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  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Building

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  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Building

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1995.

  Worlds that support life have water in abundance, and during the congealing period after a big bang hydrogen and

  oxygen in many states can be found freely floating around the intensely hot proto-planets. As planets congeal, the

  pressure results in heat, but after time this dissipates. Meanwhile, the surface boils. Condensation occurs, forming seas

  upon the surface, but as nature abhors a vacuum, freely floating molecules do not all settle. What causes an atmosphere

  to exist, and what factors affect the composition of an atmosphere. Even in the absence of heat that would cause

  molecules of whatever nature to vaporize, an atmosphere builds. The Earth's atmosphere continues to build today, but

  are the oceans boiling?

  Water vapor is in abundance in the Earth's atmosphere, yet arrived there not due to the action of intense heat but to fill

  a void. Place a vacuum against the surface of a pool of water and watch what happens - water vapor. The water pool

  will not completely disburse because its normal state at the condensation temperature is a liquid. But the constant

  motion of molecules means that the molecules at the surface have nothing to bump against in a vacuum, so like a car

  without brakes, off they go. At a certain point the air-borne molecules start bumping into each other and bumping

  against the surface of the water pool, and the situation stabilizes. So, does this mean that the atmosphere of a planet is

  constantly disbursing into space? Yes and no. Deep space is bitterly cold, and when moving away from the surface of

  a planet air- borne molecules slow down the bumping action. The situation stabilizes, again. However, some small loss

  is a constant factor, so that after billions of years some small quantity of the planet's substance has dissipated.

  Atmospheres, as any meteorologist knows, are composed of more than just free oxygen and water vapor - an

  atmosphere reflects in its composition the planet it wraps. Every metal and every molecule combination on the open

  surface of the planet can be found in the atmosphere. This is demonstrated by the sense of smell, which is in fact

  nothing more than contact of the nose with tiny particles floating in the air. In fact, as volcanic eruptions send

  substances from the core of the Earth airborne, the atmosphere usually reflects the planet in its entirety. However, just

  as the oceans differ from the land, so the atmosphere differs also, from both land and sea.

  Land is composed of elements or molecular combinations that are either not water soluble, tend to cling to other

  molecules to form a heavy settling substance, or are not exposed to enough water to leave its solid state. Under

  constant rain, soil erodes, but likewise clumps and clings to other soil particles and thus again settles out. Metals

  washed constantly with a liquid are found in that liquid, thus the concern for lead poisoning when drinking water

  stands in lead pipes. Many factors affect whether a substance is found on land, in the sea, or in the air. If it clumps and

  clings it will eventually be too heavy for anything but land or the sea floor. If it is a liquid at the temperatures normal

  for the Earth it will find its way into the water systems, there to be evenly disbursed if water soluble or if not soluble to

  form a separate layer in the water body such as oil on top or liquid mercury below.

  An atmosphere is composed of those elements which can remain free or clump only to form tiny molecules, so big and

  no larger. Water vapor is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, and the three elements form a tight

  band with little tendency to clump or cling unless other factors present. Similarly, any combination of elements that is

  discrete will remain airborne. These tiny elements or discrete groupings of elements can include heavy metals, as the

  winds that carry radioactivity across the land and sea after a nuclear explosion attest. Elements capable of being

  radioactive are some of the heaviest known to man, yet there they are, wafting aloft.

  The composition of atmospheres is dependent on wind action and air currents also. Some elements or groupings would

  move lower within the atmosphere due to their relative weight, and some rise, due to being light, were the atmospheric

  soup not constantly stirred. The Albatross, a giant bird of no small weight, soars almost endlessly on air currents above

  the waves, its wings not moving for hours at a time. Atmospheric currents are affected by the warmth or coolness of

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  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Building

  the land or sea mass underneath, the density of air masses nearby, the pressure of any air masses moving toward or

  away from the spot, and the temperature of the air mass itself as it is warmed by the Sun or cooled on the dark side of

  the Earth - constantly stirred.

  Thus, one should take care what they spew into the air - as it does not simply blow away.

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  ZetaTalk: Sonic Booms

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  ZetaTalk: Sonic Booms

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1997.

