying to convince family and friends that preparations for what seems to be surely upon
mankind must be made, many wonder how they can join with others to enhance their survival possibilities when no one will listen. Denial hardens the more a threat makes those in denial uncomfortable. Thus, the worse the situation
becomes, the more obvious the impending crisis, the more those in denial shout loudly that nothing is amiss.
Unabashed advertising for group formation brings a horror to the door: scam artists, clinging dependency looking for a
parent to lean upon, and those who have nothing to offer and everything to gain from association with others. Will
everyone sincerely trying to join with others to form communities find they are standing alone, waving a flag, in the
last days?
Existing Communities
Some communities, remote and rural, will continue essentially as they do today, perhaps with fewer individuals
due to death from shock during the shift, but with the same basic political and economic arrangements.
Distribution of goods and services will adjust to deal with the goods and skills available, and life will go on as
before. Newcomers who drift into such communities are likely to find themselves rebuffed, as the known is far
more reliable and comforting than the unknown from a stranger. Thus, strangers wandering into such
communities find themselves moving on, having been made to feel distinctly unwelcome if not encouraged at
gunpoint to do so from the start.
Planned Communities
Though widely unreported and discretely secretive, many people in cities or operating in the professions have
sought to arrange settlements for themselves and friends or others of a like mind. It is reported that NASA
employees have established monolithic dome communities for themselves, co-workers, and extended families.
Those with connections to the elite have been rumored to have burrowed into rock in Alberta and the Ozarks,
well stocked enclaves. Due to the number of untried relationships, which invariably hold surprises, these planned
communities rarely work out. Hidden agendas, personality quirks, and attempts to dominate the group tend to
fracture such arrangements, and there is a parting of the ways.
Spontaneous Communities
Spontaneous group formation will be the most prevalent mode in the chaos of the early days of the Aftertime.
Crises brings out the worst and best in individuals, heroes and leadership, a sense of responsibility for the larger
group, and a willingness to share offset by demonstrations of utter selfishness when fear takes hold, desertion of
loved ones no matter how frail and desperate they may be, and loud demands to be taken care of before all
others. Thus, survivors will find themselves with their truth test, in regard to what individuals they might want
to join with or avoid. Those who have run from the cities will find themselves wandering for a time, but most
likely will settled into either:
1. frank wilderness living, with makeshift tents and hunting and gathering for food
2. farm stead’s, where the farming family finds the newcomers to their liking and needs willing hands
3. waterworld living, where a boat or houseboat is constructed or located and coastlines traveled
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ZetaTalk: Survivor Allegiance
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ZetaTalk: Survivor Allegiance
written Sep 2, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio
Decisions will have to be made. In an ideal situation everyone is good hearted, everyone is reasonable, they all share.
This is the optimal situation. But in reality, life will not be that dissimilar from today, when decisions are made.
Families say they are kicking a family member out of the house, for various reasons, or someone is fired from a job or
no longer allowed in an association. This will be no different. People will make their decisions, for good reasons or for bad. Lets say they are for good reasons, lets say there is somebody who threatens the survival of the entire group, they have an unreasonable attitude, they don’t want to work, they don’t want to assist, they want a larger share, they create arguments, being selfish. The decision is made that if the group is to survive, because perhaps it has come to that, this person must be ejected.
In this matter, think more of those you are protecting, the little children in the group, those who roll up their sleeves and are willing to do whatever is required. They deserve equal time, so to speak, and consideration with this person
who is threatening the group. In some cases, you will have to move, you will have to pick up and leave, even in the
dead of night, with your dependents, to get away from a situation that is overwhelmingly bad. Think less of your sense
of responsibility to those who are trouble makers, or thinking of themselves and trying to get their larger share, or
dictate to or dominate the group. Think less of your obligation to them and more of your obligation to those who
deserve your time and attention in these matters. This would be our advice on those ethical dilemmas.
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ZetaTalk: Elite Enclaves
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ZetaTalk: Elite Enclaves
written Jan 10, 2004
The Zetas mentioned that the Elite are commandeering whole geographical areas and sealing
them off with landmines and armed guards; and that they are targeting survival groups upon
which to base an economy in the Aftertime. Would the Zetas care to mention any geographical
areas to avoid?
