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composes the physical world. Where the physical world of 3rd Density cannot sense or interact with the physical
world of 4th Density, due to their vibrational differences, entities in spirit form transcend these physical barriers and
can interact, and the reason is simple - the spirit has only one density, so all are in touch with one another. Does this
mean that an alien moving into 4th Density during a visitation on Earth can still spiritually interact with the contactee?
Absolutely. This is exactly what it means. Do not entities in light form greet 3rd Density humans experiencing a Near
Death Experience? When we speak of spiritual densities, we are referring to moral or growth levels, not a form of
physical density.
Humans who have what we have termed virgin souls, those first congealing in the consciousness of the human, are no
less able to communicate with other souls than old souls. The issue is not their ability, as a virgin soul, but for want of
a better term, their weight and mass. Old souls have an equivalent of the human brain's tendrils, connections, and number of brain cells. They live on because of this, the complexity of interactions and memories that hold the soul
together. Young souls that dissipate because of lack of what we have termed a spark, have few connections, few
substantial memories that create connections, and thus there is in essence nothing there. However, during the lifetime of this virgin incarnation, the soul that IS there can communicate with other souls, and thus is part of what is
commonly termed the collective subconscious. They, however, ask more questions than give answers, and have few
insights, so are more the receivers than the transmitters.
The world in which an entity evolves upon does made an imprint on the entity, that has a strong but not dominant
effect on it's future. This is an easy concept for mankind to relate to, as the culture that they come from determines
their outlook, how they interact with others, and the restrictions they impose upon themselves. However, just as
humans find they become citizens of the world during travel, or living and working abroad, just so souls incarnating
into other lifeforms find they have a common bond and base with other souls. Evolution into higher spiritual densities
is akin to world travel, in the human experience, a rich tapestry of encounters with fascinating cultures and attitudes.
Each learns from the other, and grows. And eventually, the experiences of all are the experiences of each. Where is leading is part of God's plan, and not something we can speak to with experience or knowledge.
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ZetaTalk: Eternal Soul
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ZetaTalk: Eternal Soul
Note: written Dec 15, 1995
Is the soul immortal? In that it surpasses human mortality and steadily grows, learning and increasing in mass and
wisdom with each incarnation - it is immortal. But what is mortality for a soul? It is born, in a manner of speaking, on
3rd Density worlds where it forms within creatures intelligent enough to offer the spark. Forming entities react to their
surroundings, and as the stuff of souls is everywhere in the Universe, forming takes place to some degree in many
living things but dissipates for lack of a spark. Like pollen that cannot grow unless moved by an external agent, a bee
or the winds, forming entities in moss or bugs or tall trees or birds is a potential only, and dissipates when the life
form dies.
Worlds are seeded with life and later seeded with intelligent life, a genetically engineered variation of a native species,
so as to give forming entities a leg up. Intelligence is the spark that causes forming entities to build to the point where
they do not dissipate, as they themselves have become alive. We have mentioned that souls do not die during nuclear
explosions, nor do they lose themselves in Black Holes. Entities are of material that can affect its surroundings while
remaining untouched. The stuff of souls does not feed, nor does it expend itself. It influences its surroundings by
manipulation of its surroundings, like a puppet master pulling strings, rather than expending its resources like an
audience throwing tomatoes. Souls, once formed, do not die. They may grow rapidly or slowly, may stagnate or
plateau for a long time or forever, but they do not die, nor do they shrink. Beyond this, we cannot say, as we ourselves
know no more.
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ZetaTalk: Spirit Substance
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ZetaTalk: Spirit Substance
Note: written Mar 15, 1996
What humans refer to as the soul, what is sometimes called the spirit or which we refer to as the entity, is not what is
supposed by most humans. They imagine a vapor, something that can move through walls like a ghost, something
without substance that seeks to influence the physical world around it with little success. They realize the soul can
remember, as past lives are recalled, but do not imagine that a physical brain is required. The view that humans have of
the soul is, as could be expected, the view from the human vantage point. What is missing from the vantage point is
the ability to see the soul, as the substance is not something that the human eye can perceive.
The soul has substance, and grows in bulk early in its development as many incarnations, many lives, are experienced.