  Sonic booms occur, as you know, when air masses are split and then clap together. This occurs during thunderstorms

  also, after lightning superheats the air so that a semi-vacuum occurs. The air turbulence around a plane about to create

  a sonic boom is a combination of air pressure in front of the nose or wing, air pressure to the sides of the nose or

  above or below the wing, and a subsequent lack or pressure behind the wing or tail of the plane. Please note this

  uneven pressure, as it is the very same mechanism that causes thunder clapping. During thunder, lightning superheats

  the air it travels through, causing expansion in the path traveled by the lighting. After the electricity stops flowing, the

  state of the air is that superheated air has pushed away from the lightning path, creating a high pressure area at the

  sides, and where the lightning passed there is now low pressure. The sides both move toward the low pressure,

  resulting in two blocks of air bumping into each other and ricocheting away to eventually hit windows or ear drums and

  result in comment about the thunder clap.

  When airplanes “break the sound barrier” they are simply moving fast enough to create turbulence of a sufficient

  degree that the air pressure closing in on relatively low air pressure places claps together, creating a reverberation that

  moves toward human ears. Same principle as thunder, different reason for the air turbulence. Such a mass is one or

  more of these high pressure masses moving outward from the fast moving plane or ricocheting off the earth and

  returning to meet another high pressure air mass or flowing, as air masses will, to the place of least resistance, inward

  toward the low pressure areas behind the plane’s wind and tail. Why do you suppose the term is “breaking” the sound

  barrier, and not “reaching” the sound barrier if the sonic booms continue at all speeds?

  Humans have reasoned that the lack of continuous booming is due to the plane accelerating and climbing, so that

  booms occur at low altitudes and the lack of booms at high altitudes is due to the air turbulence dispersing or perhaps

  the air being thinner. Rapidly traveling planes slice the air, reducing the disturbance they cause, where the plane

ing the sonic boom point is pushing the air ahead of it, creating turbulence behind the plane and uneven

  pressure around it. Planes going greater than supersonic speed no long cause a continuing sonic boom, as you also well

  know. They zoom along, none the wiser on the ground unless they look up. This lack of clapping is due to slicing,

  rather than pushing, the air masses apart. Cutting with a sharp knife versus cutting with the edge of a fork. With a

  razor sharp knife, the mass being cut does not move, but with a dull fork, the mass being cut drags back and forth,

  dragging all attached back and forth with it.

  Entertain for a moment the sounds caused by drums, large and small. The booming of the base drum is cause by the

  broad area vibrating, creating vibrations that cause relatively large masses of air to move at once, where the tiny drum

  can barely be heard as it is moving a small air mass and the vibration is relatively rapid. If the vibration gets rapid

  enough, the ear does not hear it at all, as the ear drum cannot vibrate in sync. Likewise very low frequency sounds are

  not heard by humans, as the nerves to the ear are not attuned to the gaps in vibration. High or low frequency, thus, is

  tuned out as noise of one kind or another, and is not considered sound. So what happens when the plane increases

  speed past what humans erroneously call the sound “barrier”?

  The turbulence is still there, but the adjustment to equalize the air pressure is faster, in step with the speed of the

  plane. Where turbulence is still created, it does not travel far from the plane, as the plane is not in the vicinity

  long enough to push it there.

  The air is sliced apart, and before high pressure waves can travel outward, the plane is gone. Thus the air, briefly

  separated, moves in the direction of least resistance, back toward the low pressure area behind the plane.

  There is no wave of high pressure air traveling toward the ground, just mild turbulence behind the plane. Thus,

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  ZetaTalk: Sonic Booms

  as we stated, our rapidly moving ships slice and mildly disturb the air, but do not create sonic booms.

  Our ships are beyond the speed of your supersonic planes, from the moment they determine to move. Its as simple as

  that, we skip the sonic boom period.

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  ZetaTalk: Rotation

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  ZetaTalk: Rotation

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Rotation of a planet is dependent on many factors, only one of which is the initial motion attained coming out of a big

  bang. Take the instance of your Earth, during the passage of her brother, the 12th Planet. Rotation slows and then

  stops, for days, and then after passage resumes to the same pace as before. This is because of the other factors involved in rotation, which remain in place in your Solar System and have their grip on the Earth.

  Rotation is due to a mobility difference between the core of a planet and the surface, and for lack of a better analogy

  we relate this to a dog chasing its tail. The core of the Earth is liquid, and mobile, and has a mind of its own. As the

  Earth moves in its orbit around the Sun, the relationship of the core of the Earth to surrounding influences changes. A

  child standing on a merry-go-round and wishing to face his mother must himself turn a complete circle in order to do

  this. In like manner, the heavy Core of the Earth moves to face or escape magnetically related forces in the Universe about your Solar System, dragging the surface with it. The core is not homogeneous everywhere and thus parts of it are

  strongly attracted or repulsed to this part or that of the Universe about it, so motion in the core is constant. No sooner

  does a part of the core move to the far side of its liquid tomb, then it finds itself presented with its old problem again,

  and sets into motion once again.

