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ZetaTalk: Density Page 4
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essentially asking "What can you do for me?"
Interactions between entities change and become more complex during spiritual 4th Density, and many entities
completing their 3rd Density existence are already operating in this mode. Following the development of the capacity
for empathy comes the determination to intercede, to rescue, and as an adjunct to this determination the entity begins
cooperative efforts, the sum being greater than the parts. Complex social interchange presents forming entities with
situations requiring compromise if goals are to be met, and the need to subjugate personal desires so that another might
be rescued or the group as a whole might benefit. While the entity leaning toward the Service-to-Other orientation
moves steadily in this direction, the entity leaning toward Service-to-Self reacts to this greater social complexity with
more of the same old reaction, "What's in it for me." As entities surrounding the emerging Service-to-Self entity are learning compromise and conciliation, the technique for the self focused entity to gain more for the self is essentially
manipulation. Since groups of emerging Service-to-Other entities are forming, the emerging Service-to-Self entity
tunes its manipulation skills so as to manipulate groups, too.
The orientations, even within 3rd Density, set upon different paths, and polarization increases as they progress.
Arriving in 4th Density, the fledgling entity thus is already reacting and responding to others, pressing forward with
personal agendas and dealing with interpersonal conflicts. How does life in 4th Density differ from what the entity has
experienced in 3rd Density? For the Service-to-Self their spiritual existence is essentially frozen while their
intellectual existence progresses. For the Service-to-Self there is even less interplay and manipulation between entities
than took place in 3rd Density. A rigid hierarchy with rules for everything emerges so that the lessons can proceed.
For the Service-to-Other entity their spiritual wisdom continues to grow and augments rather than detracts from their
intellectual progress. Skills in team efforts, where the individual is not required to sacrifice but can learn and grow
while contributing are honed. Where the focus at the beginning of 3rd Density was self awareness, by the end of 4th
Density in the Service-to-Other orientation the focus has expanded to be on group awareness.
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ZetaTalk: Aborted Entities
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ZetaTalk: Aborted Entities
Note: written Dec 15, 1995
Does it happen that an incarnation in an intelligent species does not result in a forming entity? Most definitely, and
this happens frequently in the early stages. The spark is not lit, and after death dissipation occurs. Souls spark or do
not, and mostly do not in a virgin incarnation. The stuff of souls gathers in a conscious being, because it finds the
environment interesting. Some formation occurs, during the incarnation, but if the life has not been challenging then it has not massed, and is prone to dissipation upon the death of the human. This essential abortion is not due to any
action on the part of the birthing envoys, who are there to gather what emerges, but rather to lack of action having
taken place within the body. Thus, those aliens assisting will be gathering the solid souls, who do not dissipate, and taking them to new incarnations. Once formed, however, entities do not dissipate. Failure to form is due to a lazy or
indolent lifestyle, lack of native intelligence, or lack of stimulation. In this regard, the challenging, stressful life is a
benefit, rather than a drawback.
Challenge can be viewed as puzzled to be solved, or very emotional situations, or situations requiring much
determination. Thus, a child crippled, determined to continue his role in the group, will be working a challenge, a
puzzle, that requires mental work as well as emotional accompaniment. At times, a soul sparks in a virgin incarnation
when the human is old, is longing to help young mothers and their infants but barely able to do so because of infirmity.
At other times, as in the crippled child, the opportunity for sparking comes early, and strengthens throughout the life.
As we have stated, being born beautiful, and having a life without cares, is not the strongest motivator for spiritual growth! Incarnations into crippled or afflicted bodies indeed happens even during 4th Density, and is not avoided at
all, as such an incarnation is viewed not only to be an assist, on occasion, to the entity but an opportunity for those
about him.
Helping others to spark, or develop into Service-to-Other, is a challenge such that the Spirit Guides are busy. Those
humans wishing to assist others in their spiritual development are advised to not help everyone out with their
problems, let them devise a solution. Also, focus on the interesting part of the challenge, not always bemoaning what
has befallen. Focus on the overall well-being of the group or environment, the assist that the new one has made, to
instill pride and motivation. The stuff of souls congeals in conscious beings as it is interesting. It is more an issue of
attraction to an environment. The stuff of souls has this innate nature, to begin with. Souls have the mental capacity the human brain does, and more. It does not forget! And it thus can think and decide, indeed does so and argues at
times with the human incarnated.