This bulk cannot be gauged by humans, who look upon one another as having equal souls, when nothing of the kind is
the reality. Some souls are so tiny and poorly constructed that they dissipate after the incarnation, what we term
aborted entities. This type of soul may be present in many animals and even some plant forms, as the stuff of souls is
dispersed throughout the Universe and incarnations happen naturally. Where the human eye cannot gauge the mass of
another soul, the spirits gauge this very well. You know instinctively that another is old and wise. Spiritual growth
occurs most rapidly early on via incarnations, but later this growth proceeds based on experiences outside of
incarnations, and incarnations are not needed for this purpose. Incarnations continue to be used as a learning
experience, however, from time to time.
The soul not only has memory, it does not forget. It is not by accident that intelligent life forms have nerves, brains,
and memory in the form of chemical impressions. It is not by accident that this same structure is found for intelligent
thought on all density levels. It is intrinsic to the way the Universe is structured, and thus souls likewise have such
structures. The stuff of souls is simply another density level, one that touches on all the others. It is finer and more
durable, at the same time. It could be called the base of matter, in that regard, as it permeates all levels where matter
can reside. Intelligent life forms come in many shapes and sizes, but all have brains and nerves. Thus a soul can
incarnate in a hominoid at one point in its development, and into quite another life form during another incarnation,
without any adaptation required.
The soul does not require food or nourishment as physical life forms do. The human animal cannot retain its shape
without fuel, without maintaining a certain temperature and replacing damaged or consumed biochemicals. It must eat
to survive. Souls do not require a temperature maintenance, and by their nature maintain their own chemist
ry, the only
outside reach required is to acquire more of the stuff of souls, present everywhere in the Universe, when growth in
bulk is occurring.
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ZetaTalk: Life Began
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ZetaTalk: Life Began
Note: written Apr 15, 1997
With all the talk about seeding planets with life bearing potential to give them a start and genetic engineering of
species with conscious intelligence potential to boost the potential for sparking forming entities, the reader might think
that life does not begin without an assist. This is of course not the case, as how did life first begin if not by a natural course.
There are sectors of the Universe forming from a big bang where existing intelligent entities do not travel as the
chemical mix there would be poisonous to them, and beyond the impossibility of travel no DNA implanted
would survive! Life begins there and evolves to intelligent species all without assistance, and until the entities
are mature enough to converse with other sans bodies, communication with those entities elsewhere that still
require incarnations is at a standstill. Administration of these parts of the Universe is conducted by wise and
massive entities who operate in light form.
There are seeded planets where life begins not from the DNA implanted, but rather with DNA that evolves
naturally. Those who seeded the planet return to check on their handiwork and find a surprise. Likewise the
genetic engineering of intelligent species can take surprising turns. It sometimes happens that the species
selected as most likely to evolve and given a boost dies out and another becomes the dominant intelligent
species, or perhaps a contest ensues and the species selected by the visiting engineers is not the winner. Natural
evolution is dictating the outcome in these matters.
Where life is complex, it is built of simple building blocks. As with the child’s game of Lego, where a single
oblong building block with multiple connection points on its sides can create vast structures, just so each
component of DNA with limited abilities to bond with other components in and of themselves, can form
complex strands. There is complexity not in the bond itself, but in the resulting strand, which has the capacity to
replicate itself due to the tendency of chemicals to arrange themselves along the strand in accordance with the
pattern already established.
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ZetaTalk: Space Dust, Alive?
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ZetaTalk: Space Dust, Alive?
written Jan 6, 2006
Life, of course, is everywhere, as we have explained, emerging on diverse worlds,
carbon or silicon based or emerging on worlds humans would consider too poisonous
for life. Gaseous planets support life, on occasion, nor is DNA, per se, required.
Crystals develop, start and grow, but are not considered life. Why? Because mobility is
utterly lacking, and thus any ability for conscious thought as independence from the
environment is not possible. A tree lacks mobility but is alive, because it reacts to
attacks against itself by healing its wounds and seeks to perpetuate itself by leaning into
the sunlight. Life defends itself, perpetuates itself, and seeks to grow by accumulation.
With mobility comes intelligence, scarcely needed otherwise. With intelligence can
come consciousness, the awareness of the self as distinct from other life. We have
stated that life evolves naturally on many planets, those that can sustain life, and the
numbers are far beyond what man imagines possible. Some type of liquidity is
invariably a necessity for the start of life, so the chemicals required can encounter each
other. This may be a liquid or a gaseous state. That said, why would dust from a meteor appear to be alive, a form of
life in any case, celular?
