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ZetaTalk: Dangers in Shifting
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ZetaTalk: Dangers in Shifting
Note: written Sep 15, 1995
Most incarnated entities experience a density shift once, when moving to the next higher density during a
Transformation. But those busily at work trying to effect the process or outcome of a Transformation may experience
repeated density shifts as they move into the lower density for conferences with the transforming group and back up
again to their accustomed density. Such is the situation with ourselves as we are normally in 4th Density, living nearby
in undersea installations, but move into 3rd Density to continue the hybrid program or confer with our contactees -
almost a daily affair. Does all this density shifting take its toll? Yes and no, depending on the circumstances. There are
dangers, and thus our status as volunteers during these transformational endeavors carries with it the classification of
hazardous duty.
What are the dangers? First and foremost there is a danger of not making a complete transition, of being partly left
behind. This can happen when the coordinates are not set properly, a matter we attend to with the utmost care. These
coordinates are essentially boundaries, but boundaries are defined as more than the periphery. Boundaries include
chemical composition, molecular structure, and connectedness. A simple example of a chemical composition boundary
would be moving acidic material but leaving behind inert or alkaloid material. A simple example of a molecular
structure boundary would be leaving behind radioactive material in a slag heap but moving all else. A simple example
of a connectedness boundary would be moving all of a table but leaving behind the chairs, floor, and table cloth.
Density shifting dangers are usually encountered early on in an entity's experience with such matters, and leave a
memory not soon forgotten. The true stories about the Philadelphia Experiment and the fictional movie The Fly are not
far from the horror that can happen when the necessary knowledge or proper care are not in place. We take care not to
touch one another or our contactees during the shift. We take care to include all parts of the object to be moved within
the boundaries. We have a series of overlapping and redundant computerized and manual checks and balances that
make the safely of the shift virtually fail-safe.
There are positive aspects to the ability to set partial boundaries, however. This is the mechanism by which we will
leave behind tapeworms, mosquitoes, and many viral or bacterial diseases when the shift to 4th Density occurs during
the Earth's Transformation. Markers peculiar to these living organisms will simply not be included within the
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ZetaTalk: Density Merging
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ZetaTalk: Density Merging
Note: written Jun 15, 1996
During density switching, which alien visitors and their ships and even their contactees are doing regularly, the mass
being switched is relatively small. The switch, as we have explained, is done by making a reservation in the density
receiving the mass, so a collision is avoided. But during massive switching, as will occur during the Earth's
Transformation to 4th Density, other procedures are involved. There is, at the present time, nothing in 4th Density in
the Solar System except alien visitors and their paraphernalia. This is moved aside. Then the switch will be made, and
then the alien visitors will migrate back, setting up housekeeping in different places.
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ZetaTalk: Shift Mechanism
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ZetaTalk: Shift Mechanism
Note: written Aug 15, 1996
We are not allowed to describe in great detail the means by which we shift densities. Humans on their own could not
arrive at the means, but beyond this lack of capacity entities currently in their 3rd Density existence would be unable
to deal with density shifting without creating disasters, as the Philadelphia Experiment demonstrates. Thus, where
humans may at this time understand some of the factors, and have documented the results in places such as the
Bermuda Triangle where density shifting occurs naturally, they do not have enough pieces of the puzzle to even begin
to see the picture. In this explanation of the means by which we shift densities, therefore, we will give only a general
description and be vague at certain points.
Density shifting occurs in nature, and on some worlds or under certain circumstances occurs frequently. Your world,
Earth, experiences this only intermittently at breaks in the Earth's crust where byproducts of the compression in the
Earth's core escape. These places on occasion find themselves in a flood of these byproducts, and temporary shifting
occurs. On worlds where density shifting occurs frequently 3rd Density existence is not possible. These are dead
worlds. Life dies when part of an organism is affected but the other parts are not. At best, one cell organisms survive.