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ZetaTalk: Spark
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ZetaTalk: Spark
Note: written Jun 15, 2002
Unsparked souls are fuzzy, aware of themselves as separate entities from other humans or animals, but basically dazed
and wandering about, gap mouthed. They are taking it all in, as the first passage, the first tour, the first time visiting a
place. Unless some matter occurs to spark a soul, such as empathy for another in distress and a choice to sacrifice
comfort of the self to assist the other, no sparking occurs. A lazy life, lived in a local indolent with simple tasks, or
taken out by early childhood illness, will not spark. There is a greater percentage of unsparked souls in those continents
or locales where life is a simple struggle, not industrialized, not in high communication with other cultures. Thus,
Third World countries have a higher percentage of unsparked souls. Thus, rural areas have a higher percentage of
unsparked souls that urban areas. Thus, the corridors of power almost invariably have older souls, as this is deemed a
high impact zone, given to high drama for choices.
As Earth is hominoid inhabited, the obvious choice of a Star Child background to assist developing souls on Earth
would be hominoid. However, the entire gamut of past life forms are found. The reason is that it is the determination
of the entity, the skill set, the past roles they have played well, the strong desire to make a difference, that determines
the choices of which volunteers to allow first incarnation opportunities. Star Children are found in all walks, but most
often where existing incarnations are undecided, or they can support the Transformation. Thus, they would be unlikely
to go into a primitive village, inhabited mostly by unsparked souls. Sparking is not caused by others, and thus their
entire incarnation as a Star Child would be wasted. But if in a combat zone, of sorts, combat of orientation decisions
and opportunities, their pr
esence would make a difference. Supporting humans, terran born souls, in significant of high
impact activities is regarded as a primary mission for Star Children. Thus, there are many in the corridors of power and
politics around the world, and in the fields were assisting starvation or suffering are the focus.
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ZetaTalk: Incarnations
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ZetaTalk: Incarnations
Note: written Dec 15, 1995
Incarnations occur naturally and is the way forming entities get their start. The stuff of souls is everywhere, disbursed
throughout the Universe, but so disbursed it does not make a soul. Does a single strand of DNA constitute life? Yes
and no. By itself it is a complex chemical, but when combined with other DNA in a living organism it is considered
life. The stuff of souls tends to gather in living things as the environment is more interesting than non-living
environments. It is not so much attracted to life as that it lingers, and thus begins to accumulate. Without conscious
intelligence it fails to establish a personality, a self, and after death of the life form disburses again. Incarnations on
3rd Density planets happen naturally at first, as having formed a self the forming entity migrates to a new body after
the death of the old. It can happen in unguided migrations that more than one forming entity wants to inhabit the same
body, but usually cohabitation is distressing to all parties, including the body, and results in only the strongest entity
After a certain point, when the lessons to be learned from the shear fact of life have been well learned by the newly
formed entities, guided incarnations become the norm. This is to help the forming entities maximize the wisdom to be
gained from their incarnations. Formed entities, operating in 4th Density or higher, surround the immature entity when
it has freed itself from a dead or dying body, and communicate. These conferences may be short, with a second
incarnation occurring almost instantly when the path is clear and incarnation opportunities available, or may drag out if
the lesson to be learned requires a special environment or incarnation opportunities are limited. In the meantime the
forming entity does not wander, as it is essentially herded together with others like itself, and finds this stimulating.