Most of the meteors that sling past Earth are from the solar system, despite what human astronomers declare. As we
have stated, comets, the dirty snowballs that outgas brilliantly as they round the Sun, are vestiges of a couple dozen
planets that rode the Asteroid Belt in the past, water planets almost to a one, and lifebearing. The Asteroid Belt holds
the majority of the magma from those planets, which burst into space and hardened into odd shapes. If life had begun,
on all those planets, what stage of development were they in? Life, whether it evolves naturally or is seeding to
expedite the process, does not develop in a day. It develops in steps and stages. One stage is in place before the next
step can be taken. DNA supports the ability of life to replicate itself and carry forward the dictates of biological
function. Since man comes late to examining his own beginnings, he cannot determine if DNA arrived before the cell,
or the cell was in place before the DNA. The assumption is that DNA came first, links forming in some kind of
primordial soup, and the cell developed later as a protective device. Now, they know otherwise.
DNA in a soup would be subject to assault, continually, and thus not perpetuate itself with any certainty. Life does not
develop in chaos, but rather where a soup with rich ingredients exist. Complex molecules form in nature, as an
example, the petrochemicals that form over the heat of volcanoes, or during lightning storms. The cell body does not dissipate without DNA, as human scientists know. It feeds, and continues. It does this without assistance, as long as the
soup it finds itself in allowed growth. Death of a cell occurs only when it is attacked, exposed to attack, so that the
molecular functions that allowed it to form and retain form are disrupted. The evidence dropped to Earth was encased
in an asteroid chunk that protected the molecular composition of these cells from the formerly life bearing planets in
the Asteroid Belt. They thus had no reason to die. But as the shape clearly presents, this was a stage of life prior to
DNA insertion, the next stage. DNA naturally forming in primordial pools needs a nest, a shelter. With cells about, it
can migrate through the skin of a cell to interior chambers, which it does today. Is this not what the virus does, when
infecting a cell? Is this not what RNA does when it travels between cells, communicating?
Signs of the Times #1529
Skepticism greets claim of possible alien microbes [Jan 5] http://www.world-science.net/ 'A paper
to appear in a scientific journal claims a strange red rain might have dumped microbes from space
onto Earth four years ago. At least 50,000 kg (55 tons) of the particles have fallen in all. People on
the streets found their cloths stained by red raindrops. In a few places the concentration of particles
were so great that the rainwater appeared almost like blood. The particles look like one-celled
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ZetaTalk: Space Dust, Alive?
organisms and are about 4 to 10 thousandths of a millimeter wide, somewhat larger than typical
bacteria. The particles seem to lack a nucleus, the core DNA-containing compartment that animal
and plant cells have, the researchers wrote. Chemical tests indicated they also lacked DNA, the
gene-carrying molecule that most types of cells contain. The outer envelope seems to contain an
inner capsule, which in some places appea
rs to be detached from the outer wall to form an empty
region inside the cell. Further, there appears to be a faintly visible mucus layer present on the outer
side of the cell. The major constituents of the red particles are carbon and oxygen. Carbon is the
key component of life on Earth. Silicon is most prominent among the minor constituents of the
particles; other elements found were iron, sodium, aluminum and chlorine. The red rain
phenomenon first started in Kerala after a meteor airburst event, which occurred on 25th July 2001.
Alive or dead, the particles have some staying power, if the paper is correct. Even after storage in
the original rainwater at room temperature without any preservative for about four years, no decay
or discolouration of the particles could be found.'
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ZetaTalk: Forming Entities
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ZetaTalk: Forming Entities
Note: written Nov 15, 1995
In the beginning, each forming entity is aware only of themselves. Self awareness is a constant state in all life of
whatever form, but at the start this is the only state. Forming entities are placed into 3rd Density incarnations,
repeatedly, to hasten the 3rd Density lesson - orientation determination. Whether incarnated or not, forming entities
first become aware of others based on the effect upon the self. Is the effect pleasant or unpleasant, dominating or
acquiescing, desired or resisted. Incarnated or not, social interchange has begun. Sense of the other is also born in this
context, not only in awareness of the partner in social interactions, but by observing others undergoing a similar
experience. Empathy is in essence the statement, "I was once there, and I understand." Within 3rd Density there is first self awareness, second reacting to the presence of others, and last the capacity for empathy.
In making the orientation determination the entity choosing Service-to-Self is not so much progressing towards this
determination as clinging back. They remain most comfortable with self awareness, and react to others in this context,