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its gravitational pull on the Earth is scarcely noticed by the Earth. A gnat or mite. A nothing. Where the repulsion force
has not been invoked within the Earth by any objects placed on the surface of the Earth, this is in play between the
Earth and her Moon. The repulsion force is invoked between objects on the surface of the Earth, incessantly, but this is
masked by the intense force of gravity the Earth presents and other factors such as surface tension or friction or
chemical bonding so that the repulsion force cannot be recognized.
The gravitational force exists first. It is the static condition. The repulsion phenomena only manifests when, as we said,
the objects are of equal size, are free to move, and dominate the immediate environment. Where the repulsion force
comes to equal the force of gravity by the time the objects in play would make contact, it builds at a rate that differs
from gravity. Humans have calculated the force of gravity, which at first they assumed was equal for all objects but
lately have come to understand is stronger for larger objects. They have formulas for the force of gravity which have
proved accurate on the face of their home planet. These formulas are incomplete, and would not work as expected
elsewhere, however. The repulsion force is infinitesimally smaller than the force of gravity, but has a sharper curve so
that it equals the force of gravity at the point of contact. For experimental purposes, one would have to be almost at the
point of contact for it to come into play at all, and this in an environment where other factors are eliminated or
negated. To examine the phenomena, Earth scientists would have to set up a lab in space, far enough away from any
planetary body so that free movement is possible. Place two balls in a cage. Put one in motion toward another.
Microscopically examine the interchange. They do not touch. They do not bounce off one another. They do not touch.
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ZetaTalk: Repulsion Force
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ZetaTalk: Suns
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ZetaTalk: Suns
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
The Sun lit, from dark and quiet matter, into the steady burn that has been going on for millennia, because of a series
of events. This series of events has taken place elsewhere, and often. It is the standard solar system panoply, in fact.
The steps are as follows. First, matter and energy are homogenized by a big bang process, which is only setting the
clock back to zero or wiping the slate clean, so to speak. The process, for this portion of the Universe, is reset. Coming
out of this big bang situation matter and energy begin to congeal, into all the many sub-atomic particles that form not
only what humans understand to be matter and energy, but many more such particles, including the particles that make
up the soul. During this congealing period there is little interaction. It is as though there is not enough of anything to
get into a contest. Small fry don't squabble.
Gradually the congealing process produces planets that orbit each other. This happens as matter has a natural attraction
and repulsion for and against other matter, and as the congealing process takes place attractions start movement but
repulsion causes a circular dance. Imagine a dance where all the potential partners are undecided. They approach and
then circle. Everything gets into motion.
At this point all is dark, the form and the void that the Bible refers to. So what starts the light? Continued congealing,
which in time produces pressure that starts yet another process. This process converts matter into energy, which is what
is occurring within the Sun. Humans make assumptions about the composition of suns, assuming light elements such
as helium, and about the burning process, assuming fusion with radioactive byproducts. They are incorrect on both
counts. A mass as large as a sun does not light, due to compression, unless key elements in the heavy element
spectrum are present to a sufficient degree. There are dead suns, smoldering suns, and lit suns, and the dye is cast in
this matter when the suns are first formed. Humans assume the burning process to be radioactive because their only
experience with intense production of heat and light also produces intense radioactivity. Should this be the case, would
not life on Earth be suffering from radiation poisoning?
Such volumes of energy emerge from such tiny amounts of what humans term matter, that the seemingly violent
brilliance of the Sun comes from very little mass. Of course, the Sun is diminished as this goes on, but by such a tiny
amount. In the scheme of things, not to matter at all. Over time, the pressure within the Sun takes two simultaneous
courses. One, the mass of the Sun shrinks to where the burning or conversion action slows down. The pressure has
diminished, due to the reduced mass. As the Sun cools, its matter shrinks and compresses, a natural process known to
humans. Cold things are more dense than hot things. This eventually sets off the second reaction of a dying star, the
super nova or explosion. The Sun lights again, for one last time, this time in a violent and uncontrolled burn that sends
its remaining particles off every which way.
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ZetaTalk: Solar Atmosphere
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ZetaTalk: Solar Atmosphere
Note: written during the Mar 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC session.