Since incarnations are natural, when the forming entity is guided to a new body it sets up housekeeping willingly. This
is a familiar experience. Burning issues which were present when the entity left its former home, a dead or dying
body, come to the fore, and the forming entity is off again on the great exploration that life provides. Being incarnated
is far more stimulating and fascinating than the alternative, being disincarnate, at this stage, and Out-Of-Body
experiences seldom occur unless trauma to the body is extreme. During early incarnations, the young soul is given the
best opportunity for growth by being given a virgin field each incarnation. Should they have made a mistake in a past
life, they are not burdened by guilt. Should they be angry about something visited upon them in a past life, they are not
burdened by anger. They can approach situations they mis-handled in past lives afresh, and make them go right this
In 3rd Density incarnations the lessons to be learned are to develop a concept of the self, a concept of the other, and to
form an attitude toward relationships with others. These lessons can proceed in bodies of all types, and do not require
such facilities as opposable thumbs. 3rd Density worlds where the intelligent species is dexterous and manipulation of
the environment is possible spend time exploring universal concepts, but their understanding of the Universe is, all
told, no more advanced than that gained by non-dexterous species who spend their time pondering the world around
them. At a certain point, after many thousands of incarnations, the young spirit has had its chances. It has revisited, or re-experienced, these situations repeately, and is starting to form patterns. The Birthing Guides help in this matter,
providing incarnation that challenge any sticking points the young soul has. However, souls have their leanings, and
inclinations, and paths they prefer to follow, just as humans become stuck in their ways. And when this has become
apparent, the Birthing Guides move into using these inclinations for the better good of all, rather than just repeating
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ZetaTalk: Being Conscious
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ZetaTalk: Being Conscious
Note: written Jun 15, 2002
A difficult concept for many humans is the concept of consciousness. They see the babe in the crib, aware seemingly
only of its stomach and need for milk, and compare it to the dog at their feet, seemingly aware and alert. Is the babe
conscious, and the dog not? The point at which consciousness is present is not crisp or clear. Is the human conscious because they have a certain IQ? Yet it is reported that retarded humans can have incarnating souls. Is the human
conscious because they discern themselves as separate from other humans? Yet so many humans are so fuzzy about
their identity that they join any group for a sense of belonging, and confuse their actions with the leaders. Is the human
conscious because they have a memory, can compute, can put A and B together and come up with C? Yet the Chimp
uses tools, and a wolf pack can figure where the prey may be running to next, and many animals have long memories
and are crafty. At what point does consciousness click in, or click out, if it does, and is it thus possible for a dog to
have a soul and a human not?
We have stated that an existing soul may chose to incarnate in an animal that does not have the potential of sparking a soul, for education reasons. Thus, the dog or snake or dolphin does not spark a soul, but can be incarnated on occasion.
To spark, the biological entity must have the capacity to envision itself as separate, and where many animals seem to
have this trait, they do not. A dog will understand that it is being yelled at by its master, or snarled at by the leader of
the pack, and by groveling and crawling away is indicating they seem to understand another has interacted with them, as a separate being. But this is instinctive activity, this is not a discernment of separate biological entities. The dog has evolved to react in such a manner, to challenge until certain signs are present, then to submit. Instinct is not
consciousness. Biologically programmed reactions are not consciousness.
Even as the babe is lying in its crib, asleep or crying for milk, seemingly unaware of its surroundings, it is aware. It understands that when it smiles at mother, and mother picks it up, that is has engaged in an interaction with another.
This is not the same as a birdling in a nest, putting its beak up for food when the mother bird alights. That is instinct.
On evolving worlds that do not have genetic engineering, the species that eventually emerges to have consciousness,
and thus sparking souls, gets there slowly. At first, there is instinct. Then there is increasing intelligence until the
concept of separateness begins to be a factor. Increased intelligence tends to be selected for survival, as the intelligent
species can better their odds. Thus, the more intelligent in the group breed to increase intelligence, and the trend
hastens yet more. Thus, where not visible
in man, his consciousness, awareness of himself as separate, a factor
absolutely necessary for sparking of souls, is there.
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ZetaTalk: Old Souls
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ZetaTalk: Old Souls
Note: written May 15, 1997
If the Earth is a home to forming entities, and the Council of Worlds is regulating visits between entities who have
graduated from such homes to travel about the Universe, then just how ancient are such entities sitting on the
Council? The length of time is not a relevant guide here, as progression in spiritual matters is less a matter of years but
a matter of growth. There are old souls in the Service-to-Self camps that have barely progressed past the point of most
immature souls on Earth! They are firmly Service-to-Self, and thus progressed to 4th Density, and there they sit. There
are relatively young souls who move rapidly through the densities, as by their nature they learn rapidly and do not
hesitate to apply their knowledge. And in between are the vast majority, who linger at points, revisit areas they have
passed through before to solidify lessons, and become blocked due to their natures now and then, moving beyond the
blocks only when they realize that this is preventing any forward progress.
In human society, you have this equivalent, but this is overshadowed by the natural handicaps that the very young must
struggle with. The tiny babe, helpless to feed or move or bath itself, is clearly unimpressive to humans, regardless of
the wisdom inherent in the incarnating spirit. The toddler, struggling to communicate in single word phrases, is treated
as a potential only. The youngster, eager to learn but often bungling in their attempts to create even the simplest
contraption, are held in esteem only by loving parents and relatives. The teenager, who may be accomplished and
speak great wisdom, is overlooked as they are assumed to be rebels and speaking only to assert themselves in their