As we have mentioned, the elite have belatedly come to realize they have No Place to Run, having arrogantly assumed that their pacts with Service-to-Self aliens to lift them to safety would be honored, or this pact failing that bunkering into mountain sides would be fail safe, and that in any case all of these efforts would be guarded by the might of the
US Military. Of course, Service-to-Self aliens lie, and would in any case not be allowed to rescue those humans who
had given them the Call, as the Council of Worlds will only allow those in the Service-to-Other such an offer, in that
Earth voted to become a Service-to-Other planet during the Transformation. Thus those humans who assumed they
would be lifted to safety to cities on the dark side of the Moon or to Mars, which by all appearances would be
habitable with frozen water beneath the surface and an atmosphere capable of creating dust storms, were stunned, the
hollow cry of the Bush Administration for manned Moon stations and a manned trip to Mars only bravado in the face
of this fai
Bunkering into mountains has been a favorite theme since the days of Mt. Weather, only the barest revelation of a
massive undertaking to go underground, from Denver to Houston to Kokomo to Virginia, known to the public. As the
Earth changes have commenced, the lock-down of plates during the deep quake that peaked in the 80’s and early 90’s,
the move to domino quakes where the whole world felt the shutter of an adjustment anywhere on its surface, and the
devastating effect of stretching, not even considered in prior calculations. The term ‘rock solid’ takes on grim
overtones when this is rock that drops into the tunnels during stretching, or shifts to skew a doorway such that it cannot be opened. It is known that when rock is compressed radio static and compass interference occur, but those in
underground chambers die mysteriously during intense rock compression, a surprise to their human masters who
suddenly find themselves making other plans at this late hour.
The US Military, as we have mentioned and as has been suspected since the August vacation time of grim faces all
around the Crawford Ranch in Texas, has bolted and no longer takes orders from the White House, all appearances
aside. Thus, the elite, from arrogant politicians and corporate executives to the pampered wealthy, must make new
plans. The result, not surprisingly, is to enclave in those countries or regions where the locals are either in sympathy with the elite or well suppressed and considered a slave class, to move their supplies and militia there under the guise of establishing vacation homes, and to encourage discussion in the media about the possibility of an interloper in the solar system along with the many prophecies anticipating this time, so that solid survival camps can be anticipated to
form among the hardy, the basis of a new citizenry to be managed by the elite in the Aftertime, or so they hope.
These regions are, not surprisingly, in central Africa, Argentina, eastern Australia, Kazahstan, and Wyoming. Norway
was considered an option until very recently, which explains the odd visit by Bush to this country in the past months. It should be noted that these spots give access to oil reserves in the case of Nigeria, Kazahstan, and it was hoped Norway with access to the North Fields. Argentina and Australia are harshly ultra-right, as is the Wyoming enclave of Cheney.
Each of these enclaves allows outreach to land masses, in all directions, so are not expected to be isolated. Places
avoided by the elite are areas expected to be crowded from overpopulated cities, such as the East Coast of the US,
Europe, and the Pacific Rim. Countries dominated by Islam are also avoided, due to anticipated culture clash and
resultant hostility. Our advice to survivors, regardless of how friendly these new neighbors portray themselves,
regardless of what gifts they come bearing or what offers of aid, avoid them, like the plague.
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ZetaTalk: Led by Children
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ZetaTalk: Led by Children
Note: written Jan 15, 2002
Many children are being born at this time, quite young to face the cataclysms that will occur before they reach their
teens, much less adulthood. Why would this be the plan, when such children would likely be in shock, neglected, and
unable to lead, certainly. These special children are in a optimal position to lead, contrary to mankinds understanding.
Why would this be so? Children, souls incarnating into the young, are without the burden that human adults have
assumed, of preconcieved notions and the societal need to conform. They are open, and comment upon what they see
as reality, not with the suppression that society imposes and which becomes automatic and adopted by adults who must function in society. Likewise, these children have stamina and health, as in truth the human body is strongest
prior to the age of 20 or so, and declines afterwards.
Thus, survival groups, stunned by what has happened and in despair over being abandoned and lied to by their
governments. In shock over the adjustments to their prior lifestyle, and depressed over the adjustments that must be
made. Will be led by these children, who will see resources and avenues not apparent to their parents and caretakers.