  Now as the Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun, and rotation happens once a day, it would seem at first glance that

  the merry-go-round analogy is incorrect. How could rotation started because of the Earth's orbit, a yearly affair, turn

  into a daily rotation? Motion is not a controlled matter, as anyone riding a bike without brakes is painfully aware. In

  the liquid core of the Earth, there is little to stop motion, once started, save the desire of parts of the core to approach

  or escape magnetic influences in the Universe. Rotation starts because of these external influences, and thus is always

  in the same direction. The rate of rotation is due to the liquidity of the core, as the brakes are never applied. Thus, the parts of the core that are moving away from an influence soon find that they have created their problem again, as the

  motion of the Earth has placed these parts back where they did not want to be! Round and round, like a dog chasing its


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  ZetaTalk: Tides

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  ZetaTalk: Tides

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1995.

  Humans have correctly ascribed the tides to the Moon's presence, but there they boggle. Is the water following the

  Moon? Simply stated, yes. However, the process is not as simple as all that. The water follows the Moon, but when the

  Moon goes off round the bend and its influence is obstructed by the body of the Earth itself, what then? Water seeks

  its own level, and having heaped up on one side of a body of water, it sloshes back, momentum carrying it to an

  extreme in the other direction. This momentum is in proportion to the speed of its original chase, mirroring this. Thus,

  as fast as the water chased the Moon, it recedes. As the pull of the Moon was greatest while directly overhead, the high

  tide chasing the Moon reflects the time only over half the body of water, an ocean, usually a 6 hour period. Thus, it

  rushes back in an equal time span, another 6 hour or so period. Thus sloshing, the water finds itself receding again for

  a third 6 hour or so period as the Moon hooves into influence again, but in keeping with its motion and speed, swings

  back toward where the Moon reappeared and again chases the Moon to the horizon for the last 6 hour or so period.

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  ZetaTalk: Auroras

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  ZetaTalk: Auroras

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  One of the world's wonders is what is called the Van Allen belt, the Northern or Southern Lights, or Auroras as they

  are variously called, a glorious panoply of colors across the northern or southern skies which play for hours at a time,

  entertaining those who live in cold climates with one of the few delights that nature brings to their bleak, dark world.

  What causes this natural wonder? There is in fact a great deal of speculation, and no proof, as one can scarcely put the

  northern skies into a bottle for examination. The answer is simple, and not even among the candidates. The Auroras

  are caused by refraction, a refraction not thought possible as no light seems to enter on the dark side of the Earth. Little

  understood by humans is the degree to which energy particles are affected by gravitational pulls. They look out into the

  sky, into the stars, and see a slight variance in light rays that come over the vastness of space, and assume
a straight

  path, or nearly straight. What they are in fact seeing is the light rays that have not been deflected. Others have been

  captured, and pulled away from their path toward the Earth.

  Our statement will elicit argument from astronomers, who will say that if this were the case, then the Earth would be

  receiving light rays deflected from their path, and a confusing picture of the Universe would be presented, not the

  steady consistency that they observe. They are of course assuming a constancy in the substance of light, which can be

  altered as a substance just as any other. Do not the heavier particles that man is familiar with change radically their

  behavior with the addition or subtraction of a subatomic particle at the core, or in the electrons circling the core? Man

  assumes that light rays are constant only because they have not yet been able to dissect them. Light rays deflected are

  in the process of being altered. And what has caused these light rays to be deflected at this point, to become Northern

  or Southern Lights, and why no other point on the globe? In fact, they are being deflected elsewhere around the globe,

  but are not visible because of the greater traffic in bright light. The Northern or Southern Lights, happening at the

  equator, are lost in the glare.

  Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The Auroras, as we have stated, are not magnetic at all but light rays bent by gravity. This has been much ridiculed as

  it does not fit into the current human way of thinking. Light bends when going through water, bends in a prism, but

  somehow the idea of light bending in other circumstances is ridiculous. The fact that mankind is even aware of a light

  spectrum is because light bends. The rainbow, the prism, and suddenly there is a light spectrum. Red light bends

  toward gravity pulls, as can be seen by the just rising or just setting sun, which broaden and enlarge. Light that is heading out into space, missing Earth altogether, is bend back down toward the earth to arrive at the eye of the

  beholder. It arrives not where it would have if moving straight, but is bend back so is coming in from the sides, thus the fat sun. This also explains the red sunset and sunrise, as red light waves bend more than others.