Deliberate density shifting is an adaptation of what occurs naturally. Rather than a complicated affair, it is remarkably
simple. The complexity lies not in effecting the shift, but in managing the perimeter. As we have explained, the subject
of a shift can be as selective as a DNA construct or as general as everything within a defined area. How we select or
define what is to be shifted will not be described further. Once deliberately shifted, the subject of a shift remains in the target density until shifted back. It does not drift, due to our attention to the perimeter during the select and define
process. In shifting large areas, such as will occur when your world goes through its Transformation, the same
mechanism is used. If one wishes to wash a tiny area one uses a tiny hose with a pin-point nozzle at the end and uses a
steady hand or allows the directed flow to be under the control of a computer, a steadier hand. If one wishes to wash a
large area, such as when hosing out a fire, one does not concern oneself with precision as much as maintaining the
volume and force of the flow.
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ZetaTalk: Transporting
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ZetaTalk: Transporting
Note: written Sep 15, 1996
Density switching involves more than simply increasing or decreasing the vibrational level of the object to be moved,
it can also involve moving from one point in space to another, or one point in time to another. Thus, a contactee can be
picked up for a conference, taken to another place for this conference, and returned after the conference to the same
place and time as the pickup point. To the contactee, who has not experienced missing time, nothing ostensibly has
happened, yet the contactee returns with the conference recorded in his subconscious. Should there have been a
medical procedure during the visit, the contactee's body retains the result of that medical procedure upon return. This
method of arranging visits is obviously more complicated than simply picking the contactee up from a point in the
woods or asking them to walk out of their bedroom into the back yard so that they can experience a bit of missing
time. here densi
ty switching is not involved, nor manipulation of time or space. Being less complicated, this method is
most often used during a visit. However, there are special times when transporting is used.
If a contactee is extremely busy, so that arranging a bit of missing time is either a burden or a frank
impossibility during the day, transporting from one point in space and time to another may be used to arrange a
meeting. Such a transport may or may not involve a density switch, depending upon the density where the others
to be present at the meeting currently reside. If the meeting is with a number of alien visitors in 4th Density, the
contactee will be moved to that density for the meeting. The return to the point in space and time is so exacting
that the contactee may be picked up naked, and be returned into their clothing, unruffled.
If a hybrid fetus is to be extracted from a donor mother's womb, and for reasons of health the donor mother
should not experience the usual vacuum extraction method via the birth canal, then the fetus can be transported.
This is done by locating the fetus within the mother's tissue by DNA signature, and targeting that tissue and
some surrounding tissue from the mother to be transported. The perimeter is defined in such a way that the
mother's womb is barely affected but the fetus is kept snug until an alternative womb can be placed around it.
In extreme cases transporting is used to turn back the clock. These rare cases are where the permission granted
by the Council of Worlds has gone beyond allowing transporting due to a contactee's busy life or a donor
mother's health, as the Council has deemed the situation important for the Earth's Transformation. An example is
where a situation such as the death of someone of key importance has occurred, by accident. If permission is
granted, the individual may be transported from the point before death to the present, and properly attended to so
that death will not occur. Such intervention is not possible if the death has been broadcast, but is possible if few
know of the death.
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ZetaTalk: Landing Sites
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ZetaTalk: Landing Sites
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding the impact spaceships from other dimensions have on the physical Earth. These are phenomena unknown to
Earth's scientists, and a puzzle. However, this puzzle has a simple key. Life forms, such as seeds, present or yet to
arrive on the soil's surface, require nutrients. To germinate, they require water, wherein they rely on the nutrients
within the seed for their first tentative germination efforts. After establishing a minimal root, the germinating plant
seeks not only water, but nutrients. Lacking either of these, the germinating seed dies. Life is started, but starved early
In the case of the landing spot of spaceships from another dimension, the lack is not water, but the availability of
nutrients. How are the nutrients withheld, when the surrounding soil has no such problem? This is due to prior
obligations - where the atoms are pre-obligated to certain interactions. This is a concept unknown to Earth scientists at
this time. However, it relates to density switching, a concept which they are also unfamiliar with.
When moving into another density, as from the 4th Density to the 3rd, in order to appear within the consciousness of
humans, several steps are required. One is to reserve a place in the density to be moved into. This reservation places a
lock on atoms in the density to be moved into. The lock is overpowering enough to freeze activity in the general area,
for non-intelligent actions. However, for intelligent actions, such as those under the direction of humans, or even semi-
intelligent actions of animals such as mammals or reptiles and birds, this lock can be broken after having been set.