They will find each other, and communicate, and create bonds between groups that the adults would not think posible.
They will be the visionaries of the future, among human survival groups, to a degree that would stun their parents now.
Thus, led by a child is a phrase that will become a reality in the near future. They are on the increase now, to serve as during the shift, when most of humanity will be stunned and hurting and the lack of leadership crying for natural leaders to step forward. Of course, the children will not be the only ones leading, as there are many natural leaders among the adults! But the relative youth allows them more flexibility. Not the least of which is that adults may resist other adults, getting into posturing, but will take a child's suggestion as just that. Children have ways of influencing their elders which the elders scarsely take note of, but an anaylsis of the process shows that the child is leading.
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ZetaTalk: What the Heart Seeks
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ZetaTalk: What the Heart Seeks
written Jan 12, 2004
There is often endless pain when a loved one goes missing and is not confirmed dead. Look at
the MIA issue in Vietnam. Those seeking closure imagine their loved one in pain somewhere,
in trouble, needing help, lost, lonely, and are in anguish. Won’t the pole shift, with disrupted
communications and families spread far and wide going to school or traveling for work or
pleasure, not the nuclear family of old where all were local, create this scenario? What can
be done to ease the anguish and worry?
Forced separation will be one of the major reasons for mental breakdown, during the days of anguish leading up to the
shift and in the weeks and months following. Man is a social animal, and as any analysis of disrupted social networks
in the animal kingdom will demonstrate, experiences emotional pain when separated from what is considered the
family group. Dogs run in packs, and domesticated dogs are grieving when separated from their owners for any length
of time. Cats fun in prides, and though often considered aloof by their owners, can be found situated on a window sill
or chair in the vicinity of their owners. Birds are found in flocks, and will have it no other way. This is inherent in the animal, a survival instinct, and the emotional pain caused by separation for good reason. In human cultures, expulsion
from the group is considered a punishment known to bring pain. Exile. Excommunication. Divorce. Termination.
These have impacts beyond the financial and convenient, the primary being emotional pain.
Nancy will relay that some of the most poignant email she gets is from individuals forced to make trips, the potential
of being separated from family and home so worrisome when no firm date for an upswing in Earth changes will be
given. These are real concerns, far beyond the convenience of whether a bill should be paid or cosmetic surgery be
scheduled. When serious slowing commences, there will be some who find it difficult to return home, but these will be
few. Steady slowing will be a drumbeat that will not be mistaken, so unless one is held prisoner in some manner, prevented from returning, such a situation will not present itself. But what will be in lost when the phone lines fail, the mail no longer delivered, will be the connection between extended family member
s, or those friends and coworkers
long held dear who stood as replacements for a family bond.
grandparents worried sick about the young grandchildren in a suburb close to a city, trapped there, apparently, by
parents who refused to consider any emergency until the government formally announced it. Is the child
wandering alone, injured and starving and frightened?
the wife whose husband was on a construction crew, far from home, knowing he is now homeless.
a nephew, who always considered his aunt and uncle his parents, wondering how they faired in a river delta
when the flooding started, the home and all in it perhaps swept away.
Beyond the worry for the other, is the anguish of separation, a matter not easily put to rest and properly grieved over as certainty is not at hand. Funerals are for the living, allowing them to come to terms with the death, the certain death, of a loved one, else the heart is trapped, suspended. What will occur in such instances? Migration will be so
commonplace as to almost be the norm, after the shift. Where this will primarily be due to flooding and earthquake,
survivors having scampering ahead of rising water or crawled out of the debris heap that cities will become, and
secondarily due to a search for food, it is also a search for family, comrades, to establish the sense of belonging.
Shelter and food are more easily gained than the connection, which when lost takes a period of grieving before
substitutes are accepted, emotionally. Thus depression will be rampant, the sense of loss aggravated, the anguish
unresolved. We have often stated that those heavily into the Service-to-Other orientation will be assisted, most often
sight unseen, by guides in the Aftertime. This will include assistance in reuniting separated loved ones, if only via
visits as contactees on space ships, for reassurance or closure, but often also as guided migration, to help the heart find what it seeks.
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