Mankind is used to thinking of the Sun as a gaseous object, which swirls on the surface as roiling boils to the surface,
and leaping flares are these boils explode beyond the surface on occasion. The surface changes color during this
activity, but as this seems to follow routines, mankind assumes he understand the internal process. He does not. The
Sun has an atmosphere, not visible to man, but nonetheless there, and why would it not? An atmosphere is simply a
heavier incidence of particles, atomic complexes, or whatever hanging about! The Earth, when seen from space, has an
atmosphere that looks similar to man from that he views from Earth. The Sun's atmosphere is not visible to man, so he
assume none exists. With increasing ability to image the Sun, increasing number of SOHO images released in support
of the disinfo campaign to get the public thinking that the current Earth changes are due to solar activity, incidences of
atmospheric disturbances are noted by the public. This is not alarming, but normal for the Sun.
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ZetaTalk: Binary Suns
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ZetaTalk: Binary Suns
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995.
Most suns or bodies large enough to potentially have become suns are in motion, themselves orbiting around others of
like size. This is not by accident, but is a factor of their size in proportion to the other clumps of matter that form
coming out of a big bang. Suns are monstrous in proportion to their planets, and the planets are monstrous in
proportion to their moons, and all are monstrous in proportion to the dust and meteor fragments haplessly caught in the
web of all the larger bodies. Just as the planets in a solar system orbit their sun because it is the largest voice around
them, ju
st so suns themselves hear the voices of the other suns around them. If suns are not peers a different dance
ensues, but if peers neither sun dominates the other and they remain at a distance from each other depending on the
balance point between their gravity attraction to each other and the force of repulsion that develops as they move
toward each other. If they are in motion as this balance is achieved they will remain in motion, if all other factors are
also a settled issue at that time - binary suns.
If suns are not of an equal size they are not likely to become binaries, especially if there are other suns in the vicinity
vying to be dominant. The smaller sun may dither, perpetually, first approaching one larger brother and when turned
away by the repulsion force approaching the other brother and likewise being turned away. This scenario can entail
any number of large and small suns. Do not these suns of unequal size begin to orbit each other? Indeed they do, when
the size is greatly disproportional, but most suns are not that disproportional. Therefore, either a dither or more often a dance between peers develops. The dance that binaries do can be rapid and complex, if other suns are nearby and
influence the dance, or the dance can be a dead stand still, as is the case between your Sun and its dead twin.
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ZetaTalk: Solar Flares
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ZetaTalk: Solar Flares
Note: written on Jul 15, 1996.
What is termed sunspots have long been recognized to have an effect on life on Earth - static on the radio, disrupted
satellite transmissions, and some weather anomalies caused by what we would call tornado activity in the upper
atmosphere due to rapid heating of the air there - but few of their effects are known. Solar flares occur when the core
of the Sun reacts to factors it is sensitive to, just as the core of the Earth is increasing its activity in response to the
approach of the 12th Planet. The influences that affect the Sun are not related to gravity or even to the Sun's magnetic
field, which spreads far outside the Solar System, but to energy fields that man has yet to discover.
Gaseous planets and Suns, lit or unlit, do not have homogeneous cores any more than bodies with liquid cores such as
the Earth. Humans tend to think of air or gaseous clouds or liquid pools as being homogeneous, but in truth heavier
particles settle down, lighter particle rise, and other particles disperse slowly from their point of entry into the soup.
The process by which the Sun releases light and heat also releases other energy, unrecognized by man. This process is
not homogeneous, and thus buildup and release occur, just as weather disturbances occur in the atmosphere due to
irregular heating and cooling. Any lack of consistency in a body's core has the potential of causing core rotation, as the
components try to escape or approach that which they are repulsed by or attracted to in the neighborhood. Thus, the
Sun's core swirls, and when lighter elements rush toward the surface their motion is not impeded by the gaseous
surface and overshooting occurs - a solar flare.
The effect on Earth is in the realm of energy disruption, a surge of the various energy arenas that humans are aware of
and others they are unaware of. Solar flares affect the activity of fish and kelp in the sea, in that water bends and
deflects some energy rays and thus concentrates them. Just as humans find themselves more restless during a full
moon, life in the sea is a bit more restless during solar flares - energized. Solar flares do not affect the core of the
Earth, nor are they causing increased earthquake activity. This explanation by the establishment for increased activity
in the Earth's core is to avoid mentioning the approach of the 12th Planet, and is easily rebutted. Have sunspots
resulted in earthquakes in the past?