Plants do not have the power to break this lock, of their own accord.
How does the lock then get broken, after so many seasons where growth does not occur in the soil so affected? The
original reservation for the time/space in the density to be moved into has parameters, where a maximum of time is
given. When this time reservation runs out, or expires, the nutrients held in a lock are freed, and the normal interaction
occurs. Seeds now germinate and find nutrients awaiting them, and life returns to normal.
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ZetaTalk: Vibration Variables
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ZetaTalk: Vibration Variables
Note: written Jul 15, 1997
The switch from one density to another has many nuances, so that objects in 3rd Density can seem to disappear while
in the Bermuda Triangle, for instance, and then reappear, all the while being essentially in 3rd Density. Likewise, we
can move contactees through walls or window glass by slightly switching their density, but other humans in 3rd
Density can observe this occurring. When the physical switch to 4th Density occurs for Earth and its Moon and Sun,
the switch will not be gradual, so that no swinging back to 3rd Density will occur. It will be sudden and complete. The variability of density can be seen in the range of vibrational frequency that sub-atomic particles sustain. For instance,
the speed of light is not the constant that most of mankind assumes it to be, and the speed of slower moving particles has long been a variable in mankind's equations.
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ZetaTalk: Bermuda Triangle
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ZetaTalk: Bermuda Triangle
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Bermuda Triangle does indeed have unusual qualities, as do other places here and there on Earth. Magnetic
anomalies are reported, where compasses swing wildly, clocks stop, and concrete objects fade from sight. What's
causing this? These places, fortunately few in number, are an outlet from the center of the Earth for a byproduct of the
Earth's compression, a gravity byproduct so to speak. A vent, from where subatomic particles not known to man surge
forth periodically, and woe be to the man or fish who finds itself in the way. There are stories of ships and planes
disappearing, and it is assumed they were carried off by extraterrestrials, taken off to a far-off zoo, for exhibition. Then
why would these only disappear from such sites, and not regularly around the globe?
Here and there around the face of the Earth are similar outlets for this byproduct of the Earth's compression, many of
them well known due to the havoc shippers or travelers experience - an area off the coast of Japan, and in one of the
Great Lakes, for example. Such outlets also occur where man is unaware of them, as in the depths of the oceans or
within inaccessible mountain crevices. What determines the outlet is not only the surface structure of the rock,
fractures in fact, but also the structure of the underlying rock, factors man cannot measure.
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ZetaTalk: Wormholes
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ZetaTalk: Wormholes
Note: written Apr 15, 1996
Wormholes do not exist. They are a figment in the imagination of scientists, just as the mythical quark, which is
to make their formulas whole. Faced with perplexing natural phenomena, such as occurred during the
Philadelphia Experiment and temporary disappearances that occur naturally in sites such as the Bermuda Triangle,
human scientists have invented a term for what they imagine are portals. The portals, in their thinking, can be either
man-made or a natural occurrence. They reason that if the phenomena, a temporary and partial density switch, occurs
naturally in the Bermuda Triangle, then it should occur naturally in space. They speculate that perhaps this is the magic
that allows aliens to transport themselves long distances in what seems to be a flash. Humans take advantage of natural
phenomena, such as updrafts for the flight of gliders or orbits to position satellites, and they reason aliens have done
the same.
The switch to 4th Density from 3rd Density is not that simple, and does not occur naturally here and there within 3rd
Density in any but temporary situations. The density confusion that occurs in the Bermuda Triangle is fleeting, and is
caused by the compression within the core of the Earth. Does this line up with what is out in deep space? Wormholes
simply do not exist.
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ZetaTalk: Spirit Form
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ZetaTalk: Spirit Form
Note: written Aug 15, 1995
The stuff of souls is something of a mystery to we, the Zetas, and we cannot entirely answer the question. We have
been told the process of soul building, and participate in being Spirit Guides and Birthing Envoys. We have
experienced our own incarnations, and in many cases become very aware of our past lives. Yet there are mysteries not
explained or answered to us in 4th Density, for whatever reason God's plan entails. Thus, the base question of why God has chosen to create the Universe, or have it operate as it does, is not ours to answer.
What density is our spiritual form in? The substance that composes the spirit is not of the same substance that