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ZetaTalk: X-Rays
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ZetaTalk: X-Rays
Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates.
The particle flow that manifests as X-Rays are used by man to examine the human body as well as numerous
applications in industry. They move slowly, and are easily stopped, and thus lodge in bone rather than pass through,
painting a picture of bone by this absence. X-Rays are observed by man occurring in bursts in the Universe, bursting
from suns and from the Sun in their solar system in, at times, distinctive patterns. What is causing this natural
outburst? Humans find they can excite X-Rays by the same process they excite electrons, and at times find them in
association with lightning. Heat and light particles are also so excited, as well as magnetic particles, but these particles
can be found in nature without the presence of electron flows too. There is cold light, and heat without light, magnets
without an electric charge, and electricity without magnetism or heat or light. They are independent particles, though
they may be affected by the same processes.
If X-Rays can be stopped readily by bone yet pass through soft tissue, then their bond with atoms is readily available,
and common. This is not the case with the particles that compose what man understands to be electrons, which leave
readily and go on the move, such that children can excite them by scuffing their feet across a rug. Where heat particles
can be excited by mechanical means, rubbing, light seems to man to require a chemical change such as occurs in
fireflies or fire. That all these particles are excited by the same process that gets electrons on the move should not be
surprising, as electron particle flows are an onslaught.
Electron flows affect the chemistry of the material electrons flow through, at least temporarily, by changing the
electron sharing that is a component of atom bonding. Thus light particles are produced in association with
Electron flows affect the density of the material electrons flow through by this means also, at least temporarily,
so that atoms can approach each other more closely. This crowding of the affected material forces heat particles
to move until they find a less crowded home.
Magnetic particles flow through atoms, happily flowing in and out of a single atom unless forced to move from
atom to atom by an irregular electron shell around the atom that funnels them. Thus iron ore in nature may or
may not be a magnet, depending on the fluidity of the iron atoms. Electron flows create this irregularity, at least
temporarily, thus the phenomenon of electro-magnetism.
So can man assume, as some have, that the Sun reverses its magnetic field periodically, because during solar cycles the
X-Rays emitted by the Sun are emerging from a different spot on the surface? As X-Rays are so readily stopped that
pictures of bone and even the placement of soft tissue can be made, why would they not be stopped by the placement
of matter within the swirling core of the Sun? X-Rays are generated homogeneously within the Sun, as is heat and
light, but the particle flow is affected during its passage outward by the matter it encounters. Is this not the case with light, which can be readily bent during its passage through water or blocked entirely by walls? Is this not the case with
heat, which likewise can be blocked or absorbed by material, or transmitted and passed along? This is certainly the
case with X-Rays, which annou
nced themselves to mankind by their very ability to be readily stopped by almost any
material put in their way!
Magnetism particles are not so readily stopped, however, and thus the phenomena of magnetic fields surrounding
planets and their suns, reaching far beyond this to encompass the solar system and more. Man finds he can create
confusion in a magnetic field, at least temporarily, by deflecting the flow of magnetic particles with other magnetic
particles. Take the confusion away and the magnetic field has re-established itself. Magnetic particles are on the move,
constantly, where other particles are not so fluid or mobile. Thus, the Sun’s magnetic field is independent of any other
particle flow, and persists in a constant state regardless of how other particles may be blocked or directed within the
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ZetaTalk: X-Rays
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ZetaTalk: Star Birth
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ZetaTalk: Star Birth
Note: written on Dec 15, 1995.
The world was treated, recently, to a view from the orbiting Hubble telescope - a twinkling, swirling cloud mass. The
death of stars is an event mankind has long been aware of, as super novas appear where dull stars formerly stood, and
then wink out altogether. As mankind's telescopes increase in power, more and more stars are discovered, but the birth
of a star has yet to be recorded. The process by which a star is born is not one mankind will view from their present
vantage point. The Eagle Nebula, while an impressive light display, is nothing more than sputtering, and no lasting star
will emerge. The birth of stars occurs after a big bang, where massing suns either light or fail to light, and there the
matter stands until the next compression and subsequent big bang in that part of the Universe.
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